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These poems are from my friend Blast.
I ask him if I could use them on my site ,
and was honored when he said I could.
Thank you my friend for these gifts of poems that you wrote.
I hope I do them justice.

~ China ~

Things come so slow
and go so fast
perhaps thats why
we dwell in the past

why look forward
it's all back there
you can't go back
can only stare

at what has been
at what was said
at what he did
and what we had
but pause again
as you will see
the future there
for you and me

-dkj 2000

We Danced

I held her closely, tightly, gently
moved across the floor so gracefully
spun her once
spun her twice
pulled her in
smells so nice

and we danced
like we never danced before
and we danced
moved all across the floor

the tempo pulsated,
to it we girated
it beat out loud
moved to crowed
we didnt care
we didn't share
it was our dance
and we slide through air

and we danced
like we never danced before
and we danced
moved all across the floor

-dkj 2000


Son I have now grown old
My final day is here
But I do have one last wish
Please take me to a place
Where I may rest in peace
Help me on this trip
With your still youthful strength

I will show you the way
To a place you must see
As the tradition goes
My father before me
Once led me to this site
And as he passed he spoke
Of the secret he had learned
A secret passed to him
That I now pass to you

[Father and son then walked down
a place known only
to the one of age and wisdom]

Now look to the distance
Look through the breaking woods.
[and before his unbelieving eyes
Was a site of pure inspiration
-The trees opened into a field
and upon this field-
there sat a cemetery
that had an element
of purity tranquility
and everlasting peace]

Make no noise for they rest
Save those given a task
Forgotten Is this place
By all but one above

Here to rest, Here to sleep
Without a beat In thier heart
They await For the day
When the one returns To take them home

[From around the corner of
the far end there, approached a man
riding upon a horse as white as a pearl
-he rode proudly-
And the young one just stood in awe]

Watch as he approaches riding upon his steed
His life has past him by, But he's forbade to rest
Instead he's forced to ride
Around the outer grounds

To keep the evil out
And keep the sleeping in
The task is without end
A burden he must face
[The father then paused as the
rider passed just in front of the two
-and as he passed
the young one saw no emotion
just a stare so blank-
Yet he could feel the pride
possessed by the rider eternal]

But does it with pride
Keeping his head raised high
For it's the only way to justify his life

[The rider then disappeared around
the corner at the other end]

And the mistakes he made
Forgotten Is this place
Save those sleeping within
They rest alone With pride inside
And comfort as they dream
[they continued in closer to the gate
-And as they closed in,
Music could be heard-
And to the amazement of
The one without age,
The music was that of a woman singing]

She sings a requiem
To keep them all asleep
And to prevent their souls
From ever wondering off
This task was handed down
A sacred family heir
desire fills her heart
And comes out through her voice

Each passing day and night
Those within can hear her song
It's sung with out an end
Its only goal - subdue
Now hush my son you'll hear
This tranquil song she sings
[Then both fell silent so that
they could hear the joy within
her song]

Forgotten Is this place
but done so for a cause to keep it safe
For those who rest And away from those who pry
[the father then raised his hand to point to a tree
-and below the tree there sat a man
weeping like no man ever had before]

A tear strolls down his face
One followed by the next
Each one represents
A deceased laid to rest
This task he cannot help
He's merely overcome
With regret for all mankind
Who will one day lay down
That final time to rest
So he weeps forever
And for humanity
This man will never rest
Some might call it a curse
But he calls it his pride

[The son then felt the desire to weep too]

Forgotten, Is this place
And all those Laid to rest
But they know Where they are
And where they were before

[The father then turned to his son
and began to speak in a more firm, but
still gentle voice]

Son you can go no more,From here I go alone
But you must not forget
This place you have now seen
Keep it safe in your heart
But never tell a soul
Until your final day

This you must show your son
And lead him here alone
And pass it on to him
It's a tradition passed down
from father then to son
a cycle - like life

[Only then did the son realize the
severity of the current events
-for it was something he had always feared-
yet now it was less of a burden and in
fact releived him of the pressure of facing his own time
-this would allow him to live a fulfilling life
then he could ever imagine]

Forgotten Is this place
By all but one above here to rest
here to sleep Without a beat
In their hearts, They await
For the day When the one returns
To take them home

- D K J

As The Candle Burns

And its shadow
dances on the wall
I dance too
To the beat of the wind
Blowing gently
Through my open window
Making the shadow move
It's the only
Light around me
So my dancing
Has a purpose
To keep it entertained
And prevent it
From ever leaving me.

