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Stepping Stones

Come...take my hand the road is long
We must travel by stepping stones...'re not alone...I'll go with you
I know the road well...I've been there
Don't fear the darkness...I'll be with you
We must take one step at a time
But remember...we may have to stop awhile
It is a long way to the other side
And there are many obstacles you must face

We have many stones to cross...some are bigger than others
Shock...denial...pain and anger to start
Then comes guilt...despair and loneliness
It's a hard road to travel but it must be done
It's the only way to reach the other side

Come...slip your hand in mine What? Oh's very strong
I've held so many hands like yours see...I had to take someone's hand
In order to take the first step
Oops! You've stumbled...go ahead and cry
Don't be's ok...I understand
Let's wait here awhile and get your breath
When you're stronger we'll go step at a time
There's no need to hurry...we have time on our side's so nice to hear you laugh again
Yes..I agree...
The memories you shared with me are good
They will live in you for all of eternity
Look...we're halfway there now
I can see the other's so warm and filled with
laugher and sunshine
Oh...have you noticed we're nearing the last stone
and you're standing alone...
And look...your've let go of mine
We've finally reached the other side...

But wait...look back...someone is standing there
They are alone and want to cross the stepping stones
I'd better go now...they need my help
What? Are you sure... Why...yes go ahead...of course I'll wait
You know the've been there
Yes...I agree it's your friend
To help someone else cross the stepping stones

When we share laughter,
There's twice the fun;
When we share success,
We surpass what we've done.

When we share problems,
There's half the pain;
When we share tears,
A rainbow follows rain.

When we share dreams,
They become more real;
When we share secrets,
It's our hearts we reveal.

If we share a smile,
Then our love shows;
If we share a hug,
Then our love grows.

If we share with someone
On whom we depend,
That person becomes
Family or friend.

And what draws us closer
And makes us all care,
Is not what we have,
But the things that we share.

Fabric Of Love

A loving heart, a gentle smile,
a warm and tender touch,
We give many things in life
but nothing means as much.

A little inspiration
when someone loses hope,
a kind word of encouragement
when they no longer seem to cope.

A simple phrase, "I love you"
when no one else is there,
taking hold onto a hand
in a little heartfelt prayer.

Love is never silent,
it has so much to say,
And it is our greatest blessing
when we give it all away.

© David Griffith
Copyright 1986

You Never Know

You never know when someone
may catch a dream from you.
You never know when a little word,
or something you may do
May open up a window
of the mind that seeks the light,
The way you live may not matter at all..
but you never know - it might.

And just in case it could be
that another's life through you,
Might possible change for the better
with a broader brighter view.
It seems it might be worth a try
at pointing the way to the right,
of course, it may not matter at all,
but then again it might.

~ Author Unknown ~

Night Magic

Every night when it's dark outside,
I always dream of you by my side.
And getting lost in the stars is not as great,
As you and me together; the perfect fate.
So I close my eyes, and there you'll appear.
You make me happy and take away my fear.
But if nights turn long, and I grow restless in bed,
Again, I think of you, and my heart is forever fed.
So there's no more aches and no more pains.
Inside your sweet love it never rains.
But now it's time to awaken to a new day.
More I'll think of you, and everything's okay.
(Tom Clark)

Rainbow Ride

You're not gonna stop me, so don't even try!
Nothing brings me down from my everlasting high!
I mean it when I say my love runs true,
For I wouldn't have this high if not for you.

When the sun burns low and the shadows are cast,
I treasure your love in my future, present, and past.
And when I feel the pull of your heart from miles away,
It's truely shameful that here I must stay.

But the rainbow in the sky blinds me.
Now I can't see the troubles that may be.
So I'll leave them for another day,
And go out in the rain to play
With my thoughts of you and a far off time.
You are my rainbow, in me you shine!

(Tom Clark)


How I hoped to see my dream
Or should I have walked away
My anguished heart left behind
My soul ripped open by myself
Never to be healed, never found
I never could find your heart
You would never accept mine
Please let my heart fall gently to the ground
With all the things it knows
And all the dreams it dreamed
And all the tears it shed
And all the feelings that flooded it
And wish it hope and understanding
And never let me see your soul
Never wanting my tender embrace
Or laughter or passion or give and take
Or dedication or truth or comfort

Martin Gruber III

This was given to me by a friend of mine
for my site,thank you for this gift.
~ china ~

Give me the eyes to see, what no one else can,
Give me the ears to hear, what no one else can,
Give me the mind to think, what no one else can,
Give me the heart to feel, what no one else can,
Give me the strength to remain calm, when no one else can,
Give me the courage to speak, what no one else can,
Accomplish, then I can, that no one else has.
To Thee,
I offer myself.
Author Unknown

"Near You"
is used with permission and is copyright
© 2001 Bruce DeBoer

All Poetry has been acquired from all over the net
and has been assembled for personal enjoyment ..
not part of a collection.


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