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WENCHLY CHAT 4/28/2000

Since both the Sub-Basement and the X-Files Forum are PG-13, this couldn't be posted there.  So, I promised all who couldn't make it or missed out on the best parts of the chat that I would post it on the Sanctum, in toto.  However, it's not complete;  I edited out any personal info we shared as this page is open to the public.  I also cut out stuff that didn't pertain to the SPG or were in-jokes that only 2-3 people understood.  I hope that what's left makes some sense and is somewhat entertaining....
SamanthaJ3>  Hey Ellie
amokeh> Hello!
SamanthaJ3> Hey Amokeh
SAC Elisheva> The man's most devoted wenches are here!
SamanthaJ3> That's right.
amokeh> That's right!
SAC Elisheva> Hey, Sam & Amokeh
SamanthaJ3> LOL
SamanthaJ3> Yes?
SAC Elisheva> How's it going?
SamanthaJ3> I am fine, just hoping I can type fast enough tonight.
amokeh> Splendidly! It's Friday, I don't work tomorrow, and we're gonna talk about Mitch all night long!!!
SamanthaJ3> Amokeh, I went over to your website.
amokeh> And...?
SamanthaJ3> And I really liked it.
amokeh> Cool.
SAC Elisheva> Yes...Mitch...yummmmmmm and trust me, Sam and I are already is a silly mood.
SamanthaJ3> It's one of my bookmarked sites now.
amokeh> Wow! I feel so honored! <blush>
SAC Elisheva> I still have to get there! Wahhhh!
SamanthaJ3> I was playing around with MP photos on my photo software...too much fun.
amokeh> I just added a bunch of pics to the Mitchly Mecca, and will probably add more next week.
SamanthaJ3> Ellie, you must get over there.
SamanthaJ3> Yes???? Oh, I can't wait.
SAC Elisheva> I will, later today.
SamanthaJ3> Amokeh, you must let us know when you get them added.
amokeh> But right now I'm working on another sequel to Jvan's Skinner/Mulder story.
amokeh> I will.
SAC Elisheva> Amokeh, where do you find them all?
amokeh> I'd like to take this opportunity, before I answer that question, to correct something. It's a minor point, but it means something to me.
SAC Elisheva> This is going to be the craziest chat, I can see it already.
SamanthaJ3> Yes???
SAC Elisheva> The screen is going to scroll faster than I can read.
amokeh> My name is NOT capitalized, in honor of e.e.cummings, my favorite poet.
SamanthaJ3> gotcha, amokeh
SAC Elisheva> Point taken.
SamanthaJ3> :)
amokeh> Thanks! He was a god, you know. Not a surly pectoral god, but a god nonetheless.
amokeh> <sigh>
amokeh> Gorgeous poetry. Have you read any of his work?
SAC Elisheva> Was that sigh for SPG or e.e. cummings?
SamanthaJ3> Well, they can't all be SPGs
SAC Elisheva> LOL
SamanthaJ3> Yes, I have read some of his work.
SamanthaJ3> Hey Stubru
STUBRU> good evening
amokeh> He is THE best. The sigh was for both. I have no idea what cummings looked like, but who cares, with poetry like that!
SAC Elisheva> Hey Stubru!
amokeh> Hello, Stubru!
STUBRU> interupting some skinner gossip?
SamanthaJ3> of course, what else would we be talking about??
SAC Elisheva> amokeh, maybe you could recite some poetry to begin our meeting.
<amokeh> - signed off -
STUBRU> the man????
SAC Elisheva> Yes, heavy sigh of appreciation!
SAC Elisheva> Where did amokeh go?
STUBRU> krycek, mulder ,oh no that would be jadzia
SamanthaJ3> We lost her for a minute
SamanthaJ3> I am hoping she will return.
SamanthaJ3> Krycek is NOT the man.
SamanthaJ3> Although, he does kinda grow on you after a while.
SAC Elisheva> The ONLY man I sigh for is Skinner. I'm a devoted loyalist.
STUBRU> thought so
SamanthaJ3> Yes, babe, I know.
SAC Elisheva> Stubru, how can you be so brave to be here with all the estrogen that's gonna be running around.
STUBRU> so sam who's the number 2 on your list
SAC Elisheva> Sam, you have a number 2?
SamanthaJ3> Number 2 after Skinner?
SAC Elisheva> I'm shocked!!
SamanthaJ3> Well, it would be a distant number 2, of course.
STUBRU> a lot of practise and just even more stupidity i guess
** AMOKEH just joined "The Sub-Basement" (4 members now) **
amokeh> My chat window froze up! Dammit!
SamanthaJ3> WB, amokeh
SAC Elisheva> Welcome back!
STUBRU> nice to meet you
SamanthaJ3> kick the stupid chat window, if it does it again
amokeh> Thanks! I was trying to answer Ellie's question, and my computer just stopped responding. I had to leave and come back to it.
amokeh> Nice to meet you Stu.
SamanthaJ3> amokeh, did you bring any of that poetry back with you???
amokeh> It's within reach, why?
SamanthaJ3> now would be a good time for something
SamanthaJ3> Or perhaps a good song to honor the SPG.
STUBRU> i can't type anymore, but then again it is about 3am here
SAC Elisheva> amokeh, bring on the poetry!
SAC Elisheva> Well talk around it.
amokeh> Okay - here's the one I was looking for.
amokeh> somewhere i have never traveled,gladly beyond
amokeh> any experience,your eyes have their silence:
amokeh> in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
amokeh> or which i cannot touch because they are too near
SAC Elisheva> I would never gossip SERIOUSLY about my best friend!
amokeh> your slightest look easily will unclose me
amokeh> though i have closed myself as fingers,
** TA2BETTY just joined "The Sub-Basement" (6 members now) **
STUBRU> thats what all gossipers say
SamanthaJ3> to the lower left side
amokeh> you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
amokeh> (touching skilfully,mysteriously)her first rose
amokeh> or if your wish be to close me,i and
SamanthaJ3> hello TA2Betty
SAC Elisheva> Hey, Ta2betty!
amokeh> my life will shut very beautifully,suddenly,
amokeh> as when the heart of this flower imagines
amokeh> the snow carefully everywhere descending;
amokeh> nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
amokeh> the power of your intense fragility:whose texture
SAC Elisheva> amokeh is reading poety to us to get us 'in the mood'!
amokeh> compels me with the colour of its countries,
amokeh> rendering death and forever with each breathing
amokeh> (i do not know what it is about you that closes
Ta2Betty> Hello, hello everyone. I just walked through the door from work. I left early so I could join my sister Wenches.
amokeh> and open;only something in me understands
amokeh> the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
SamanthaJ3> TA - you are a true wench.
amokeh> nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands
SAC Elisheva> Go on amokeh, I'm loving this!
Ta2Betty> So help me catch up. What are we discussing (as if I didn't know)
SamanthaJ3> I know I never read any of his stuff that sounded like that. I may have to read more.
** PETRA1013 just joined "The Sub-Basement" (6 members now) **
SAC Elisheva> amokeh is reading poety to set the mood.
SamanthaJ3> TA - you haven't missed much yet.
< PETRA1013> - signed off -
SamanthaJ3> Hello, Petra
SAC Elisheva> PETRA DEAR!! Kiss, kiss!
SamanthaJ3> We lost Petra.
SamanthaJ3> Sigh.
SAC Elisheva> Hey, where'd she go?
SamanthaJ3> Stupid Delphi clones.
amokeh> Hi Petra! Hi Ta2Betty!!!
amokeh> Wait, where's Petra?
Ta2Betty> Hi Petra1013 (TA gives you kisses on both cheeks)
STUBRU> i spotte dher running to the giftshop
SamanthaJ3> Probably the same thing that happened to you, amokeh
SAC Elisheva> amokeh, thanks for the LOVELY poem!