-D K J


In the arms of an Angel
You can do no wrong
In the strong arms of an Angel
You can feel so strong

She holds me
Controls me
And keeps my in her heart
She is love From above
All the way down to my heart

And the robes of an Angel
Can dry all tears
The pure robes of an Angel
Can extinguish fears

There always, Never strays
A guardian to the end
Here for me, Only me
The only one I call a friend

When you look at an Angel
And you see her smile
You draw such pleasure
You can float for miles

I dream And she dreams
In in that world we can meet
Be silent So silent
And pay respect to her wonderous feat

So New

So new to me
but new to he
a world out there
but does he care

so small to me
so big to he
there is no fear
cause we're both here

he cries to me
I sing to he
I try to sooth
I sing so smooth

does he know me
like I know he
I hope he does
at least feel my love
-dkj 2000

The Lovely Beast

I am the beast that stands alone
I am the king of all others
And I go where I please
For whatever reason I please
Any time I please
Intimidation will fill you
When you look deep inside my eyes
But when it is over
I rest to eat
And behind me I leave
The marks of my trait
For the scavengers who circle

Above with hungry eyes
While I return
To my lair for a nap
Where I sit and dream in peace
And ask not to be disturbed

Dont hate me from fear
Rather love me for beauty Cause no place on Earth
Will you find a creature like me

-D K J

Night Mare
please leave me alone
please stop stalking me
please graze somewhere else

Night Mare
lack of want of you
lack of consciousness
lack of will to fight

Night Mare
dark beast causing fear
dark dreams fill me
dark night wil not leave

Night Mare
makes me want to cry
makes my heart be fast
maked me want to die

Night Mare
I ask you to go away
I beg you to go away
I'm lost so please go away

Night Mare
stalking another prey
stalking another night
stalking eternally

-D K J

The Garden

Take me to the garden
Where the ripe fruit grow
Take me down the path
That's said to be paved with gold
Let's go for a long walk
Find a nice peach tree
Sit and have a long talk
AM I here, Is it real
Or is it a dream that I feel
All is good All is right
Everything's a beautiful sight
But this is how he had made it
This is how it's meant to be
Like it was in the beginning
we just weren't around to see
So take me to the garden
where the fruit is always ripe
Let's go for a walk in the garden
And see all it's wonderous sights

--D.K.J 2000


And I try not to remember
Make a point not to think back

And the time just passes by
I really should know better
But then we all do sometimes

Another second races by

Tomorrow will be different
I said the day before

Can't stop time if I tried

She looked so pure and graceful
Just like she always did

And a tear fell from my eye

And he couldn't wait to hold her
Just like I always did
another tear just races by

And then she said I do
And then he said I do

Cant stop the tears if I tried


What if
I never said hi again
What if
nothing more could have been
What if
you never said nite again
What if
we'd both been sorry then
What if
we never spoke again


In My Life

I'm still looking for the reasons
trying to find an answer
to all the questions
in my life

But through all the changing seasons
I can't find the way
just make it day to day
in my life

Not sure what I'm supposed to do
maybe no one does
there is no map
in my life

And there's no ones there to help me
I'm here all alone
I can't find a home
In my life

Sometimes I look back again
the way it was back then
and I can't lie
about my life

But look forward and get the feeling
that there might be hope
there is a dream
in my life

Well I still dont know what happened
what could have gone wrong
it seemed fine all along.

