How rich do you want to be?...
Mirror, On The Wall,
Who Is The Richest
Of Them All?
on the previous page I just revealed to you one of
the best kept secrets for having a successful business
(especially Internet business), it's now time to reveal
Bill Gates' secret sales recipe!
the richest man in the world is Microsoft's
CEO, Bill Gates. It's estimated
that he makes over
32.4 million dollars a DAY!
(Yes, you read that correctly. A DAY, not monthly
or yearly - every day!)
Now, let me
share with you some of Microsoft's and Bill Gates'
secrets for success. (Pay very close attention
you're not going to read this anywhere else!).
Gates' Success Recipe
there are many variables leading to anyone's
success, including Bill Gates', but here is the
"meat and potatoes":
Bill Gates is the "boss" (or one of
of the company; he works for
(You've got to go
into business for yourself if you
are ever going to be financially successful.
You've got to stop making your boss rich
and start making money for YOU!) |
he makes and sells products that are in
very high demand. He knows what people need
and want --then he solves their
problems quickly
and easily. (People are impatient and want
their problems solved now, not next year.) |
and most importantly, he sells products
that have very low costs, yet
extremely high
mark-ups. (You have to know your margins.
You'll never make money buying for $5 and
selling for $8. The so-called "$3
profit" will
go straight into your expenses... which
that you may actually lose money with such
small mark-ups!) |
naturally leads us to the question of:
Does Microsoft Actually Sell?
sells . . .Information!
They make programs (that
are in high demand), put them on
disks/CD-ROMs (or downloadable off the Net) that come
with a
book/manual (low cost), and sell them world wide with
mark-ups for almost pure profit.
Is Bill Gates a genius? .
. . maybe. Is it very difficult? . . .
no way. Can anybody do it . . . yes! Can YOU
do it? . . .
most definitely YES!
I hope by now you know
that selling information is the key
to making money (regardless of your business or
service... on or off the Internet), and the key source for
all your information will be found in the CashFlow
Bill Gates, Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Brad Richdale,
Ted Nicholas, Don Lapre, Dan Kennedy, Bill Myers
and thousands of other successful entrepreneurs know
that selling information has been, and will always be,
one of the most lucrative businesses in the world!
And as soon as you start,
you'll know it too!
I am a student at
CSUN (California State University of
Northridge) and I needed to make some
extra cash to help pay for my school
expenses. Because my time is so limited,
I needed to start a "home/dorm"
business that didn't require much time,
effort or money. I
was hesitant to get started with your
software program (because I've been
ripped off in the past, I've become very
Well...To make a long
story short, everything has worked out
great! After the first month, I was
making $350-$550 a week. All I did was
use the search engines to get traffic to
my site. Then I decided to place a couple
classified ads on the Net in some ezines
as you had recommended... Good call
because that immediately increased my
sales by 40%-45%.
I'm planning on placing
more ads in the the next month or two.
Heck, if this continues to work as well
as it has, I may drop out and devote 100%
of my time to selling the Cash Flow
Reporter (just don't tell my parents ;-).
Northridge, California
Student, Age 20
FREE eBook,
Web Site And Even More Software Programs and Bonuses!
Just to
"sweeten the deal," if I receive your order by midnight
Sunday, I'll include the following three
valuable bonuses!
I've been involved
in the direct marketing business for a fairly
long time (over a decade now) and with being on the
for the past few years, there has been a distinct pattern
of questions and concerns I have seen with my customers
(as well as those of my colleagues and associates).
And here are the two biggest questions we all
1. |
do I start a home-based or Internet
business?" |
2. |
do I promote and market my business?" |
I think you can
agree with me that over 95% off all
"entrepreneurial" questions somehow relate to
(or both) of the above (don't most of your
have something to do with the above?...)
Anyway, the solution to
question #1 is readily and effectively
answered with the CashFlow Reporter business package.
I think we've discussed this topic enough, so let's move
on to
question #2 - How to promote and market your
There are so many ways
to promote a business that at
times, it becomes mind boggling and more frustrating
than anything else. Of course, a better question would
"What's the most time and cost effective ways to promote
and market my business?"
Fair enough because your
first FREE bonus is called the...
Flow eBusiness eBook
In my brand new eBook
(which stands for "electronic" book),
I've answered virtually all of your promoting and
questions. I've divided the book into three major
(and numerous sub-sections).
Here they are:
Search Engine
Tips |
Search engines were
the very first ways most
people promoted their sites and search
engines are also the number one way most
Net "surfers" still find their information.