SamanthaJ3> amokeh, that was cool, yes
Ta2Betty> Hi amokeh (kisses to you too)
** CRSMILE just joined "The Sub-Basement" (6 members now) **
amokeh> You're welcome. Of course, I missed everything you guys were talking about while I was typing like a fiend!
SAC Elisheva> Gift Shop! What on earth is she gonna inflatable raft to lie on as she chats?
SamanthaJ3> Hello, CR
amokeh> Hi CR!!!
Ta2Betty> Hi Cr!!
amokeh> Got the hubby to let you have the PC, huh?
CRSMILE> Hi all, can't believe I got on
SAC Elisheva> It's CR! Kiss, kiss!
SamanthaJ3> Ellie - the gift shop is all out of the inflatable raftsFoxPhile chewed through the last one.
** PETRA1013 just joined "The Sub-Basement" (7 members now) **
SamanthaJ3> hello, Petra
SAC Elisheva> There she is!
amokeh> Man, I'm glad I bought my raft yesterday.
CRSMILE> Actually Hubby will kick me out in 10 minutes or so
SAC Elisheva> We thought you went to the gift shop to buy an inflatible raft!
amokeh> If he does, make him say 10 Hail Skinners.
SamanthaJ3> Only 10?
SAC Elisheva> Yes, punish the man CR!
CRSMILE> He will, I actually tried to log on our old computer but delphi kicked me out
SAC Elisheva> He must develop an appreciation for SPG!
SAC Elisheva> who's got some chocolate out there? .
SamanthaJ3> I have some chocolate.
CRSMILE> Have brownies here, want some?
SAC Elisheva> SEnd it my way babe. I still need a chocolate fix from yesterday.
amokeh> Ellie - I've got some Ferrero Rocher candies...
CRSMILE> How about a little champagne to go with it.
Ta2Betty> So who here wants some red wine?
STUBRU> you girls call that stuff chocolate?
SAC Elisheva> Don't do alcohol...chocolate is good though.
SamanthaJ3> Ellie, babe, here - all you can eat chocolates.
SAC Elisheva> Some one hand me a tonic water.
CRSMILE> Goes with someone's eyes doesn't it, Ellie
SAC Elisheva> I thank you but my thighs don't
** FR4 just joined "The Sub-Basement" (9 members now) **
SAC Elisheva> Yes, nice catch there CR.
SamanthaJ3> Hello FR
amokeh> Hi FR!!!!
CRSMILE> YAHOO....Hi FR!!! Buddy!
SAC Elisheva> Hi FR.
Ta2Betty> Here, Ellie here's your water.
FR4> Hey! Glad to be back
SAC Elisheva> Oh, thanks Ta2Betty.
Ta2Betty> HI FR!
CRSMILE> How was KC, FR?
** CJB331 just joined "The Sub-Basement" (10 members now) **
FR4> This is so weird. Talking real time. KC was uh, what can I say about KC
SamanthaJ3> The Delphi Priestess!!
SAC Elisheva> Oh MY GOSH, it DP
amokeh> Hello CJB!
SAC Elisheva> All hail D.P.!
FR4> So "smiley" I see you're actually here! Good for you!
SAC Elisheva> Imagine salute from Spaceballs.
Delphi Priestess> Hey, everybody. Sorry I'm late. It's Amokeh's and my husband's fault!
CRSMILE> Boy this is great! HI DP!
Ta2Betty> All hail our mighty leader, DP.
Delphi Priestess> Hey!
amokeh> My fault?!? How is it my fault, pray tell?
SamanthaJ3> amokeh, what did you do to DP?
SAC Elisheva> Yes, what did you do!
amokeh> Absolutely nuthin'!
STUBRU> or her husband
CRSMILE> sure sure
FR4> I must confess. I told Smiley that I was in the dark in my hotel room, drinking a glass of wine thinkin of The Man...
SAC Elisheva> Actually, I think we should blame it on STubru.
Delphi Priestess> You put up that link to the ebay pic of skinner. The one that shows he dresses to the right!
STUBRU> sure blame it on the dark figure
CRSMILE> Smiley...huh? all smiles....
amokeh> Ahhhh...I understand now.
Ta2Betty> What picture,DP? I wanna see it too.
CRSMILE> amokeh, did you put that pic on...wahoo!
SAC Elisheva> It's all part of being a wench FR!
Delphi Priestess> Ask Amokeh for the link
SamanthaJ3> FR - it's okay, just think Skinner and everything else falls into place.
FR4> Yeah. KC was tolerable when I dreamed of HIM.
CRSMILE> FR, you've got some catching up to do on the forum
FR4> Sure do.
SAC Elisheva> She'll never be able to catch up!
SamanthaJ3> Okay, people - Skinner thoughts. MP thoughts.
amokeh> Luscious, tight buns.
CRSMILE> I've got about 5 min. to go then oink oink gets on
Ta2Betty> I want to jump him, hard.
CRSMILE> I didn't say that, did I?
FR4> How is the Swine Smiley?
SAC Elisheva> My husband is standing over my shoulder...keep it tame for a few minutes until I can lose him!
SamanthaJ3> LOL
amokeh> I hear you, Ta2.
SAC Elisheva> He's NOT leaving!
Delphi Priestess> I know where that is. Mine was here a minute ago
CRSMILE> FR...he's fine, oink, snort, oink.
Ta2Betty> Seriously, he's there, Ellie?
SamanthaJ3> Ellie, I thought David was like WORKING all weekend???
amokeh> Tell him to leave! We won't say another word until he goes!
SAC Elisheva> Yes, he was, but he laughed at me and left just a sec ago.
SAC Elisheva> He knows I'm strange.
amokeh> Okay, back to WS/MP thoughts.
SAC Elisheva> He just got back from cycling and then he's off.
Ta2Betty> Too much cyber estrogene for him Ellie.
Delphi Priestess> OOOOH, Yummy. Dresses to the right !
amokeh> Actually, rather than jumping him, I'd like to slowly lick my way up his body and then back down again....
SAC Elisheva> Dresses to the Right!
FR4> Wait! What? Dresses? What?
SamanthaJ3> amokeh - now you are talking
SAC Elisheva> Oooo, licking is good!
CRSMILE> amokeh.....with whip cream?
amokeh> Of course!
SAC Elisheva> Now I know why STubru is here..
SamanthaJ3> wait, wait...we don't have any MINORS in here, do we?
CRSMILE> I'm gonna have to go over to the mecca soon
SAC Elisheva> are you enjoying yourself STubru dear!
amokeh> Maybe honey, maybe chocolate sauce....
Delphi Priestess> Miners? Why would miners be here?
STUBRU> why am i here, please tell me so i also know
amokeh> Or maybe nuthin' but Essence of Skinner!!!
FR4> Gold miners?
CRSMILE> FR...amokeh has been putting some new pics up of our sweet Man
SamanthaJ3> I am trying to imagine inhaling Essence of Skinner
amokeh> The only reason miners would be here is so they could train that little head light on the Burly One...
SAC Elisheva> Because you love us Stubru...that's why.
SamanthaJ3> Oh, is it warm in here already or is it just me?
STUBRU> maybe i do maybe i don't
CRSMILE> Did you bring the ice buckets SAM?
SAC Elisheva> VERY warm.
amokeh> They're on the Mitchly Mecca, FR.
STUBRU> who'll tell
SamanthaJ3> Ice buckets coming, ladies
SAC Elisheva> So noncommital aren't you Stu!
SamanthaJ3> StuBru, make yourself useful - hand out the ice buckets
STUBRU> got to stay in the shadozs
amokeh> I posted a link to an ebay pic that displayed him dressed to the right, contrary to what another wench claimed.
FR4> Thanks. <sigh> So. Did I miss a LOT while I was in confinement?