There was a certain kind of rythym
it was like a song
we just sang along

I felt a special kind of magic
felt it in my heart
then it fell apart

You never took the time to say good bye
just drifted apart
to look for a new start

--D.K.J 2001

In My Life

I'm still looking for the reasons
trying to find an answer
to all the questions
in my life

But through all the changing seasons
I can't find the way
just make it day to day
in my life

Not sure what I'm supposed to do
maybe no one does
there is no map
in my life

And there's no ones there to help me
I'm here all alone
I can't find a home
In my life
Sometimes I look back again
the way it was back then
and I can't lie
about my life
But look forward and get the feeling
that there might be hope
there is a dream
in my life


I danced all alone
I stood -- just me
I never really knew
just what alone could be

then I met you

now I can relate
to just what it means
to be the only
person you ever see

then I met you

I take another step
in love with you
leave behind the shadows
that I knew
just staring at a life
i'll build with you

the future only
looks as good as you
there's nothing left
that I alone can do

now im with you

how could I laugh
How could I smile
If you were somewhere
further than a mile

now I'm with you
I take another step
in love with you
leave behind the shadows
that I knew
just staring at a life
I'll build with you

~ -DKJ ~

The four winds blow
North, East, South, West
And you're prepare
To take that quest

You're not alone
You've company
No lonesome dove
There's you and me

Fly to the sky
And i follow
The love we have
Is not shallow

Look thorugh the air
What do you see
The future there
For you and me

Its a dark dream
A fantasy
It's the shadow
You can't see
Sneak up on you
From somewhere
But you don't see
And you don't care

The fly the path
Wings of a dove
The four winds blow
The winds blow love

~ -DKJ-2001 ~

Sit in the dark and stare at nothing
Burn a match and I light a candle

I have my doubts and
I'm not sure this time
don't think its something I can handle

But it's here and it's there
and it's nothing new to me

And I'm here
And you're there
Again, nothing new to me

And we worked
And we failed
I'm so sorry that I didn't try harder
But I know it's it just not there

Guess I knew it from the get go
but I didn't care, didn't want to

So tired of being all alone
I was fed up and then so were you

I was here
You were there
Only a matter of convience

Then we met

Then we fell
I'm so sorry that I did not catch you

But there was no one there to catch me

~ -DKJ-2001 ~

Two doors staring right at you
you pause-
which will you choose?

Will the one on the left
be your final death?
Will the one on the right
finally give you the might?

Toss a coin through a tornado
where it lands
decides where you go.

You'd be better off
simply walking off
but when you walk away
you never siege the day.


In times before the times of now
the sailors sailed upon their bow

Moving forward not looking back
using stars to keep their track

With the light
that shined
so far away

And the fear
was left
in the last day

Be my navigator
and set a course upon the stars
you can be the sailor
I'll take your hand, we'll travel far

You're eyes they shine and cut through night
they lead the course through wrong or right

Guide my future, guide from my past
to distance shores where love does last

With beauty
that shines
upon my soul

And last
this much I know

Be my navigator
and set a course upon the stars
you can be the sailor
I'll take your hand, we'll travel far


She moves
with waves of passion
silk skin
her only fashion

And she moves so slow
with no place to go

Heart beat
sets the rhythm
her eyes
do the stealin'

And she'll reach inside
a dream you think you've died

One word
she will whisper
close your eyes
and you're the listener

To her every breath
for you there's nothing left

She stares
and cuts right through you
you freeze
unsure what to do

And you're hypnotized
simply mystified

Eyes open
and she is gone
look around
there is no one

Was she ever there
or just a dream you dare


Best Friend

My best friend
Is all I need
Is all I want

Feeling of closeness
always understand
look in those eyes
and I comprehend

Nothing left hidden
nothing unsaid
a shared union
one hand in hand

We dance in tandem
on the same wave
as known each other
sharing the same page

I love
just my
best friend

-D K J


I watched a fool
watched as he sat
sat and did nothing
but sat like a fool

He had it all
all in his hand
holding everything
I never had

but I watched the fool
open his hand
and throw it away
now a lone fool he stands

-D K J

Let me help

Let me help
what little I can
let me help
let me take your hand

No guarantees
I can hang the stars
no guarantees
but I can take you far

It's not an offer
but a promise I make
these aren't just words
but a promise I make

