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little glimpses into my world.

here's a handy little collection of pictures i've taken over the years. it includes friends, pets, places, and little creatures found in parks. word.

me and my little cousin sarah. taken december 2001.
me hanging out in the Bronx with some gals from school. taken march 2001.
me, toby morse from h2o, rachel. taken september 1999.
shaun from florida. represent.
shaun being the straightedge ninja he is.
acyutananda dasa, rocking out with a turtle in boston.
malla praharana dasa from panama.
bryon aka b-dogg from florida (once from clevo until he left me). FxHxC represent.
me, again. taken march 2002.
laura and some skinny hardcore boy's butt. yes, this is what we do with our time.
laura loves her monkey.
sasi-surya dasa is so tough. look out, because the paperboy is out.
sasi-surya dasa may be tough, but this pig is tougher.
my doggie, suzie aka suzie q aka suzana banana aka sausage dog aka whatever else i think of calling her.
laura and me, doing what we do best: being cute. taken may 2002.
Sri-Sri Radha Krsna from the boston temple.
Lord Jagannatha, Lord Baladeva, Srimati Subhadra from the boston temple.
Bir Krishna Maharaja giving program in cleveland. taken may 11, 2002. all glories to Gurudeva!
Bir Krishna Maharaja once again. he rocks out.
bryon looking sexy, as usual.
acyutananda looking so indie-rock cute.
acyuta makes another appearance!
me and zack, looking perty. taken november 1999.
me and zack being scrubs. taken september 1999.

a cute wittle squirrel eating out of my hand in boston.
me and zack at prom. taken june 2000.
laura, me and acyutananda, rocking out in nyc. taken june 9,2002.
me, erin and natalie making santa happy. taken december 1999.
me and rachie hanging out in boston, august 2002.
me chugging a cold one (NOT!), december 2002.

take me hooooome please.