CRSMILE> boy...this is hard...wanna chat...wanna buzz over to the mecca...choices choices
SAC Elisheva> We're just now haveing STu pass out the icebuckets.
CRSMILE> amokeh, is that the pic of him with his glasses but not shaven...very sexy
FR4> amokeh, the mecca is your site, right? I'm sorry. I'm jetlagging still.
STUBRU> here ladies take some ice, but let me put on my fishermans boots first
SamanthaJ3> Yes, everyone has one. Okay, guys don't let me miss anything...
amokeh> Yeah, CR, that's the pic.
amokeh> Yes, FR, the mecca's my site.
SAC Elisheva> where are you going Sam?
amokeh> I'm sitting on an ice pack, actually. I came prepared.
SAC Elisheva> amokeh, a true wench!
Ta2Betty> I'm definitely hitting your sight later amokeh.
CRSMILE> sitting....LOL, amokeh...I'm sure its melted already
SAC Elisheva> Me too, I'm going after this is over.
amokeh> I've got extras in a cooler next to my chair.
SamanthaJ3> I am going to try and talk Foxy into the room. So that she can talk to us.
SAC Elisheva> I can imagine you're going to go through them mighty fast tonight!
CRSMILE> just a couple of minutes and I'm outta here. I'll try to get back on the old computer but if not...ciao sweeties.
amokeh> Ta2, do you have the link for my site?
SAC Elisheva> Stubru honey, how you doing over there in the corner with your fisherman's boots?
amokeh> Oh! That sucks, CR. Try to get back on if you can.
SAC Elisheva> Bye CR! Sniff
Ta2Betty> I think I do, but tell me again anyway.
STUBRU> water of the melted ice reaches already to my knees
CRSMILE> double sniff....
SAC Elisheva> Your presence has been noted in the books CR
SamanthaJ3> Bye CR
CRSMILE> Bye y'all....have fun!!!! long y'all gonna be on?
SamanthaJ3> COuld be all night?
SAC Elisheva> Can you swim Stu?
STUBRU> sure can
SAC Elisheva> or all day!
SAC Elisheva> Looks like you'll be treading water soon.
CRSMILE> okay, Sam...I'll definately try to get back on. Catch up to ya later....boohoohoo
amokeh> its:
** .Skinner Wench just joined "The Sub-Basement" (8 members now) **
amokeh> Is DP still on? She's been awfully quiet....
<CRSMILE> - signed off -
Ta2Betty> Thank you, wench amokeh.
amokeh> Anytime. I'm proud to help out a fellow wench.
Ta2Betty> DP there you are.
SAC Elisheva> I hate to think waht DP is doing with those pictures as we speak.
amokeh> Probably trying to figure a way to remove the top layer....
amokeh> "If I can juuuust peel back the denim...."
SAC Elisheva> ROFLMAO!
Ta2Betty> Peeling back the denim, you kill.
Delphi Priestess> drooling, you bunch of sickos, I'm drooling!!!!
SAC Elisheva> Is it just me or is the forum really slow all of a sudden?
SamanthaJ3> It is really slow.
amokeh> It's just you.
Ta2Betty> Ta2 hands DP a towel for her drool
amokeh> Kidding! I'm kidding!
Delphi Priestess> Thanks, Betty. Later we'll all have some wine and tell Skinner stories
amokeh> It is pretty slow. It's on and off. It ebbs and flows. It surges and....well, you get the picture.
Skinner Wench> YOU GUYS CAN ALL BITE ME!!!!
Delphi Priestess> Back with a vengeance, I see, Foxy
SAC Elisheva> Don't Tempt Stu Foxy...he'll do it.
SamanthaJ3> FOXY!
STUBRU> i'll do what?
SAC Elisheva> Bite Foxy, you know you will.
STUBRU> how would you know
PETRA1013> My STUPID computer's been acting up!!
SAC Elisheva> Stu not Petra...Petra would never bite Foxy.
Skinner Wench> I'd like to BITE Skinner!
SAC Elisheva> YAY!!!!!!! Petra is here.
amokeh> I would never bite Skinner. I'd only nibble a little.
Ta2Betty> Here, Here Foxy
Delphi Priestess> Hey, Foxy one!
SAC Elisheva> I'd bite Skinner if he asked.
STUBRU> you would bitr him anyway
Ta2Betty> Hell, I'd let him bite ME if he wanted.
SAC Elisheva> Stu, do you have a thing for biting?
STUBRU> watch your teeth ladies
PETRA1013> Gosh, you guys go WAY too fast for me! All this talk of biting and I haven't even had dinner yet!
** IMALONE just joined "The Sub-Basement" (10 members now) **
Skinner Wench> okay, I'm going to just sit back and watch!
STUBRU> if i put them in i do
SAC Elisheva> Sorry petra, but we're pretty wound up tonight.
SamanthaJ3> Hello, Irene
SAC Elisheva> Kiwi, you're ehar.
Skinner Wench> I hear ya Petra!
SAC Elisheva> LOl Stu!!!!!
Delphi Priestess> Kiwi!!!!!
PETRA1013> "Wound up" is perhaps an understatement...
Kiwiphile> helooooooo
Kiwiphile> ugh, this thing is so slow...
SAC Elisheva> I think you are much more handsome with teeth.
STUBRU> btw hi Kiwi
Kiwiphile> hi stubru
amokeh> Hello, Kiwi. Nice to meet you!
Kiwiphile> hello samantha the elusive....
Kiwiphile> hey amokeh
Delphi Priestess> He may be more handsome with teeth, but thre are some things that teeth hinder.
Kiwiphile> hey elli
SamanthaJ3> I am not elusive.
Kiwiphile> hey delhpi preiestess
SamanthaJ3> I have been fluttering through the Gardens of Skinner.
Kiwiphile> lol, yes you are, like smoke on the water
Kiwiphile> fluttering?
SamanthaJ3> The Goddess of Goodness and Light of the Temple of Skinner.
Delphi Priestess> Kiwi, my little fruit/bird how's it going?
Kiwiphile> Well I had many good dreams last night
Kiwiphile> i would never dream of hogging skinner before any of his wenches got to him
** FR4 just joined "The Sub-Basement" (11 members now) **
SamanthaJ3> Kiwi - you'd never survive all these wenches
SamanthaJ3> WB, FR
amokeh> Oh, if any of you want to check out the pic from ebay to see which way he dresses, here you go:
amokeh> Oh, and it's not from a negative - so yes, he dresses on the right.
amokeh> He could dress both ways, depending on his mood....Would that make him a cross-dresser?
Delphi Priestess> amokeh, lol
Skinner Wench> Mitch a cross dresser? NO... so was my husband!
SAC Elisheva> And he has a rubber duckie in his bathtub, too.

STUBRU> don't make fun of the duckies
SamanthaJ3> I love the duckies.
SAC Elisheva> I LIKE the duckies STu.
amokeh> I love duckies, too.
Ta2Betty> I'd love to see his "duckie"
amokeh> I have a question for all of you.
Skinner Wench> I eat duckies ;)
SamanthaJ3> yes, amokeh?
amokeh> Are any of you Patrick Stewart fans?
SamanthaJ3> Of course, amokeh
SAC Elisheva> I'm listening amokeh
Kiwiphile> ok all, I am not manageing to be heard here, its like arriving late at a party in full swing. I'm going to leave you all to it, see ya
FR4> YES I am! PS is hot
Kiwiphile> yes i am amokeh, i love Patrick Stewart
amokeh> Did any of you used to get a newsletter called the Picardian?
FR4> Nope.
SamanthaJ3> bye, kiwi, but you could always stay and be amused
STUBRU> what's it with wenches and bald guys?
Delphi Priestess> Stewart rules!
SamanthaJ3> never heard of the newsletter
Kiwiphile> well sam, I dont know what you are all talking about...