-D K J


she watches
she laughs
she cries

he dances
he plays
and he cries

ok what's he doing
where did he go now
just ask his mother
she knows some how

she holds
she hugs
she cries

he smiles
he grows
and he cries

ok what's he doing
where did he go now
just ask his mother
she knows some how

-D K J


In a second
that's all it takes
one time tick
one time with fate

can you wink your eye
envision why
can you accept
this time you tempt

that fleeting moment
last chance to have
to take the future
no time for past

there is no difference
between now and then
its all the same
except just when

-D K J


Our Wild youth is calling
asking, wondering why

they raise their heads, stare deeply
new world through their eyes

their youth is just for today
their smallness will not last

their vision of the future
is molded in our past

-D K J


I had a dream
I saw you float away
watched you walk and
wander off astray

didn't know what you were searching for
but you were searching all the same
maybe you were just afraid
of playing that same old twisted game

I am everywhere
I am there to take you hand
but you walked away
walked on to another day
all alone
wont let me in

I had a dream
I saw you walk away
and I was there
to take you far away

but you still weren't sure just what you wanted
you couldn't talk to me, try to explain
maybe you were just afraid
that I would bring that same old pain

now where are you
with empty hands
and no one there
to take you in
all alone
still wont let me in

-dkj 2000

3 words

Three little words
that's all they are
three little words
fall from a star
three little words
can travel far
three little words
capture a heart
three little words
never apart
three little words
"I love you"
its not that hard

-dkj 2001


As I sat in the clouds one day
I watched a bird try to fly away
spread its wing, tried to soar
but that old bird could fly no more

took a glance, looked up looked down
tried to smile, but could only frown
it took a second, longer yet
and that old bird made one last bet

took a leap, nothing but faith
but right on down, that bird did race
there was fear cast from his eyes
the tears raced down, that bird did cry

the tears so many, fell like rain
with ground approaching, he braced for pain
but tears collected, to a pool
beneath the bird, that leaped like a fool

it wasn't over, not for him,
for that old bird, learned then to swim
his life was over, but a new one dawned
for that's the day, I named him Swan

-dkj 2001


Tell me what have you collected
what is it that you take with you
when you cross into the next life
what have you learned
and what have you earned
and what all have you collected

and now time's due
and you life through
just what have you collected

so you got your toys
conquered girls or boys
but from this what have you collected

you have memories
hot dark wet dreams
and from this what have you collected

pictures taken
promises broken
which of these have you collected

tell me what have you collected
what is it that you take with you
when you cross into the next life
what have you learned
and what have you earned
and what all have you collected

-dkj 2001

Get It

Do you finally get it
when I say
I love you
enchanted by you
understand you

do you really get it
the words
I love you
what they mean
weight they carry

do you actually get it
in you head
in you heart
that I love you
only want you
captured by you

-dkj 2001


I better warn you here
before you go too far
I know you want her now
but don't go rushing in

the pain that you might feel
from wanting her to bad
could be even worse

this is something I can say
from experience
once I held her hand
then I pulled her in

but the smile that she gave to me
was the last one she did

before she said goodbye
and left me standing there

and now that I sit here
explaining this to you
I can say I know the pain
that you went through

so before you make her yours
you better understand

that sometimes it just might be better
to loose without the love

cause I will always have
her passion in my heart
and I will never be able
to let go

so slowly go to her
but be prepared to wait
guard you heart, your feelings too
before its too late

-dkj 2001


I dance
I jump
I scream
I'm wicked

are you afraid?

and when I smile
that devious smile
the one that says
I know what you don't know
that's when
I'm being wicked

-dkj 2001


Coat wrapped up
safe from the chills
take a long walk
over those hills

I remember the bright days
I remember the shine
There was warmth back then

move down the road
walk past the trees
wonder the woods
just looking for me

I remember not being alone
I can recall a time together
we shared our warmth back when

two miles from no where
five years from then
I might turn around
but who knows just when

