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A Spirit's Love

Is Just A Dream

Missing You
by Michelle Harris

I'm thinking of you.
Are you thinking of me?
I'm missing you tonight.
Are you missing me too?

I'm so lonely without you.
I wonder are you?
Wishing you by my side.
Do you wish it too?

This vast distance,
The miles between us,
Drives me crazy.
Baby, are you crazy too?

My love stretches,
All these miles to you.
Can you feel the love,
I give to you?

I miss you like crazy,
I'm so incomplete,
I crawl into bed,
Then cry myself to sleep.

" A Place I Used To Go "

There is a place I used to go
its quiet there and no one knows
how peaceful it can really be
sitting alone in the shade of a tree.
Listening to the quiet's song
reflecting on things that were going wrong
I used to go almost every day
it was just a place to get away
from life and everything that was bad
it made me happy when I was sad
with a sight more beautiful than you'll ever see
as watching the sun set from beneath a tree
but I haven't been there in quite awhile
I’ve found something new to make me smile
with hair as golden as the sun
I knew right off she was the one
she’s gentle and caring and listens to me
when she looks in my eyes I let her see
all the way into my deepest soul
and she lets me touch her heart of gold
and she is a sight so beautiful to see
just like a sunset from beneath a tree

I heard the music when true love called,
A song sent from heaven on silver wings.
The whole world was dreaming,
Wisps of light streaming
As the stars spilled their magic upon you and me.

The tune was more lovely
Than the nightingale's song,
More delicate than a weeping rose,
Yet as powerful as the sun rising
To spread golden ribbons of warmth at dawn.

And I bow down before you,
The one my eyes pine to behold,
My soul dreaming,
Heart beaming,
I swear that I shall love and adore you.

There was a time I was in a huge garden.
I remember it just went on and on and on..
I would have loved to have shared that day with you..
The garden was full of jasmine, babies breath, many different colors of roses..
At the very center of this garden was a bench for two.
I sat there admire the flowers the way they were planted and arranged and the day.
Then I saw something I have never seen before.
Two rose blossoms were on one vine.
I took little notice to it until now.
When I think of it now it reminds me of you and I.
Two seperate bodies, one heart... Yes,
I would have given anything to share that day with you..

I love you baby, take care..

Wonderful Tonight

Its late in the evening,
Your wondering what clothes to wear,
You put on your make up,
And brush your soft hair,
And then you ask me, if you look alright,
And I say yes, you look wonderful tonight.

We go to a party,
And everyone turns to see,
This beautiful lady,
Thats walking around with me,
And then you ask me,
If I feel alright,
And I say yes, I feel wonderful tonight.

And I feel wonderful because I see the love thats in your eyes,
And the wonder, of it all, is you just dont realize;
How much I love you.

Its time to go home now,
And Ive got an aching head,
So I give you the car keys,
You put me to bed,
And then I tell you,
As you turn out the light,
Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight;
Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight.

My Pledge To You..

A single arm,
Across your shoulder;
A second arm,
As I grow bolder.

I softly whisper,
Into your ear;
My true feelings,
Are very clear.

A tender kiss,
Upon your cheek;
A single tear,
Emotions leak.

For on this day,
I pledge my all;
My love to rise,
And never fall.

May I..?

May I gaze into your eyes
While we make passionate love,
My body dancing upon yours
While our rhythm
Leads the way?

Come with me, my love...
Let me show you my heart.
Let me be the sweet passion
Of your most tender dreams.

May I take you in my arms?
May I hold you close tonight?
May I light your burning fire,
And make gentle love to you?

May I?


Gazing in awe,
Beautiful you;
Love you give,
Special and true.

Lucky I am,
Seeing no flaws;
Always there,
Beckon call.

No one's perfect,
Cannot be;
I'm just glad,
You're here with me.

You have,
A special way;
To make sunshine,
On a cloudy day.

Inside and out,
You show love;
Heavenly angel,
From above.

Just Her

I awaken each day to a beautiful thought
I close my eyes and see a vision
She consumes my love and fire
Her hair so soft
Her eyes melting into my very soul with her stare...

I have told her of my love
I have told her of my passion for her
She has become my friend, my lover, my soulmate...
I've pledged my love to her..
And she to me...

Time stands between us now..
A waiting for togetherness
to hold her and love her till
we lay in eternity together..

When she is by my side my life is complete now
I have so much love to give her
so much passion to show
I want to walk and hold her hand
show her my life inside and out
Let her know I am here whenever she needs me...

I love her and no other words can describe it..

She is my beauty,
she is my love...

You're my stars,
You're my heavens;
I look, because of you.

You're my wind,
You're my air;
I breathe, because of you.

You're my sun,
You're my rain;
I live, because of you.

You're my earth,
You're my soil;
I grow, because of you.

You're my heart,
You're my soul;
I love, because of you.

You're my hopes,
You're my dreams;
I can do anything,
Because of you.

Temple Of Heaven

I would give up forever to touch you,
If I knew that you would feel me some how..
Your the closest to heaven that I will ever be,
And I dont want to go home now..

All I can taste is you,
All I can breath is your love..
Sooner or later I keep thinking it may be over..
I just dont want to miss a thing about you.

And I dont want the world to see me,
Cause I dont think they would understand,
When everythings meant to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am..

I cant fight the tears that are coming,
Or the moment of truth in my life..
I would give my life just to know your smile..

And I dont want the world to see me,
Because I dont think they would understand,
When everything is meant to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am..

Always And Always

Always in the forefront
Never far from view
My thoughts and heart longings
Flowing out to you.
Springing forth from deep within
My soul escapes to thee
The emotions I had locked away
And hidden from the hurt
Of vulnerable and willing giving
Taken advantage and hopes dashed.
You came along and always now
My heart sings unto thee
The songs of hope and destiny
Of hearts and love set free
Walking running opening again
I give myself away
And pledge to guard as closely mine
Your heart and souls deep cry.
Always now and every tomorrow
Always our hearts protected by
The trust we have for each other
The trust of always and forever.

Your Beauty

The sight of you sends me to mountain tops
Soaring in the air so thin making my head spin
Your beauty is silken and soft wrapping my soul
Wrapping my heart in a sheath of soft pleasure
Your face shines with the reflection of inward warmth
Inspiring and driving my spirit to weep with joys
Spiraling into the stratosphere to gaze upon your lips
Your pouty sensuous lips full, red and wet
Lovely are your azure blue eyes reflecting from deep
With oceans of splendor and seas of delight
I fix my eyes upon your hair cascading about flowing
Down your shoulders resting like soft spun pillows
Only inches above the yielding curve of your breasts
And follow you with vision transfixed upon your waist
Watching the soft smoothness down your thighs
My heart is filled to the bursting point of love, devotion
Eternal passion, giddy with the thoughts emblazoned
And etched upon my mind, my spirit a vision of
Bountiful expression of beauty and love engendered
And watered and growing exploding in my thoughts
Upon the edges of my being, flamed and engulfed
Every cell brought to bear loving endearing touching
Close, electric and tense, brazen and melded eternal.

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