SAC Elisheva> Bye Irene
Kiwiphile> bye
PETRA1013> Patrick rocks my world...and many others, i'm told
Kiwiphile> - signed off -
Ta2Betty> I've loved the Picard since day one of ST:TNG.
SAC Elisheva> Yes, I ADORE Picard and I even invited him to the NYE party we had.

Ta2Betty> I saw him perform his one man play in NY.
amokeh> The reason I ask, is because all of us Picardians (or DSPSG's - Disgusting, Slobbering Patrick Stewart Groupies) had a joke about Picard and ducks, so this whole ducky thing just made me wonder.
SamanthaJ3> Tell us the joke, amokeh???
Ta2Betty> What's the joke.
SAC Elisheva> yes tell!
PETRA1013> Yes, yes, do tell!
FR4> Yeah, or we'll pull your molars out.
amokeh> Well, there was this fan fic that was written by a bunch of people online - called Sweet Savage Star Trek.
SamanthaJ3> good title, so far
SAC Elisheva> Stu, are you listening.
amokeh> And there was one scene where this ensign who had the hots for Picard entered his quarters, using his passcode to find...
Ta2Betty> keep going amokeh
STUBRU> allways ellie, allways find...?
amokeh> the good captain taking a bubble bath. In the tub were all kinds of battleships, toys, etc.
FR4> Remember your molars amokeh
amokeh> But it was the way it was worded that was hilarious.
SAC Elisheva> That's it? Where's the punch line.
SamanthaJ3> Okay, Picard bathes, and.....?
PETRA1013> the bath....the bath!
amokeh> It went sort of like, "Her eyes traveled down his body to see, bobbing in the sudsy water, his most treasured male possession...."
amokeh> "His yellow rubber duckie."
SamanthaJ3> amokeh, I like that one :)
amokeh> It was just really funny. After that, there were jokes about Picard and ducks, and especially so after the movie LA Story.
amokeh> He had a line, telling Steve Martin, "You cannot have ze duck!"
SamanthaJ3> lol
STUBRU> anyone some more ice?.
SAC Elisheva> Over here Stu.
Jadzia> Hey guys! Sorry I'm late
SamanthaJ3> Hey, Jadz! :)
Jadzia> Hey Sammi! :)
amokeh> I'll tell you guys what. I can't remember exactly how it was worded, but it was hilarious, so I'll look it up (it's in a box somewhere and post it in the sub-basement.
Ta2Betty> Hi Jadzia (kisses on both cheeks)
SamanthaJ3> amokeh, please do
Jadzia> Greeting Ta2Betty! Have i mentioned that I love your screen name? Very cool!
Ta2Betty> Why, thank you Jadzia.
amokeh> Actually, all of you wenches remind me quite a bit of my fellow DSPSG's.
amokeh> Very intelligent, very articulate, incredibly imaginative, and you don't take it all so seriously.
SamanthaJ3> amokeh - we aren't serious? US?
PETRA1013> What, you mean none of this is serious?
Delphi Priestess> Thank you, amokeh. By the way, I thought amokeh meant "I'm okay"
amokeh> LOL - I mean, you're not like the totally whacked Mulder fans.
Jadzia> Hey! I'm a Mulder fan!
FR4> Mule deer fans are whack?
Ta2Betty> So am I
SAC Elisheva> Yes, thanks amokeh.
amokeh> No DP, amokeh is a name from the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria. It means "to know her is to pet her."
SamanthaJ3> amokeh - cool name meaning there
Delphi Priestess> LOL I thought you made that up!
amokeh> Nope, that's an actual word! Isn't it hilarious?
Delphi Priestess> amokeh, I think it's lovely.

PETRA1013> Jadzia- I was reading about the "Fight Club" shoot last night.  I honestly couldn't sleep for jealousy! How cool was it?
Jadzia> I was very cool. Had a blast! Wish you guys all could have been there. It would have been a riot
Ta2Betty> Did you get to meet GA, Jadzia?
Jadzia> Was about six feet away from her during one of the crowd scenes
Jadzia> I'm praying that I don't get cut out of the scene as usual
Jadzia> Okay, on the MP side, did you guys know that there was an FTF postcard with The Man on it?
Ta2Betty> Jadzia, what did you wear. It'll help us find you in the scene.
SamanthaJ3> no way, which postcard? what scene?
amokeh> Hmmmm, really Jadzia?
SamanthaJ3> DP - do we have it in the gift shop?
Jadzia> The first day, I wore a black spaghetti strap tank top. and the second day I wore a bright red sleeveless v-neck shirt
Jadzia> Just bought the postcard today -- hadn't seen it before. The top half is a close up of The Man looking up and away (very properly concerned)
Jadzia> The bottom half is a close up of part of his face -- left eye & eyebrow w/ glasses on
Ta2Betty> I gotta get this postcard.
PETRA1013> Jadz--laugh if you want, but I'll just be looking for Jadzia Dax--I always just assumed you look like her!
SamanthaJ3> Jadz - I confess, I'll be looking for Trill spots, too
Jadzia> LOL! Don't I wish! Actually, you can see what I look like on the YF site.
Jadzia> Trill spots?!? Noooooo . . . I swear I don't have a big worm in my gut
FR4> Has anyone else ever fainted when they see The Man's pout? Thought I'd change the subject
Jadzia> Oh, and I'll try to scan the postcard in when I go up north next weekend. I'll kidnap my brother's scaner
SamanthaJ3> FR - you mean, actually talk about THE MAN?
SamanthaJ3> We have done that off and on. More off than on.
FR4> Well more on ok?
SamanthaJ3> More on is good. :)
amokeh> FR4, I haven't actually fainted, but I have felt lightheaded and a little dizzy.
FR4> Seriously. Don't you think it's amazing that this one actor has had the ability to fuel all our fantasies like this?
Delphi Priestess> He does have a nicely rounded, ah, pout.
SamanthaJ3> And that he fuels so many fantasies at that.
amokeh> He fuels more than my fantasies....
Jadzia> MP's definitely a hottie
SamanthaJ3> Jadz, confess, you almost love Mulder more than Skinner.
Delphi Priestess> It's that voice first. Just like a warm massage
FR4> Yeaah warm massage with honey
Jadzia> I absolutely refuse to choose between the men of TXF. They're so sexy in totally different ways
STUBRU> ladies it was a pleasure, i'll be leaving you, got some reading to do over at Y-files
amokeh> I definitely agree that DD's very sexy, but Mulder is just SUCH an emotional mess. It's a huge turnoff for me.
Jadzia> Bye Stu! :)
SamanthaJ3> Stub,great to see you.
Delphi Priestess> bye stu
FR4> bye
Ta2Betty> bye, Stu.
amokeh> Bye Stu. It was nice meeting you.
SamanthaJ3> I like having Skinner as a big strong man, taking care of things
STUBRU> remember: society prepares the crime, the criminal commits it
amokeh> Same here, Sammie.
Jadzia> See, FM's got the who vulnerable, puppy-dog look, preppy guy thing going on. Yum!
Delphi Priestess> Me too
FR4> Yess. A MAN. Not a weirded out confused boy!
amokeh> As a very strong person, I'd like to have someone I could be not-so-strong with, and feel safe.
SamanthaJ3> But I don't want the vulnerable thing. I want somebody taking care of ME.
Jadzia> Skinner's the big, strong manly man with the sensitive side somewhere in there
Jadzia> I find a bit of both to be very attractive
Delphi Priestess> Although I wouldn't kick Mulder out of bed.
Ta2Betty> No name calling FR. FM has his good points.
SamanthaJ3> But Skinner has better points.
Delphi Priestess> Yeah, but Skinner'd be in it for the long haul
amokeh> No, I'd definitely NOT kick FM out of my bed. In fact, while he was there, I'd invite Skinner too....
