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Although a wish could never tell
how much it means each day
to have a mom who's just
like you, so dear in every way,
Maybe this can help to show
the love and caring, too,
That always are a special part
of every thought of you

Happy Birthday Mom





Hold on to what is good
even if it is a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe
even if it is a tree
which stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do
even if it is long
way from here.
Hold on to life
even when it is easier
letting go.
Hold on to my hand
even when I have gone
away from you.

--Navtive American Prayer


Through the years she held your hand
and helped you as you dreamed
and planned,
she never failed to understand...
And if you ask her why,
she'll say,
"That's what a mom is for"
Through the years
she's always there
with a special smile
that says "I care",
her heart is full
of love to share...
And if ask her why,
she'll say,
"That's what a mom is for"
Through the years
while you have grown,
you love for her
may not have shown,
but all the while
she's awlays known...
And if you ask her how
she'll say,
"That's what a mom is for"

A Mother's Love

A Mother's thoughts run through her mind
while she sits in her rocking chair
holding her baby in her arms.
She looks into her little girl's face
with such love and hope for the future.
She gets a chill down her spine as...

The sweet sounds of her Mother's voice
fills her head.
"The world will be yours,
Just wait, my Little Girl.
There's so much out there for you to explore.
It is what only you can imagine or dream of.
It will all be there for you.
You can be anything you wish to be."

Grow up, my Sweet Girl,
but take your time.
Enjoy every second of your childhood,
for you only get to be a child once.
Don't grow up so fast, my Little Girl.
I will hate to see you leave.
The hardest thing for a mother is to let go
but someday you will be grown,
my Baby Girl.

One day I will watch you leave and
fly on your own through the sky like a bird.
Pride I will feel in my heart,
with a sense of loss as I watch you soar.
How much pain I know you will feel
before reaching that day.
I will feel your growing pains with you,
because you are a part me...
You are me.

So, Little One, slow down to a crawl.
Take your time
and be the child you where meant to be.
Your time will come.
Don't worry, your turn is going to be here before you know it.
I know it seems like a lifetime to you,
but to a Mother it comes sooner than you think.
One day you will have your own little girl...
and you will tell her, "Slow down, my Daughter.
Don't go so fast.
Just stay and be my friend.
Don't push me away, my Daughter.
Because I love you so much, my sweet Daughter."

Author Jeanne Carlson

My Mother's Garden!

My Mother kept a garden,
a garden of the heart,
She planted all the good things
that gave my life it's start.

She turned me to the sunshine
and encouraged me to dream,
Fostering and nurturing
The seeds of self-esteem...

And when the winds and rain came,
she potected me enough--
But not to much because she knew
I'd need to stand up strong and though.

Her constant good example
always taught me right from wrong--
Markers for my pathway
that will last a lifetime long.

I am my Mother's garden.
I am her legacy-
And I hope today she feels the love
reflected back from me.

~ unknown~

Edward & Patricia Medzie
Who were join in marriage on
July 14,1978

Very proud of you Mom,
Love you so much.
Always remember if it wasn't for you
I wouldn't be me.


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