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Spirit Of The Dragon

Challenge is a dragon with a gift in it's mouth..
Tame the dragon and the gift is yours.

Noela Evans

Feel the breeze upon your face
as I lift and draw you back through time and space...
A time when Dragons flew over the land
and always tried to help when called upon by mortal man!
A tale of sorrow... A tale of Woe...
The relashionship with man from long, long ago!
Listen! Listen! Can you hear, the wings of the Dragon, for he is near.
I'll place a part of you in the Dragon's eyes,
so you can see as he flys!
I'll place a part of you in the Dragon's breast
so you can feel his heart beating strong in his chest!
Do not fear what you hear and see for all of life is ment to be.
You'll be safe inside my Dragons breast.
So just relax and let it be, the Dragons wings will carry thee!
Watch carefully as it starts to unfold...
If you click on the "Flying Dragons" and make it so!

A young boy traveled the land to a famous teacher of great arts.
When he arrived at the school he was given an audience by the teacher.
"What do you wish from me?" The teacher asked..
"I wish to be your student
and become the finest of these arts you teach in all the land,
how long must I study..?" the boy asked..
"Ten years at least." the teacher answerd..
"Ten years is a long time," said the boy.
"What if I studied twice as hard as all your other students?"
"Twenty years." replied the teacher.
"Twenty years.! What if I practiced day and night with all my effort..?"
"Thirty years," was the teacher's reply.
"How is it that each time I say I will work harder,
you tell me that it will take longer?" the boy asked.
"The answer is clear. When one eye is fixed upon your destination,
there is only one eye left with which to find the Way."

Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered,
Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.
Thus the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win.

A master of an art shows it in his every action.

For every action there is a reaction. A master takes responsibility for
these actions and accepts the reactions.
He may be shunned today but tomorrow he is praised
when those around him finally see and understand.
In the end, who really cares..?
A "man of knowledge"
acts for the good of the over-all-outcome or to simply act.

The mind will never be free if you conform yourself to a "style";
break out of that shell and be you..!!

Attain victory by aquiring knowledge;
not by challangeing anothers point of view or capabilities.

Who am I, What am I, How should I express myself..
Do you expect to find this out from anothers point of view
or from something you read in a book..?
Independent inquiry is the only key to understanding oneself.
It is sooner than you think, know yourself..!!

To know and to act are one in the same.

I do not like the idea of giving advice.
I mean, who has such an understanding on life
that they can tell me the "right thing to do".

All knowledge is ultimatly self knowledge.
So guide me, do not try to teach me "ready made facts".
I will learn the truth much easier on my own.

Stay away from those who challange.
It all starts out as fun and games but in the end
it turns out to be antagonism.

When someone approaches me in a challange
what is the expected outcome..?
Win or lose, right..? Wrong..!
One should not try to expect the outcome
but should be spontaneous in all actions.
That way when you look back there will be no regret

If there is one thing I would try to express the most,
is that I do not believe in style and I will tell you why..

We have all heard someone come to us and say,
"Hey man, I like/dislike your style."
or they might ask, "What is your style..?" for whatever reason.
I will tell you that I do not believe in style or that I am a product of a style.
There is one thing I have learned and that is there is no such thing as style
unless your conform yourself to believe this.
Now what is that..?
Because, we (humans) are virtually all designed the same,
we all have two hands and two feet.
The question is how can "I" use my mind to honestly express myself.
How can "I" use my body in the most efficient manner.
Do not go out into the world and look for a successful image to copy.
Go out there and be yourself, do what you do best.
Most importantly, dont look to others for advice on who you are.
Who are they to tell you..?
How can they have such an understanding on Your life.?
I mean, you would not think very highly of yourself
if you knew in your mind
that you are a product of someone else's idea.
In all actuality that is committing yourself to a style.
Just as it was once said,

Be formless, shapeless, like water.
If you put water into a cup; it becomes the cup.
If you put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle.
If you put water into a teapot; it becomes the tea pot.
Water is the softest substance in the world,
yet it can shape mountains into rocks.
Water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend...

I only need to accomplish two tasks per day.

1. Learn at least on thing per day,
that way the day is not waisted.

2. Accomplish at least one thing per day,
that way the day is productive.

Take care of the days and the weeks,
months, and years will take care of there self.

The way is known to all but not all know the way.

There are nine levels of power within the body
they are as follows:

1. Chu- "Strength" of mind and body.
2. Shen- "Direction of energy"
3. Tai- "Harmony" with the universe
4. Sha- "Healing" of self and others
5. Kai- "Premonition" of danger
6. Jen- "Knowing the thoughts of others"
7. Tung- "Mastery of time and space"
8. Hua- "Control" of the elements of nature
9. Tao- "Enlightenment"

The natural result of profound cultivation.
The mark of genius is the capacity
to see and to express what is simple, simply.
A great master is effecient in action
and to be effecient in action would be
to not complicate the task or idea but to be as simplistic as possible.
So it is to understand this to say that simplicity
is the sophisticated persons "way".

Apologizing is an art.
I have met many people who are so good at it
that it has become an art to them.
I will be damned if I should
become a master of this art..!

I can walk away from everyone I know
and everyone around me because I know it is wrong.
However, you are a fool if you expect me to follow you
because you say "it has to be so".

We shall find truth when we examine the problem.
The problem is never apart from the answer,
the problem is the answer.
To understand the problem is to realize there is not problem.
All that remains is how you react to the situation
and once this is realized the answer is clear.
So to solve the problem we must look into the problem
which is ourself.

The ultimate aim is to use daily activity
become a master of life,
and so to become a master of the art of living.
Masters of all arts must first
be masters of the art of life
because the soul creates everything;
therefore, a master of an art shows it in his every action.

The Last Dance

Alone, awaiting in the shadows I stand,
Lungs burning, muscles ache, my sword grows heavier in my hands;
Who is the hunted, who is the hunter?
Wounds on my body protest in anger,
An image moves in the corner of my eye,
I must move silent and quick so that I may surprise,
Sparks fly as steel meets steel,
There is no thought only time to react.

Move graceful as the crane,
Grant me the Spirit of the dragon untamed,
Let my claws be as sharp as the tiger.
Each move is precise with precision and power.

My lungs ache with each breath.
I have challanged my master do I have what it takes,
The dragon guides the crane, the crane tempts the mantis,
When will this end my body knows not if it can handle this.
I must succeed there is no turning back.
Will I move in time to counter attack.

His gaurd is low and I take a step,
I swing his sword flys and he has no attack left.
I have won,
We both smile, my training is done.
No more studies or secrets to show me.
I have fulfilled my ambitions I am now shinobi.

A man is born gentle and weak.
At his death he is hard and stiff

Green plants are tender and filled with sap.
At their death they are withered and dry.
Therefore the stiff and unbending is the disciple of death.

The gentle and yielding is the disciple of life.

Thus an army without flexibility
never wins a battle.

A tree that is unbending is easily broken.

The hard and the strong will fall.

The soft and the weak will overcome.


I would like to thank Spirit of the Dragon
for making this page for my site.
It was a pleasure working with you. I think you did a good job
and I was please with the final project.
Once again thank-you,

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