-dkj 2001

Take Me

You wrap yourself around me
never let go of me
breath deep, inhale my soul
take from me all I know

and you consume
just all of me
you slowly take
all that was me

Into your life I'll fall
tread fast after your call
never look back behind me
nothing left there for me

and you consume
just all of me
you slowly take
all that was me

Your words do fall so softly
yet still they somehow rock me
make me shake and make me quiver
want to be alone never

and you consume
just all of me
you slowly take
all that was me

the stars shine through your eyes
talk to me, hypnotize
you look and I am yours
into my life your love pours

and you consume
just all of me
you slowly take
all that was me

-dkj 2001


I felt the storm
I heard the thunder bolt
its when I saw the lightening streak
never felt so weak
so all alone
future so unknown

that's when I saw the lightening in your eyes
heard your thunder cries
and I felt the wind
from you again
another fight
stormy night

that was the night the storm brought no rain
but carried plenty pain
all the same
damage done
nothing won
another fight
stormy night

~ -DKJ ~


and it felt like summer
open up my eyes
such a lovely site
hot days
its just like passion
we share together

and it felt just like autumn
signs of
as we grow together
enough harsh weather
what four
but to show us the way

and it felt like winter
ice cold
now old
what once was bright
has faded fast
maybe never meant to last

and it felt like spring
the day
ready to write the next chapter
to take the
so new
me and you
moving out of the cold
go together growing old

~ -DKJ ~

Not Over

not over
not yet
in me
fight left
no close
no doors
can go
so far

~ -DKJ ~


don't cry
just laugh
don't sigh
find a laugh
deep laugh
can't hide
can't cry
just laugh

~ -DKJ ~


something new
from inside
your head
bring together
not torn apart
what you know
out throw

~ -DKJ ~

500 Holes

500 holes deep in the ground
filling with dirt and wood
clay returns to where it was found
500 souls rest under these trees
they entered by parade
and left unseen
500 stones mark where they lay
spirits long gone
but here their bones still remain
500 times they entered this place
carried in by parade
and left without a trace
just 500 holes
where they went
no one knows

-dk jensen

7 Dancing Angels

Seven angels
dancing on pins
dancing for love
dance against sin
dance for you
dance for me
watch them close
can you not see
they dance around
like prancing clowns
with happy faces
dance happy paces
their steps you trace
as evil they chase
with robes that flow
and wings that blow
a flutter of air
as they dance sans care
these seven angels
will dance again
they dance each time
there is a sin

-dk jensen


I've never been one
to run from the rain
because I can see
what no one else can
the prickles of water
striking my skin
each drop of water
removes one of my sins
the water falls down
Its a baptism from above
the thunder will roar
just god showing his love
the lighting will strike
I now see the light
this rain once washed
the sins from the world
from this rain i can feel
my sins lifted from my shoulder
I can stand taller
not weighted down
and not fear the sins
of those all around

-dk jensen


Don't read too little
don't read too much
in to what I say
or how I touch
what drives these words
I don't know myself
what drives me away
is a cry for help
smooth skin on skin
and I don't know why
I pull you so close
then run and hide
lack of balance
never understood
what my life needs

-dk jensen


With my last breath
I must confess
I will bear witness
to an act in time distance
I once crossed the line
I committed a crime
I knew not why
But he had to die
With my bear hands
I killed a man
It was his last stand
He stood not a chance
I looked in his eyes
I watched him cry
I took my time
Blood ran red like wine
Now I lay here
With my own death
And I don't fear
Its all so clear
For you will see
The death of me
Just as when
I saw the death of him

-dk jensen


this is where I get off
this is where I say good-bye
this is where my train stops
the road ahead is not mine
the past has been pleasing
though not always easy
so say good-bye to me
because I am leaving
you can go forward
I'll just turn left now
we might meet again somehow
but our time is through now
I'll find my own way
start a brand new day
you can leave or stay
but please don't go my way
each step that I take
will separate our fates
cause there's nothing we can make
so say good-bye, its getting late

-dk jensen

Hide and Seek

when the lights go out
do you scream and shout
do you feel the fear
of them standing there
will you play the game
will you hide in shame
when the lights go out
will you go about
searching for
who's behind the door
when you've been picked
when you are it
how fast will you chase
better set your pace you know they have the lead hiding in the tree
just might be worn out
when the lights go out

