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When Two Hearts Become One

What If It's You
Reba McEntire

I've got something to tell you that I just can't say
So I'm writing it down in case maybe someday
our lives take a turn down a road
We can't see right now

I know you're happy and I'm happy for you
But since you found each other
I've been so confused
Cause I believe there's one soul on this earth
That was meant for mine
I was sent here to find

What if it's you
What if our hearts were meant to be one

What'll I do
Knowing that I"ll never love anyone
As much as I do love you
What if it's true
What if it's you

If destiny called and I missed my cue
Do I get one more chance
Oh how I wish I knew
I'll never again put my heart in the hands of fate
If it's too late

What if it's you
What if our hearts were meant to be one

What'll I do
Knowing that I'll never love anyone
As much as I do love you
What if it's true
What if it's you

If I ever hold you I'll never let go
But if I never do how will I know

What if it's you
What if our hearts were meant to be one
What'll I do
Knowing that I'll never love anyone
As much as I do love you
What if it's true
What if it's you

What'll I do
What if it's true
What if it's you

Til I Said It To You
Reba McEntire

Love, is a powerful word A little word that oughta mean something
Love better mean what it says Say what you mean
or it doesn't mean nothing
Love is a dangerous door to open
If you don't feel it when it's spoken
Sometimes I said it
when I really didn't mean it
Just to throw away promise I knew wasn't true
It meant a little less to me everytime I did it
But I never said I love you from the heart
Til I said it to you

You made me tell you the truth
And that truth was a total revelation
I see I have it in me
Now I can speak without any hesitation
I love you comes so freely
For the first time I believe me

Sometimes I said it
when I really didn't mean it
Just to throw away promise I knew wasn't true
It meant a little less to me everytime I did it
But I never said I love you from the heart
Til I said it to you

Sometimes I said it
when I really didn't mean it
Just to throw away promise I knew wasn't true
It meant a little less to me everytime I did it
But I never said I love you from the heart
Til I said it to you

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