So, search engines will play a major part
in your online business.
Search engines are the
most basic way to
promote your web site... yet they are also
one of the most difficult to understand.
In this section I will show you how search
engines really work, and how you can use
this knowledge to achieve the highest
"money-making" ranking in the top 15
search engines and directories.
All of this
information is tested and proven.
The beauty about search engine promoting is
that it's totally free...exactly what the
doctor ordered for the new entrepreneur
who may have limited advertising funds.
Publicity Tips |
The power of publicity
can sometimes be
overwhelming and downright amazing!
Without spending a single penny, you can
get thousands of dollars worth of free
advertising that
will work EVEN BETTER
than any paid advertising. Enough so, that
it's guaranteed to change your life forever!
Absolutely nothing
can take your business,
sales and profits to the next level as fast
as publicity - NOTHING!
Free publicity can be used (and should be
used) by anyone, at any level of your
business and most importantly, at the
beginning when advertising funds are
next to nothing.
Also note that
"free publicity" isn't limited to just
press releases. I reveal tons of ways to get free
online publicity
which has absolutely nothing
to do with press releases or the spending of any
money (you'll really love these tactics!).
As you can see, this
section can be used for
both off and on line advertising, so you have
no excuse not to utilize it!
Ad Copy Tips |
Well, you've arrived
at one of the most important
sections of this ebook. Actually, the information
contained in this section, is worth more to you
than most anything you'll ever read on the
subject of marketing and advertising (yes,
that's how strongly I feel about this topic!).
It For Granted
Most people... from
beginners to seasoned
veterans, completely take for granted the
power of good ad copy or "direct response"
sales letters. I could give you a million
reasons as to why this is such an important
topic, but I don't want to waste yours or anyone
else's time because you will either
"see the light" or you won't.
But, I'll go this far
and speak to you very bluntly...
Good ad copy (or
direct response sales letters) has been,
is, and will continue to be one of
the most fundamental aspects of any
business - past, present and future! |
Most of the
information in my CashFlow
eBusiness eBook...and almost any
information you
will ever read on the
subject of Internet marketing (or even
general marketing) is almost worthless
without the aid and addition of good ad copy!
Whether it's search
engine promotions,
web site designing, email marketing,
publicity tactics, affiliate programs,
classified and ezine ads, or almost
anything else you can think of, can be
greatly enhanced by using and
understanding the fundamental principles
of direct response ad/Web copy.
Anyway, I won't
belabor this point or
drag it on any longer. But what ever
you do, please, do NOT skip over this
section. Utilize the ad copy tips found
in this section to improve all of your
other Internet marketing tactics!
When I first
downloaded your ebook, I thought it was
just going be a bunch of
"fluff" like the other ebooks
on the Internet. But to my surprise, it
was really, really good (which made me
think why are you giving it away for
free?...). All
the information was very thorough, but
not too technical. I could put to use the
tactics the very first day ... and
another nice thing was that all promotion
and marketing tips were either low cost
or free! Thanks for showing integrity.
You are by far one of the most
knowledgeable (and my favorite) marketers
on the Internet. God bless.
Bobbie Hardy
FREE Marketing & Distribution Rights
By now you're
slowly but surely falling in love with me.
You can't believe I'm giving away some of my best
marketing tips for free...but hey, I've got even more
good news because with the eBusiness eBook,
you will also receive FREE duplication and
distribution rights.
So, why am I
doing all this?... What's the catch?... What's the
hidden gimmick?
Here's the
truth: A new business is almost worthless if
don't know how to market and promote it, right?!
The CashFlow eBusiness eBook will show you all of the
tricks and secrets to promoting your new online
PLUS... it'll be an awesome bonus incentive
to give to
your customers for purchasing the CashFlow Reporter
from you! (heck, one very effective tactic of bringing
tons of traffic and customers to your site is by
giving away the eBook all over the Internet!)
Free ebook, free
duplication and distribution rights... I
LOVE it! You're the bomb! Hey, I hope you
don't mind, but I've been going to a
bunch of the "free" sites and
message boards and offering the book as a
free download at my site if they
subscribe to my newsletter. It's bringing
in TONS of traffic, my subscription is
going up and a bunch of people are buying
the Reporter package because of it
(everybody loves FREE!). I'm
happy, my customers are happy and
hopefully with this email, you're gonna
be happy.
