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Quotes from Zones 5/6/7

Favorite quotes from our favorite people.

"Excuses are nothing but lies." --Tony Aaron
"Round Up! The Marcus!"
--Marcus Heydiner
"Run, don't walk." --Crystal Coulson
"I don't care what Tony said you can do, your in my stand!" --Misty Eifert
"It wasn't me." --Adam Kierzek
"Word." --Bryan Mott
"72 to 2...."--Megan Payne
"What's wrong with it now Megs?"--Dan McManus
"Would you serve that to your mother?" --Kat Catalano
"My mother would eat anything I cook." --Camilo Lombana
"I wouldn't feed that to my dog!" --Tony Aaron
"What sucks about being a Bubble's Bartender? Nothing, not a god damn thing!" --The 2001 Bubble's crew
"You pulled a 'Chasta'!" --Soak City Wagons Crew
"Chasta, come to me..." --Gediminas Duda
"Do you like apples?" --Bryan Mott
"What about grapes?" --Tony Aaron
"I want to Pretzel Building...But coming down the midway!" --Gediminas Duda
"I can not be imitated, duplicated, or copied." --Tony Aaron
"Attention all units, Tony Jr. is a signal 8." --Allen Schramm
"It smells like updog in here!" --Bryan Mott
"Monica this isn't Romper Room, you actually have to work" --Chris Shayler
"Why are you out of Pepsi?" --Tony Aaron on Pepsi Tuesday
"Its TUESDAY, I didn't get that memo!" --Megan Payne on Pepsi Tuesday
"We don't swim in your toilet so don't piss in our bar." --Jeff and Shaun
"Observate, Documentate" --Tony Aaron
"Don't you ever F***in' talk to me like that again!" --Megan Payne, to a Happy Friar sup during one VERY busy Halloweekend
"Toner, I'm not dealing with this!!!"
--Megan Payne, after the previous quote
"Now don't you feel crunchy?"
--Chris Moore
"Are you being insubordinate?!" --Nick Barnhart
"Yes and get used to it!" --Misty Eifert to Nick
"But Meg..."--Jozef Bartek
"Everybody loves me so deal with it" --Chris Shayler, shortly before being thrown in the lake
"Because they finally got their heads out of their asses!" --Tony Aaron
"You have 5 minutes to get out of this building!" --Megan Payne, after slamming a wrench into a wall.
"I didn't do it!" --Chris Shayler
"How many hours did you work last week?....104.9.....what time were you supposed to be here this morning?....8 a.m, I know, its 10 a.m.......Megs, when did you leave last night?....4 a.m.... Don't worry about it."--Dan McManus and Megan Payne, the day after Big Bash
"Get out of my bar" --Shaun Slinkard
"Ya busy?" --Tony Aaron on the days Soak City broke record attendance.
