Welcome to Adopt-A-Horse

Welcome to Adopt-A-Horse. This is a place where you can adopt a horse and give them some love and care.
All the horses have some spefic value, but not a lot. All of them are in perfect health, unless speficied. Please, when you e-mail me the horse u want to adopt, please tell me what game the horse(s) are going to. Read all about that in the "Rules" section below. I should have some pictures of the horses, but not of all of them. If you would like to have a picture of your horse, then i will be more then happy to find one that you buy here. I will try to get new horses every day/week, it all depends on how much i am on-line and with my own horse. All the horses are kept in 14 X 14 stalls and in the best care. If you have a horse you would like to give to me, or sell for a very little price, then e-mail me. This is where un-wanted or un-needed horses come and go only to the best homes. Please adopt a horse!
-New horses are being added every day!
-I got a new e-mail address(one that i check more often :P)
-I am starting a links page. If you would your club/barn up on it, please e-mail me
Please read the rules
Here are some of the catogories of horses
Quarter Horses and Half-QH's
Throughbreds and Half-TB's
Arabians and Half Arabs
Other breeds for adoption
Email: zipposgirl@aol.com