Kary Perlmutter
Well, the above testimonial pretty much says
it all. A great
product is one that makes everybody happy (and
rich! )
... you can't ask for more! (By the way, if you want to,
you can even sell the eBusiness eBook for any price you'd
like and keep ALL the profits!... hint, hint...)
Oh... I
almost forgot, you will receive FREE life-time
at no additional charge! So
you'll always have the most
recent and up-to-date information at your finger tips!
Bonus #2 - Professional Web Site
second free bonus is awesome because it's a complete,
professionally designed Web site for your new
Sometimes, it takes more than a great product to become
a successful marketer. You must have professional
creative marketing materials. People will judge you
your product solely based upon your sales literature.
It Does
The Job For You!
CashFlow Reporter Web site is seven
professionally created HTML pages
that you can use to market the CashFlow
Reporter (in addition to the built in
sales materials found within the software
If you
already have a web site, then you can
publish these pages and customize them
as you feel necessary. If you maintain
your own Web site, then you can
publish and customize them yourself.
If someone else creates and maintains
your site, then give them the web site software
program and the changes you would make.
And if
you don't feel like spending the money to
have a Web site (they only cost between
$10-$15 a month), then use one of the many
site offers all over the Internet
(don't worry, I've already done the research
for you and you'll get an entire list of the
best free hosting companies).
some Internet Service Providers (ISP's)
who give you a 5-10 Mega Byte Web site
for free, just for signing up with them.
With an
estimated $6 BILLION worth of Internet
transactions for 2001, and over $9
for 2002,
your new professionally designed Web site
may be all you'll ever need to make money
promoting the CashFlow Reporter.
Plus, Reproduction Rights!
Receive unlimited
reproduction rights to your
CashFlow Reporter Web site, so you can copy it
and offer it as a free bonus when
the Cash Flow Reporter!
Now you
have the reports, report-groups on
disk/download, the Cash Flow eBusiness eBook
(which comes with free distribution rights)
and a professionally designed reporter web site
to offer your customers as a bonus incentive
to buying the Cash Flow Reporter; it's
practically a guaranteed sale!
Free Bonus #3 -
"Mini" Reporter Series
Your third free bonus is a mini-encyclopedia
of information...
it's called the CashFlow "Mini" Reporter
When we did a survey of over 60,000 respondents,
three biggest topics of interest were "mail
order", "how-to..."
and "consumer awareness and protection".
So, in our pursuit of the
"perfect" product, we created a
three-volume series each devoted completely to the above
three topics, and we named them...
Flow "Mail Order" Reporter
Flow "How-To" Reporter
Flow "Deluxe Consumer" Reporter
Each of the above reporter series contain
over 101 of the most
sought after, in-demand information topics: Here's a very
explanation of what you'll discover!
(The above link opens in a new browser window)
Did you take a look?... As you can see,
we've hand picked
only the "best of the best"! There are over
400 of these
reports and how-to books contained in the CashFlow
"Mini" Reporter Series and they are all yours FREE of charge.
Marketing & Distribution Rights
Okay... by now you're starting to really get to know me,
so it shouldn't be any surprise to you that you will also
receive unlimited and royalty-free marketing and
distribution rights to ALL three of the CashFlow
Reporter Series software programs (yes, all three!)
You can do whatever you want with them...
sell them
individually, give away a special deal "buy two get
one free",
give them away as free bonus incentives to buying the
CashFlow Reporter package, or anything else you can think
they are yours to do as you wish!
let's recap exactly what you're going to get:
new and pre-updated for the year 2002,
the Cash Flow "Business Edition"
Reporter software
program containing the text to over 3000
pages of
reports, how-to books, guides, legal forms,
making ideas and sources that you can reprint and
sell on a royalty-free basis!
marketing and resale rights at no additional
Flow Report Copier software allowing you
easily copy groups of reports onto 3.5"
or make them completely available as simple
downloads from your site, or by email.
Now you can easily create booklets, manuals,
report-groups and newsletters which can be sold
for as much as $50 each.
print-ready sales and marketing materials
enabling you to start your new business as soon
as you
download the software program.
Cash Flow eBusiness eBook which will give
a step-by-step explanation on how to market
and promote
almost any business, product or service, on
or off the Internet
(most tactics will cost you absolutely NOTHING!).
Don't forget, you will also receive, life-time
FREE upgrades
at no additional charge!
marketing and resale rights to the
eBusiness eBook allowing you to bring in more
and customers to your site so that you can easily
promote and sell the CashFlow Reporter...
and the additional option of selling it for any
price you
wish,(and keeping ALL the profits for yourself!)
professionally created HTML web pages
that you can use to market and promote your
CashFlow Reporter package.
royalty free reproduction
rights to your
Web site so you can copy it and offer it as a free
incentive when marketing the software program!
