Graphic by Danny Flynn

Combined Poems of Bob and Diana

First Poem on page by Diana

Followed by a beautiful Poem written by Bob

Summer Days

The brilliance of the sun

Embraces all it sees

Harshness of the brightest lights

Call out to waken me

Sunbeams dancing upon my sleepy eyes

Warming my skin with their gentle touch

Do I ignore this invitation sent?

Or go back into my land of dreams,

Filled with fantasies of love?

Birds sing out in a rhapsody

Leaving notes now playing in my mind

Flowers bloom with abandon

Mixed fragrances now filling up my senses

Trees standing tall and mighty

Branches reaching for the sky

Is this God's way of glorifying my morning?

Or just hopes of finding Beauty within my simple life?

The feel of dew beneath my cautious step

Mist embracing my gentle waking breath

Walking into the Sunrise

Leaving night behind

Am I walking into God's made Heaven?

Or am I walking into mine?


Sounds of nature…

The mornings are quiet,

Except for crickets and birds.

The sounds are so different,

As wildlife speaks its words.

The undisturbed countryside,

Is a site to behold,

Where our countrymen traveled,

In days of olde.

No planned roadways,

And undisturbed streams,

The air is so clean,

And refreshing to breathe.

The hummingbird drinks nectar,

From the feeder out back,

You can hear its wings humming,

As it hovers in a perfect knack.

I hear the babbling brook,

From across the pasture,

And I can see the deer feeding,

As hillsides hum in perfect rapture. ©2000

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