Jadzia> And Mulder can be very strong and *passionate* . . .
Jadzia> Do I hear a Rolling Stones cover in the making?
FR4> Mule Deer is OK. I just like Sinner better
Ta2Betty> Mulder can live in my bed.
SamanthaJ3> Mule Deer...LOL I like that one.
FR4> Then, of course there's always.......LANGLEY! LOLOL
SamanthaJ3> FR, what did I give you?
SamanthaJ3> I thought it was just a little sedative.
FR4> No baby! it was an UPPER!
SamanthaJ3> Ooops!
Ta2Betty> FR, what are you smoking? LANGLEY?
FR4> Oh come on, those geeky glasses don't do anything for ya?
Ta2Betty> Only the glasses The Man wears does it for me.
Jadzia> So, I bought a cool litho today that has MP front and center 
FR4> I'd like to bite The Man right at the back of his neck.
Jadzia> Ladies, I've gotta sign off for now. Have much work to do on The YF. Catch you guys later! :)
SamanthaJ3> See you, Jadz.
amokeh> I'd like to nibble and suck his lower lip before moving to his chin, and then tracing his jawline with my tongue up to his luscious earlobe...
Ta2Betty> bye Jadzia.
SamanthaJ3> Keep going, amokeh
amokeh> Bye Jadzia!
PETRA1013> live long and prosper!
amokeh> Oh, I'd keep going!
Delphi Priestess> I wanna kiss that place in the front of his neck where you feel the pulse pounding
Delphi Priestess> Guys, I gotta go. I'll try and get back later.
SamanthaJ3> Bye, DP
amokeh> Bye DP!
FR4> Bye Priestess
Ta2Betty> Bye DP.
PETRA1013> <yawning> It's getting to be Petra's bedtime. Can y'all forgive me for living in EST?
SamanthaJ3> No, Petra, we can't.
amokeh> Well, I have to say my obsession with MP parallels my obsession with Patrick.
amokeh> Tomorrow's Saturday - you can sleep in!
SamanthaJ3> My obsession with MP is by far the greatest one I've had.
FR4> Wow you must be tired to lust after MP and PS
amokeh> It's a difficult job...
PETRA1013> Yeah, well, I can never sleep past 7 anyway... just can't.
PETRA1013> Sweet dreams, ladies--I'm signing off :)
SamanthaJ3> Nite, Petra
amokeh> See you Petra!
SamanthaJ3> Skinner dreams.
Ta2Betty> Bye Petra.
PETRA1013> only Skinner dreams...
SAC Elisheva> did we ever actually TALK about the man at some point?
SamanthaJ3> yes we did
Ta2Betty> not enough, though.
SamanthaJ3> never enough
SAC Elisheva> Sam...shall we check on our snowman?
SamanthaJ3> I think I need to check on the snowman, yes.
amokeh> What snowman?
SAC Elisheva> We started a snowman in the freezer
SamanthaJ3> amokeh, Ellie and I built a lifesize snowman of Skinner
amokeh> Ahhh.
SAC Elisheva> the last chat we had. Want to come see?
FR4> Do I want to come.....see?
amokeh> If I see it, I may come...
Ta2Betty> Yeah baby!
amokeh> Sorry.
SamanthaJ3> Come on, guys.
FR4> Yay!
SamanthaJ3> Come see the snowman.
FR4> OK!
amokeh> Ok.
SAC Elisheva> It's life size!
SamanthaJ3> But DON'T melt the snowman!!!
FR4> Anatomically correct I assume?
SamanthaJ3> of course
Ta2Betty> Is everything life-sized?
SamanthaJ3> oh yes
amokeh> Oh, I see it! Oh YEAH!!
Ta2Betty> I'm there.
SamanthaJ3> It was a lot of fun to make.
FR4> <FR breathes> "Wow. Can I touch it?"
SamanthaJ3> Yes. Gently
amokeh> Oh. <turning head to one side> My. <chewing on her lower lip> Gaaaa-hhhd! <faints dead away>
SamanthaJ3> Don't chew on it, FR
Ta2Betty> Are you gonna make more? If so can I help?
FR4> OMG!!!!
SamanthaJ3> amokeh???
SamanthaJ3> sigh
SamanthaJ3> where did we put the ammonia?
FR4> Whnnntyy nut ishh goodd
amokeh> <amokeh lies inert on the ground, eyes open but glazed over, a small smile playing mysteriously on her open lips>
SamanthaJ3> LOL
SamanthaJ3> FR - breathe, the oxygen isn't going to your brain
FR4> Nnnhhh....
Ta2Betty> Ta2 slapping amokeh's face gently. .
amokeh> <amokeh stirs at the feel of Ta2's hand against her cheek, catches sight of the snowman, and...>
amokeh> <eep>
amokeh> <oof>
FR4> <FR is frozen in place>
amokeh> <thud>
SamanthaJ3> LOL
Ta2Betty> Wake up dear.
FR4> OOOOMOMMMEEEEE!!!! Let me at it Let me at it!!!
amokeh> Wha? Wha' hoppen'?
SamanthaJ3> Or should we leave her?
SamanthaJ3> c'mon, amokeh, wake up, babe
Ta2Betty> Down girl! Down FR.
SAC Elisheva> Somebody crank down the temp in here.
SamanthaJ3> FR, c'mon babe, say goodbye to the nice snowman
FR4> Lemme go lemme go!
SAC Elisheva> Where's Dr, kermit?
amokeh> <amokeh stirs again; this time, she makes it to her feet with the help of Ta2>
SamanthaJ3> <Sam sighs heavily and reaches into her pocket for that hypodermic needle>
SamanthaJ3> This won't hurt a bit, FR
Ta2Betty> Are you alright, amokeh?
FR4> <FR inhales deeply, but shoots a look at Sammy> Dont!
SamanthaJ3> Sammy wonders if FR is armed.
amokeh> I....I think so. <checking her body, wiping ice shavings off her clothes> What happened?
SAC Elisheva> But you LIKE your meds FR! amokeh, are you okay now?
FR4> Maybe...maybe not. Are you feeling LUCKY punk?
amokeh> I don't know. I feel...kinda giddy.
SamanthaJ3> Sammy considers tossing the PLAM, hypodermic needle, that is, to Ellie instead.
Ta2Betty> You passed out after seeing the glorious snowman's equipment.
amokeh> Oh My!
SAC Elisheva> Well, the snowman can do that to you amokeh.
amokeh> Oh, yeah, NOW I remember! Ohhh, momma, buy me one of THOSE!!!
SAC Elisheva> Okay Sam, give it to me and you hold FR down.
SamanthaJ3> ME hold her down?
SamanthaJ3> Are you crazy???
amokeh> Oh, I'll help! I'm little, but I'm strong!
FR4> Watch it!
SamanthaJ3> Okay, c'mon ladies, now FR this won't hurt a bit!
amokeh> Hey, Ta2, give me a hand here!   You sit on her, and I'll grab her arms.
Ta2Betty> OWWWW. someone kicked me.!!!
SAC Elisheva> Okay, here I come....
SamanthaJ3> Here, Ellie, take it and just stick it in.
amokeh> Ohhhhh, that's what HE said!
SamanthaJ3> lol
Ta2Betty> Hold her. Hold her.
SAC Elisheva> Her it comes....
amokeh> Well, that's what he said in my dreams. FR! Stop kicking!!
SAC Elisheva> what is this stuff anyway.
SAC Elisheva> LOL
SamanthaJ3> It's supposed to be a sedative, of course... that's what I thought I gave her the first time
Ta2Betty> How strong is it?
SamanthaJ3> and see what happened.
SamanthaJ3> FR?
amokeh> Yeah, well extreme hormonal overload can overpower any sedative, didn't you know that?
