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My Own Words...


it eats away at my brain
it festers on our ignorance
it's paid for, tax-deductible,
but only to the big man,
not the victims.

babysitter, educator, corruption, evil
it ruins our lives
-no compromise-
in full digital color.

Untitled Massacre

whatever happened to quality time?
whatever happened to morals? oppression, suppression
-they'll pay you off one way or another-
stand up for yourself
but don't speak too loudly.
fight for what's right
until you see someone coming.
play by your own rules
but make sure they're acceptable.
you live in rebellious fear-
afraid of being different-
you preach about independence and freedom
yet you wear the chains with pride
don't tell me that it's alright-
i'm not the one choking.
don't tell me it's for the best-
i'm the one living my life.


these streets are paved
with promises and late nights,
whispering so nobody hears
the passion in my heart.
this house is surrounded
by lockless gates
and hopeful hearts,
windows that remain curtainless
as not to hide the beauty of it all.
if all these things are true...

why do i find myself
standing at the door,
watching the sun, the moon, the stars
rush around you,
in the middle of the road?

Email me.

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