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This section should grow rapidly, I hope, depending on how much I can get done in my class. What I have planned for this section are Plaques of anime characters done on enameled sheets of steel, and small notebooks with the same or different anime scenes on them. The enamle that is used on steel is less fragile than other enamels used for jewelry. It is flexible to a point, and can take a SMALL ammount of abuse. It can however still break. Wether you know it or not you see many things made of the same enamel and steel everyday, like your refridgerator, stove, washer and dryer.

Heh heh opps.. the stuff I need to make these doesn't exist anymore... but I am getting a replacement, hopefully it will get here before the end of April. ... nope didn't get here but I will be able to make stuff again in January. be thinking of stuff and place orders as soon as you can...

New and only available for the rest of april untill next febrauary!! Photo process enamels!! I don't have any examples now but basically I can take a picture negative and enamel it to a sheet of steel... it will last forever unless you purposly destroy it! I can enamel pictures (like family), drawings, company signs and almost anything.. I can print it in the form of a negative. smallest I can do it in is a few inches and the biggest is 3x4 feet (I have access to a huge kiln(about the size of a limo), one of the few for non-commercial production.. hell it might be the only one. So you have better chance of getting struck by lightning while walking your pet fish on a sunny day than finding someone else that can do this.). but please remeber the printed negative can only be 8.5x11 inches. so for best results consider the biggest size 8.5x11. Prices are on a case by case basis. I can make as many reproductions of the picture as you want... within reason, I'm the only worker I have that can do this:) If you have something you want done you must have a scanned file of it, 300 dpi at least maybe 400dpi for photos. remeber it is also a monochrome process otherwords *one color* but I can paint colors over it. Black and white is not necessarily a bad thing, it has it's own nice unique feel to it, but that's just me.. I like black and white stuff.

Pictures I am planning on doing.

Bellow are examples of styles of enameling, but they are on copper and use jewelers enamel. The same colors cannot be achieved with the enamels I will be using. There are no true transparents with industrial enamels, but I can mix almost any color imaginable, except purples.

1. Is a tile using the scraphito method, where the enamel is scratched away after it has dried.

2. Is cloisone, where "cells" are made from placeing silver wire into the enamel before it is fired in a kiln, and are later filled with colored enamel.

3. Is Textured metal with transparent enamel over it so you can see the marks in the metal.

4. Is Grisalle, where a thick piece of copper has had parts etched away and had enamel fill it.

5. Is Limoge where the enamels are ground into a fine powder and mixed with oils or water to create a medium that can be painted onto other surfaces.

Limoge is the style that all of the pieces will be made in.