SAC Elisheva> There all done.
SamanthaJ3> I know that.
Ta2Betty> I think she's starting to calm down.
SAC Elisheva> Does she need a double dose?
SamanthaJ3> Skinner medicine is a whole subspecialty in itself. That WAS the double dose.
Ta2Betty> Keep a 3rd dose ready, just in case.
amokeh> Give her a few minutes - see how she reacts.
SAC Elisheva> Oh, my FR has got it bad tonight.
SamanthaJ3> FR?
SAC Elisheva> FR, how are you honey?
Ta2Betty> FR, blink if you can hear me.
SAC Elisheva> Did you guys sit on her too long
SamanthaJ3> FR???
amokeh> Hey, FR? If I let go of your hands will you be good? Or am I going to have to get my tazer?
SAC Elisheva> FIRE RANGER! I had nothing to do with it!!!!! It's not my fault.
SamanthaJ3> You have a tazer?
Ta2Betty> Where'd you get a tazer?
amokeh> A virtual tazer only. I got it after Krycek started hanging around the folder. You know, just to be safe.
SamanthaJ3> Good thinking.
Ta2Betty> FR, say something.
amokeh> I don't leave anything to chance when it comes to the one-armed rat turd.
SamanthaJ3> That's a good name for him.
SamanthaJ3> Sammy feels for a pulse on FR and finding one breathes a sigh of relief.
SAC Elisheva> FR, or FR...someone call the paramedics.
amokeh> Sammy, can I let go now? Do you think it's safe?
SamanthaJ3> No she's breathing. I think it's safe. You can let go now.
Ta2Betty> Everyone let go, but slowly.
SAC Elisheva> Now, I haven't been able to inspect the snowman...stand back.
amokeh> She could just be faking...Ellie, if you run back to where we were sitting, my tazer's in my purse...
SAC Elisheva> Where is my measuring tape.
amokeh> I'd rather be safe than sorry.
SamanthaJ3> Wait, did anyone check to see if FR was carrying a weapon tonight?
Ta2Betty> Don't let your guards down. She's a tricky one.
SAC Elisheva> Someone better come with me or I'll never come out.
amokeh> Ta2, you're sitting on her. Do you feel a weapon?
SamanthaJ3> Tell me about it. Ellie, I'll come with you, but we have to come right back. NO drooling on the snowman.
Ta2Betty> Let me see. Do car keys count?
amokeh> Awwwww.
SAC Elisheva> You know what? I think FR got bumped.
SAC Elisheva> it shows only four members active.
SAC Elisheva> should only take a minute to measure the snowman and inspecrt for damage. come on sam.
Ta2Betty> Poor FR.
amokeh> Poor FR.
SamanthaJ3> Okay, let's check the snowman and get out.
amokeh> It was just too much for her. <sigh>
SamanthaJ3> Sigh.
SAC Elisheva> Yes, poor FR. Now I want to go see the snow man dang it!
Ta2Betty> Is the snowman still "all there"?
SamanthaJ3> Ellie, c'mon, c'mon....he looks fine...I think.... or wait
SAC Elisheva> Uhuh,, yess, this is looking....yah,,, okay...oooooo, yesssssss
SamanthaJ3> are those TEETH marks?
SAC Elisheva> very nice...
SamanthaJ3> Ellie step away from the snow man
SAC Elisheva> and here....yes, yes...yesssssss...everything is just fine now, we can go.
Ta2Betty> Say it ain't so. Teeth marks?
amokeh> <from outside the room> Hey! What are you guys doing in there?
SamanthaJ3> Teeth marks.
amokeh> Can I see?
SamanthaJ3> And they weren't even my teeth.
Ta2Betty> Inspecting the snowman. Poor snowman.
SamanthaJ3> amokeh, don't you remember what happened the last time you went to see?
amokeh> Remember what...OH!!!
amokeh> <eep>
amokeh> <oof>
amokeh> <thud>
SamanthaJ3> sigh....not again
SAC Elisheva> Oh, no now what?
SamanthaJ3> let's drag amokeh out of the freezer put her next to FR
Ta2Betty> OH GEEZ!! She's out again.
SAC Elisheva> She needs to spend more time with the Cabana boys to build up her tolerance.
SamanthaJ3> I agree.
amokeh> <mumbling incoherently> Mmmmm...oh yeah...big...I mean, BIG!....yeah, baby, just like that.....
SamanthaJ3> lol
Ta2Betty> Sam, fan her face a little.
SAC Elisheva> Somebody close the door before anyone else is tempted.
SamanthaJ3> <fanning amokeh's face> wake up, amokeh, it's okay now
amokeh> Wha? Oh, <peering up at Sam> Geez, did I faint again?
SamanthaJ3> everything's fine <sam turns head> did you get that freezer door shut?
SAC Elisheva> Somebody better get the fire extinguisher before she spontaneously combusts.
Ta2Betty> Yes, you did.
SamanthaJ3> yes, amokeh you did but it's okay
Ta2Betty> Here, let me help you up.
SamanthaJ3> it happens to the best of us at times
amokeh> I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Man, my legs feel like spaghetti!
SamanthaJ3> overwhelmed by the Mitchliness of it all
amokeh> Whoa! What was IN that freezer, anyway?
SAC Elisheva> amokeh, you are one of those girls that KNOW size does count.
Ta2Betty> We're going to have to limit your exposure to the snowman.
amokeh> Oh, never mind, I just remembered.
SamanthaJ3> LOL
amokeh> Damn, he's big!
SamanthaJ3> LOL
SAC Elisheva> LOL
amokeh> And where it counts too!
amokeh> Hallelujah, praise the lord!
SAC Elisheva> Everywhere!
Ta2Betty> Amen, sister.
SAC Elisheva> Yes, praise be to SPG!
amokeh> Mmmmm-hmmmm-hmmmmm. Definitely a religious experience!
SAC Elisheva> LOL
amokeh> Thank you ladies, I do believe I'll have lovely dreams tonight....
Ta2Betty> Did you have visions, amokeh?
amokeh> <fanning chest vigorously> Oh!
amokeh> Do I have visions? Is the pope catholic? Is Barry white? Is Scilla black?
amokeh> Do bears bear, do bees bee?
SamanthaJ3> amokeh
SAC Elisheva> We get the point amokeh
amokeh> Okay, yes, I have been known to have the occasional vision, and, oh! I'm getting one right now!
amokeh> I's very foggy, give me a minute...
Ta2Betty> Don't pass out.
SamanthaJ3> amokeh, we eagerly await your visions
amokeh> Ummmm....I see, a lot of women - yes, there are a lot of women....and, they're....wait, what are they doing?
SamanthaJ3> go ahead, amokeh
amokeh> They're naked! Wow, they must be cold without any clothes on because there's ice everywhere!
amokeh> Oh, they're in the freezer naked!
SamanthaJ3> sounds like Saturday night in the Skinner freezer
Ta2Betty> Naked?!
SAC Elisheva> LOL
amokeh> They're prostrating themselves to The Snowman!
SAC Elisheva> I can do naked.
amokeh> They're chanting...something...I can't make out the words. Hold on!
SamanthaJ3> this is good, keep going
SAC Elisheva> OUch that might hurt on the freezer floor.
Ta2Betty> Concentrate, amokeh.
amokeh> yes, yes, they're saying...."Praise be to Skinner, all hail He who is Larger than Life, He who is most definitely Larger than Mulder...."
SamanthaJ3> LOL!
SAC Elisheva> LOL
SamanthaJ3> amokeh, I like the visions
amokeh> "Praise be to the Surly One! O great God of all things pectoral and well-endowed!"
SamanthaJ3> but what is the snowman doing at this point?
amokeh> Okay, that was it. Vision's over.
SamanthaJ3> that's IT?