Cash Flow "Mini"
Reporter Series software
programs, which include 3 professionally created
programs each containing over 101 of the most
sought after, in-demand information on the topics
of "Mail Order", "How-To...",
and "Consumer Awareness"!
Unlimited and royalty-free
marketing and
distribution rights to all three of the Cash Flow
"Mini" Reporter Series software
programs (How-To, Mail-Order,
and Deluxe "Consumer Reports"!)
You get all
of the above, including the valuable bonuses, for the
super low, low price of just $150.00! (Shhh, don't tell
but I've got Two extra super-duper bonus for you
because every
month I allow a certain number of people to receive this
package for HALF THE PRICE! Read on to see if you qualify for
this month's price discount!)
I think
you'll agree that this is a tremendous bargain,
when you consider how much it would cost you to buy each
these reports individually. Let alone the amount of
information you will discover by reading the variety of
money-making reports found within the program!
Plus, the most
valuable part of this entire package is the fact
that you are getting FREE marketing and distribution
rights to almost ALL of the products!... An offer like
just doesn't come by too often (and you and I both know
Early Bird Super
so we are both in complete agreement that this is a great
an incredible package filled with awesome potential, and
more importantly, this has been tested, tried
and proven,
so there is absolutely no risk!
You Need
Money To Make Money!...
That's a very
old (yet true) saying that I'm sure you've heard
many times before... The simple fact that you will need
money (not much) in order to make money. BUT, what
you don't have any money to get started?...
Then how the heck will you ever "make" it?
Hence lies
the "catch-22". One of the biggest road-blocks
most new entrepreneurs face (it's very similar to the
that most companies won't hire a new employee unless they
have "experience", but how can you gain any
if nobody hires you?!!)
Well, a long
time ago, I was lucky enough that my big brother
lent me a couple hundred dollars to start my own little
order business (this was way back in my first year of
Not many people have such an opportunity, so now it's my
to return the favor and give someone else a
To show you how serious I am about
you make money, by receiving your order today,
I will personally make sure that you
get half-off the regular price of $150.00!
Let me repeat
that again. By ordering right now, will
receive 50% off the regular price, so all you pay
is only $75.00
(plus, you still get all the bonuses and free marketing
You just can't ask for a better opportunity than this,
I can't possibly be any more fair.
is the bottom line:
You'll learn
exactly how to start a successful and proven
business... and more importantly, the tactics needed to
market and promote it (knowledge can NEVER be
taken away
from you!).
Plus, you'll
finally have the money, freedom and lifestyle
that you've always wanted and dreamed about having, but
never knew how to achieve it or where to
Hey, no matter how you look at it or slice it, it sounds
pretty darn great! If you think about it, . . .
Really Can’t Afford
NOT To Invest In This Package!
I think it's
time that you stopped using the same old excuses
you've been using for the past few years. Life is not
any easier and you're not getting any younger.
Don't you think you owe it to yourself to move on this
incredible opportunity?
For the price
of a couple tickets to a football game or a day at
Disneyland, you can enjoy financial AND mental security
for life!
30-Day Test-Drive!
Yes! You can
even try this out RISK-FREE for a full 30 Days!
If you are not absolutely delighted with the
profit-making potential
of the "Cash Flow" Business Package, simply ask
us for a
refund. But believe me, once you discover what a
money-maker this is for you, you will not want to give
back your "rights" to it!
Take action now, while it's fresh in
your mind (before you miss
the deadline and all your free bonuses), simply click
and use our online
order form
to your up-coming success!"

You may still be unsure or have some doubts
(sometimes we all do, and ironically all those
"doubts" are what's keeping us from
in life). But let me ask you a question...
If you don't start
this proven and successful
business by owning the CashFlow Reporter
software package, then what
business will
you start? . . . how
will you make the
extra income that you want and need?
. . . and more
importantly, when
are you going to stop making the
"other guy" rich
(that's your boss), and start making some
money for yourself and your family?!! |
opportunity is now. The product is here.
The only thing
between you and success is a simple click
Remember, if you order now you will receive
all of our valuable free bonuses.
By ordering today - you will be guaranteed a
whopping 50%
price reduction, AND you are eligible for a
special $1,000+ surprise
You need to take action today if you want results
©2001-2002 All Rights Reserved W.C.Enterprises