Don't Look Back




He hurt your body

Distorted your mind

Why do we put so much emphasis

On the judgment of someone who is blind

To Beauty and Love 



Because he said it

You took it for granted he meant it

Why do we trust the words of someone

mute to words of the Kind


Because he hit you

You thought you deserved it

Why oh why, precious one

Your worth so much more


He says your ugly

Fat and withered from time

Why do we trust the sight of someone who can't see

The Depth and Wisdom that grows when we age


There's Beauty inside you

Deep down where your Woman's soul grows

The child so loved by her Family

The Woman who's Children do adore her


It started with Love and with trusting

It turned ugly so fast

No more friends allowed over

No more laughter with tears

Only abuse from someone you love


He screams at  your Children

Beats on your body

Why do we trust the touch of someone

Who can't gently reach out 

And touch us only with Love


Did you disagree with him

Dare to have your own mind

Oh my dearest friend

You have every right to

Trust me it's all a matter of his need to control


I wish I could hold you

Take the time to console you

Guide you to a path where you feel free

Life floating on a mid summers breeze


 There is a life without bruises

Without threats of beatings

Without names being called out against you

Yes, I do know your not a whore


Accusations surround you

Are you having an Affair?

Why do we answer someone's questions

who can't ask with Sanity and Care 


Men don't have to hit you, 

To be worthy of Manhood 

They don't have to accuse you,  

To gently Love you

They don't have to be drunk

To make intimate love to your soul


They just don't understand

They only need to empower us

Be kind and generous like before

Treat us with humility like God intended us for



If you are in an abusive marriage or relationship

Please get out! Too many Woman are living half the life

they should be because of the insecurities of their significant 

other. I know I lived that life for 18 years. Too many woman

are being killed by their boyfriends or husbands to take 

that chance with your life any longer. Here are a few of 

the warning signs I had but never understood.

1) He talks down or name calls other woman

Sound vague.. he calls other woman whores or such

If he calls them one bet your butt he WILL call you one too

Find out why he thinks they are whores. You might find 

out there is no acceptable or sane reason.

"His" conciept of a decent Woman is totally insane

2) Laughs or talks about using other Woman before you

A man who likes and respects Woman will never use them.

Nor will he brag about his conquests! He will never 

disrespect a Woman to make himself seem more the man or 

inflate his ego.

3) Dislikes your best friends.

This was the first step to me letting go of my Childhood 

and Teenage Friendships. Looking back I can't believe 

 he didn't like my Friends who were so much like me. But 

I still believed he could like "me" as a person.

4) Any statement meant to change you. 

This one started very subtle for me. Even small criticism 

can become big criticism.  I don't mean the innocent 

criticisms we all do, just the ones that are meant to change

 our personalities. You read too much. You eat too much. 

You laugh too much. Your such a Daddy's Girl. I didn't like 

the way  you acted with my friends.  You look  fat.

 You spend too much time with your friends or Family.

I went through half my life afraid to talk and hating to buy 

clothes because they might make me look bigger. A 

girlfriend who gained a lot of weight said to me that she 

didn't feel different with the weight gain. She said She was

just as big in her mind at size 5 as a size 12. 

5) Jealousy is NOT a Loving thing!

Sure it is flattering in the beginning of a relationship.

"Oh he is so jealous he must REALLY Love me!". After a few

years of him being totally wrong and accusing it gets OLD!

Soon you can't talk to any male friends or male neighbors

without you feeling and him thinking you are doing 

something wrong. Not to mention all of life you miss out

on because of his having to know where you are every

moment. And the time spent defending yourself from his sick 

accusations. It most cases it does last your whole life with 

him. Don't think he will change and the Jealousy will


Flattery soon becomes insult.

6) Being asked or expected to lie for him.

If he expects it from a mate he will probably expect it from

a friend... how can you trust his word knowing that.

7) Does he walk in front of you and not beside you?

8)If he has hit you one time and you want to forgive him

do it with having filed a Police Report first. Your life

may depend one day on documentation of such behavior.

9)The most important thing! Trust your instincts and 

intuition. We DO always know how things are going to end.

Deep down inside ourselves we know the truth. More often

than not we create and live a Fantasy and ignore that truth.

We lie to friends (and sometimes ourselves)

on how he treats us in private to keep the 

Fantasy going, which he depends on. Our insecurity in our

ability to sense danger is very strong. If we can accept dogs

have the ability to sense danger or unkind people, lets 

accept that we can do the same! We just let kindness and 

fairness cloud our judgment and gut feelings. We project 

our behavior onto the abuser thus thinking they are nice.

10) Most important of all! Listen to the feelings of other

Woman or Family members who you trust. They may 

have a life experience you don't that gives them a warning

sign you may not see. Listen to the words of old Girlfriends

or Ex-Wives. They speak more truth when they are in anger 

than any of us imagine. Woman let out all the sick secrets 

when they no longer care! Don't ASSUME all talk from an

EX is jealousy or meanness. The happiness of you and 

your Families future depends to much on simple


11) Does he constantly throw your past mistakes in your face?

12) Does he blame you for not being happy or any bad in his life?


When you are tired of being humiliated

and bruised enough. Nothing will stop you 

from doing whatever you have to do to get out!

Friends and Family NEVER look down on you

for making wrong choices. They are called

"learning experiences". And you get more

respect for learning the lesson and moving on.

Take care and God's help to you! Diana


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Angel's I have met on my Path, may they know Peace.


Angel Tears Angel Wings Mountains High Angel on the Wind Fairy Dreams Eternity
A Fathers Truth Angels Are Among Us Angels Words to Me My Sleepy Angel Reflections
Moments of Quiet Cherished Are the Moments Where's Mommy To My Dad I'm So Sorry
Combined Works Don't Look Back Daddy Hit Me The Gift Magical Friends
Wizard and Dragon Summer Nap Timeless Garden Somewhere Itsy Bitsy Angel
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