SAC Elisheva> No way!!!
Ta2Betty> No, go back.
amokeh> I'm sorry, I didn't notice. I was concentrating too hard on what they were saying...
SAC Elisheva> Sam give her some hallucinagens
SamanthaJ3> Are you kidding? After we lost FR?
SAC Elisheva> Make the girls mind expand.
SamanthaJ3> I'm afraid to administer anything else. Even though
amokeh> Okay, okay, hold on!
SAC Elisheva> Okay...I was will pass.
amokeh> Geez! Don't threaten me with illegal drugs!
SamanthaJ3> Who said they were illegal?
amokeh> I'll try to induce another hypnotic state. Man! These women get testy...
Ta2Betty> Go deep w/in yourself, amokeh.
amokeh> I'd rather someone else went deep....never mind.
Ta2Betty> Hey , now. No changing the subject.
amokeh> All right. <taking a deep breath> I'm trying to find that place inside myself, the place I just was at...
amokeh> Oh, got it!
SamanthaJ3> Well, hurry up and get back there, woman
Ta2Betty> Here we go.
amokeh> Okay, they're naked, they're surrounding the snowman, they're bowing down to him and chanting, and, OH!!
Ta2Betty> Seeing anything yet?
amokeh> Oh!
SamanthaJ3> and????
amokeh> That is just WRONG!!!
Ta2Betty> WELL!
amokeh> Oh. My. God.
Ta2Betty> What?
SamanthaJ3> <Sam beats her head on the monitor>
amokeh> You would not BELIEVE what DP is doing to the snowman!
SAC Elisheva> LOL! Yes I would.
Ta2Betty> Dare we ask?
SamanthaJ3> Don't tell me, I don't want to know.
amokeh> Let's just say, get out your ruler, 'cause some reconstruction is gonna have to take place....
SamanthaJ3> Oh........DP, how COULD you?
SAC Elisheva> LOL, I'm going to be keeper of the ruler.
amokeh> Wow! She must be able to dislocate her jaw at will....
Ta2Betty> OH...MY...GOD!!1
SamanthaJ3> Good thinking, Ellie
amokeh> Oh, wait, the vision's still going!
SamanthaJ3> There's more???
Ta2Betty> What else is going on?
amokeh> The ice...the ice around the used to be snow, but because of all the heavy breathing, it's turned to a layer of ice surrounding him!
amokeh> It's melting!
SamanthaJ3> Somebody turn up the freezer, quickly!
SAC Elisheva> got it!
amokeh> It's melting, faster and faster now, to reveal....Oh!!!! Yes!!! MY LORD!! MY SURLY MASTER!!!!!!!!!!
Ta2Betty> Quick, crank up the freezer.
amokeh> The ice is falling off of him in chunks, and.....oh my god!!!
SAC Elisheva> Nooooooooo!
SamanthaJ3> WHAT, woman?
Ta2Betty> Someone do something. We can't lose it. Call 911!
SAC Elisheva> Please say it isn't true!
amokeh> It wasn't a thick layer of ice! It was a thin layer!!!! He's REALLY THAT BIG!!!!!
SAC Elisheva> LOL
SamanthaJ3> lol
SAC Elisheva> My husband it sitting here thinking I'm going nuts!
SamanthaJ3> Ellie, babe, we are nuts
amokeh> ALL BOW DOWN (although at that size, you could stand just fine... ;) ) BEFORE THE GREAT AND MIGHTY SPG!!!!
amokeh> Oh! That was the last of it! Whoa, that was pretty intense!
SAC Elisheva> I personally think he was shedding like a snake and was actually getting bigger.
SamanthaJ3> That was more than intense
SAC Elisheva> Double check that vision amokeh
SamanthaJ3> Ellie?!
Ta2Betty> You could sell those visions and make a mint.
amokeh> No, I'm afraid...I feel a little dizzy...oh!
SAC Elisheva> I'm bad!
amokeh> <eep>
amokeh> <oof>
SamanthaJ3> Oh, my yes you could.
amokeh> <thud>
SamanthaJ3> Not again.
Ta2Betty> Yes, again.
SamanthaJ3> smelling salts anyone?
Ta2Betty> Right here. handing it to sam
amokeh> Oh! <waving salts out of her face>
SamanthaJ3> thanks, TA
amokeh> Pew!
SamanthaJ3> lol
Ta2Betty> This can't be healthy for her.
SAC Elisheva> was I right about the shedding theory.
SamanthaJ3> Yes, I think you were.
SAC Elisheva> I knew it!
Ta2Betty> Are you O.K. amokeh.
SAC Elisheva> Yes, dear woman of vision...okay now.
SamanthaJ3> Speak to us, amokeh
amokeh> Yes, I think so. Could someone get me some juice? I think my blood sugar's a little low.
SamanthaJ3> here you go
SAC Elisheva> What flavor?
Ta2Betty> I have some Minute Maid.
amokeh> orange is fine.
SamanthaJ3> yes, we have a little bit of everything here
amokeh> Thanks, that hits the spot.
SAC Elisheva> Oh my goodness.....look yonder!!!!!!! To the heavens!!!!!!
amokeh> <whew> Now I remember why I don't do that on a regular basis.
SamanthaJ3> Yes????
amokeh> What? What?
Ta2Betty> What are we looking at?
SAC Elisheva> Don't you see it?
Ta2Betty> Clarify please.
SamanthaJ3> Is it...?
amokeh> What? Oh! It's....
SamanthaJ3> Could it be....?
amokeh> It's...HE's....
SamanthaJ3> Oh, my.
SAC Elisheva> Yes....the SPG descends from the clouds.
amokeh> <fanning chest vigorously again>
amokeh> <hastily downing rest of juice>
Ta2Betty> Fall to your knees, sisters!
SamanthaJ3> Your Skinnerness.
SAC Elisheva> All hail.
amokeh> MY HEAVENLY MASTER!!! Oh let me worship your heavenly body!!
Ta2Betty> Amokeh, now is not the time to faint.
amokeh> I'm not gonna! Sheesh!
amokeh> You know, I figured out why I was fainting so much...
SAC Elisheva> What is that you say SPG
Ta2Betty> Why?
SamanthaJ3> Shhh, the Surly One speaks.
SAC Elisheva> We have been truly faithful to thee?
amokeh> All the blood was pooling in my groin...
SAC Elisheva> And we deserve some communion with thee?
Ta2Betty> Ever faithful, your Hard-Bodiedness.
SamanthaJ3> Communion with the SPG, yes.
SAC Elisheva> Come sisters we are blessed....
SamanthaJ3> Very blessed. Thank the Skinner.
Ta2Betty> Extremely blessed.
amokeh> <crawling towards the SPG, kissing his beautiful feet>
SAC Elisheva> Is the grotto available?
amokeh> Thank you, my Large & Luscious Master! O Succulent Surly Lord!
SamanthaJ3> The Grotto is available.
SAC Elisheva> I know DP restocked the wafers.
Ta2Betty> Shall we go there right now?
SAC Elisheva> Wench Ellie takes the SPG by his magnificent hand and leads him down the path to heaven on earth.
SamanthaJ3> Good thing she did something in there besides have her way with Krycek.
amokeh> I think she buys those 'cause it's the only wafer her to get the SPG's attention...
SamanthaJ3> lol
amokeh> sorry, that was bad.
SamanthaJ3> heaven on earth, yes
SamanthaJ3> amokeh, yes, it was, but it was still funny
Ta2Betty> I laughed.
SAC Elisheva> What do you desire of us oh luscious one?
SAC Elisheva> Sam, I don't understand him...
amokeh> <psst, Sammie> Why doesn't he ask us what we desire of Him?
SAC Elisheva> What does he say...
Ta2Betty> Do with us what you will oh glorious one.
amokeh> Yes, PLEASE, do with us what you will!!!