-dk jensen

Learning It's Not Love

There use to be a kind of passion
something like a fire
when we kissed, when we touched, we she smiled
we were just like kids
living day to day
sharing everything
what once tasted
like the sweetest of wine
to have gone sour
through the many ticks of time
late at night
looking in her eyes
learning its not love
and now I have to learn
learning its not love
maybe something else
there maybe someone else
but this was not love
late at night
looking in her eyes
learning its not love
a habit formed
that habit breaks
and shatters a heart on the way
new life begins
the old one ends
left to make it day to day
and learn
it was not love
learning its not love

-dk jensen

Mr.. Death

you mock him
but he mocks you to
don't know what
you're going to do
you stare so hard
but he stares right back
ready to unleash
a heart attack
you laugh out loud
he chuckles deep
ready to bury you
beneath six feet
you come to know
and understand
what it means to be
gripped by death's hand
tossed around
like a a rag doll
to take your life
he makes this call
what life means
he doesn't care
your feelings
he'll never share

-dk jensen


look and see
its there before you
behind you
all around you
engulfing you
what you searched for
even longed for
said a prayer for
begged and plead for
too busy searching
always looking
sometimes hunting
open your hand
open your eyes
open you hears
touch, see, and hear
its not difficult
or impossible
less exertions
more passiveness
more awareness

-dk jensen

The Little Old Woman

"You're gonna die," she said
"Won't be long boy, and you'll dead"
Her eyes burned and spit of fire
But winkles told of age and tired
She screamed again and waved her hands
Shouted lout, "You're gonna die Man!"
She seemed so certain, she had to know
Maybe those fiery eyes had touched his soul
He stared confused, unsure what to say
This wasn't how, he'd planned his day
This little lady seemed out kill
but death that day was not his will
He turned and tried to walk away
she quickly followed, no, this was his day
"You can run from me, but not from fate,"
"I've, and I know, that you have a date."
"With a rocky stone, and a wooden box,"
"Its over soon, your fate is locked,"
She talked with a screech, and screamed so loud
She had the attention of a gathering crowd
She grabbed her heart, and started to yell
Then to the ground, the little woman fell
And at that moment, someone did die
And at his feet, the dead one lie.

-dk jensen

Rescue Me

Take me with you now
away from this nightmare
this dream is too real
im trapped inside my mind
awaken me into your world
rescue me with love
it's your beauty that I need
look into your eyes
but all i see is white
that slowly fades away
i so miss your touch
warm skin against mine
this cold wind blows so fast
tornado of confusion
open up my eyes with your soft kiss
awaken me into your world
rescue me with love
spineless full of fear
hunched over, half a man
hide behind a dream
that's fast becoming real
a thousand years I could fall
and never land upon the earth
or I could crash into your soul
catch me falling with your love
kiss me and open my eyes
awaken me into your world
rescue me with love

-dk jensen


I lost my smile
where did it go
who had it last
I do not know
I gave a smile
to a pretty girl
she took my smile
she broke my world
who had it last
what was her name
I trusted her
life's not the same
I had a smile
now wear a frown
such is my life
turned upside down
my face I'll hide
from everyone
I lost my smile
this face I'll shun
look in the mirror
what do you see
I see a man
but its not me
he has a stare
that's lost in time
his eyes don't move
they wont stop crying
he has no smile
no smile like me
I have no smile
I can not be

-dk jensen

Talking To Bones

I can talk to the dead
you know
I can hear where they want
to go
I can hear what they have
to say
they tell me how they love
to play
I sit on the ground and talk
to bones
I hear them knocking on wood
their homes
they tell me secrets I don't want
to hear
I can feel their presence
is near
would you like to talk to them
as well
or maybe go to their world
and dwell
I sit on the ground and talk
to bones
I hear them knocking on wood
their homes

-dk jensen

The Whisper

A soft voice tells you to stop
right in your tracks
better look back
no one there
no shadow moves
just you and your intentions
better think twice
better use caution
Its the whisper to your soul
foretelling things untold
whispering to your soul
telling you what you already know
Random words floating around
mixing of sounds
mixing of truths
what will you do
Its the whisper to your soul
foretelling things untold
whispering to your soul
telling you what you already know

-dk jensen

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"Then Something Happened."

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