SamanthaJ3> amokeh, you and I aren't priestess yet
amokeh> I don't care!!!
SamanthaJ3> we're just wenches
amokeh> I need me some lovin'!
Ta2Betty> I'll take what I can get.
SamanthaJ3> Yes, my Surly One? <Sam looks slightly confused for a moment> That's possible, your Lordship?
Ta2Betty> He keeps whispering in sam's ear. I can't hear.
amokeh> Oh, I'm liking this better and better.
SamanthaJ3> By all means, Your Lordship.
SAC Elisheva> Tell us Wench Sammy...TELL US!
amokeh> pssst, hey Sammie, tell him I'm very limber...
Ta2Betty> Let it be good,PLEEEASSE!
SamanthaJ3> amokeh, he knows that
amokeh> Okay, just making sure all bases are covered, you know?
Ta2Betty> I'm double-jointed.
SAC Elisheva> amokeh is Limber, I'm Loyal...what are you Ta2 and Sam
SamanthaJ3> He said
Ta2Betty> WELL??
amokeh> Yes????
SamanthaJ3> LOL
SAC Elisheva> Arrrrhhhhh!
Ta2Betty> I'm going to shake you.
amokeh> I'm gettin' my tazer....
Ta2Betty> Sam, you're playing w/ fire. Tell us.
SamanthaJ3> I think of I'm way too red in the face here to say
amokeh> Just type it in, dammit!!
SAC Elisheva> No one can see you!
amokeh> I blush everytime I write a sex scene!!! But I still write it, so get to it, woman!!!!
Ta2Betty> Take the risk, Sam.
amokeh> Go the distance...
SAC Elisheva> Just go with the muse sam....that's it....go with it....
amokeh> If you say it, he will come....
SAC Elisheva> LOL
SamanthaJ3> okay then, in that case
Ta2Betty> Let it all out.
amokeh> Oh! That's what I my dream.
Ta2Betty> LOL
amokeh> You know, that dream where he said....never mind.
SamanthaJ3> I'll take the front, amokeh takes the back, ellie gets the right and betty takes the left, I can't do this I am laughing too hard
amokeh> Wait a second!!! Why do you get the front!!! I want the front, dammit!!!
SamanthaJ3> because I typed it
amokeh> Okay, never mind, I'll take the back.
Ta2Betty> MAN.. OH MAN!!
SamanthaJ3> but we get to switch around guys but not until the SPG says so
amokeh> OH! In that case...
Ta2Betty> Rotating is fair. In more ways than one.
SAC Elisheva> But Sam had the first shot...can he recover that fast?
SamanthaJ3> yes, he's the SPG
SAC Elisheva> Oh, stupid question  
SamanthaJ3> are you trying to get demoted back to wench status?
SAC Elisheva> I'd love to be a humble wench again. It was funner to be in training.
amokeh> <amokeh's happily bending to her task>
SamanthaJ3> shhh, Ellie, just concentrate on your side of the man
amokeh> I don't know what you're all talking about, but I'm behind the SPG, on my knees....use your imagination....
SAC Elisheva> tick tock tick tock...time to change yet?
SamanthaJ3> shhhhh I'm busy here
amokeh> You know that scene in Don't Talk to Strangers where Rebecca DeMornay bites Antonio Banderas' ass?
SamanthaJ3> haven't seen it
amokeh> Well, heh heh hehhhhh.... <rubbing hands lasciviously>
Ta2Betty> Amokeh, you little vixen.
SamanthaJ3> but I think I get the general idea
amokeh> <making happy slurpy, nibbly noises>
SAC Elisheva> this group has a definite thing for biting...and hey I thought we were supposed to be quiet.
SamanthaJ3> okay, let's see that was about a virtual hour....yummy noises are okay
amokeh> <working my way up> Hmmmmm....god, I love well-defined back muscles!
SamanthaJ3> so - heavy sigh - I suppose we can change now, if we just must unless you guys like where you are
amokeh> <working my way back down>
SamanthaJ3> and don't want to change or anything like that
amokeh> All right, I have to say it! This is one FINE PIECE OF ASS!!!!!
SamanthaJ3> lol
amokeh> God, his legs are!!! And strong! And hairy!!!
amokeh> <sucking on the inside of his knee>
Ta2Betty> No fair letting amokeh have all fun. <Ta2 starts to slide his left thumb into her mouth.
SamanthaJ3> Well, whatever is on your side is fair game, TA
Ta2Betty> I know.
amokeh> <running tongue up left inner thigh to.....>
amokeh> < !>
amokeh> <running tongue down right inner thigh>
SamanthaJ3> Okay, we can switch now.
Ta2Betty> <Start working my way up his arm.>
amokeh> Hey, I'm not done! I still haven't gotten to...Oh, my!
SAC Elisheva> David keeps glancing at me wondering why I'm giggleing!
SamanthaJ3> Don't let me rush you, amokeh
Ta2Betty> <little butterfly kisses on his shoulder>
amokeh> Mmmmfph humpuhf loffa mmmmaannnnfphth...
SamanthaJ3> David will seriously think you've lost it.
SAC Elisheva> Sam, since you're in the front...please describe THE MAN's expression.
SamanthaJ3> pleasure - sheer pleasure - think surly smile
Ta2Betty> <running my tongue gently around his earlobe>
amokeh> Hmmmm. <wiping hand across mouth and chin>
Ta2Betty> <making my way to those lustful lips>
amokeh> <working my way back up again>
Ta2Betty> <start nibbling on lower lip>
amokeh> <tongueing and kissing the back of his neck>
amokeh> Okay, I'm ready to switch.
SamanthaJ3> Okay, Ellie you take front. amokeh you get left, betty you get back
SAC Elisheva> Who me?
Ta2Betty> <going in for the kill.> Tasting the inside of that mouth is better than any drug (legal or not)
SamanthaJ3> I'll take the right
amokeh> At least I'm going in the right direction.
Ta2Betty> Yes ma'am.
amokeh> <nibbling on his armpit> Oh, man, there's just SO much of him to love!!!
SAC Elisheva> Don't you just love the way he looks when he is satisfied by his wenches.
amokeh> It must have been all that fainting, but I can barely keep my eyes open here, no reflection on the SPG.
amokeh> That and I DID have a 7am appointment with HIM this morning...
Ta2Betty> I could die a happy wench.
amokeh> It's been a looooonnnngg (ruler-length, several times over) day.
SAC Elisheva> Honey, HIS LORDSHIP knows his mortal wenches can only take so much.
Ta2Betty> <baby kisses on that tight rear of His>
amokeh> <running hands up and down the side of his leg as I suck on each finger, one at a time>
Ta2Betty> <long kisses up his spine while I gently run my nails along his sides>
SamanthaJ3> Okay, guys, hate to do this, but I am going to have to leave soon, too.
Ta2Betty> Sam, where are you going?
SAC Elisheva> Yes, I'm afraid I do too.
SamanthaJ3> Well, it's late, and I have stuff still to do this evening.
amokeh> Same here.
SAC Elisheva> Good bye dear wenches!!! Farwell.
Ta2Betty> Oh, all right. Bye Bye dearest sisters.
SamanthaJ3> nite, nite ladies. Good night, Lord Skinner
SAC Elisheva> Night Sammy!
amokeh> Good night, it's been my pleasure. Literally.
Ta2Betty> Bye ladies.
SamanthaJ3> night Betty, amokeh, Ellie
SAC Elisheva> All praises to HIM the SPG!
amokeh> good night Sammy.
amokeh> good night Ellie
amokeh> good night Betty.
Ta2Betty> Hail SPG!
amokeh> All hail the Surly Lord, Our Luscious Master!
Ta2Betty> Good night Amokeh.
SamanthaJ3> All hail the Surly One
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