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"Don't ever give up if you still want to try,
don't ever wipe your tears if you still want to cry.
Don't ever settle for an answer if you still want to know.
Don't ever say you don't love him if you can't let him go."

White Rose

Though times are tough
And life is rough
And it seems like there's always
a different road That I take
And it may be Inside me

That I'll do anything I can to break free
And I just fall away
Like petals on a white rose
Flowing in the wind where I shall be set free
And if the road shall end soon
I will still watch over you
And baby I won't be too far

The wind has gone
My time is through
I hope I left a legacy for you
And one day
I hope you sway
In the wind to be with me too
And I just fall away
Like petals on a white rose
Flying in the wind where I will be set free
And when the road ends soon
I will be waiting for you

And I won't be far at all
I know that you may cry
I may cry too
But I am fine
The pain is gone
The hurt soared in the wind
We Are not one

And I know one day
You'll sway my way
White Rose.....

~ By Timbaland ~
© 1998 Timbaland

~My Rose Of Blue~

What is life without love.
What is love without meaning.
If we have no love to give
Then what are we living for

Sometimes while I sit here thinking
I wish that I could cry
For tears would hide the pain inside
That I so often have to hide
All night I sit and watch the stars
I pray and make one wish
That every wrong turn my life makes
Could be fixed by just one kiss

When day break comes
The sun will shine
and brighten up my day...
But if it rains,
the storm it brings
Will take the people's smiles away
I wish for them a rainbow
A bright rainbow,
which makes the flowers shine
Of all the flowers you're a rose
Which is the colour of life
So unique and so beautiful
are the colours of a rose...
Red, pink, yellow and white
Yet none of these I've chosen

There was red,
that flames of burning love
That only soothes the heart
Pink is for compassion
Which my soul leaves in the dark
Friendship is the path
the yellow rose chooses to walk
So pure the white,
I cannot have it just to leave my mark
So for a time now and forever
my life I give to share
While I need a friendship with compassion
The choice I make is now to care
Emotions high yet full of despair
the rose I choose is blue

For blue is patient and understanding
Yet stands strong when I am wrong
This relationship, this love, this feeling
Will remain forever young
For diamonds are forever
and forever I will be here
My emotions are so rarely shown
But know I will always care
A rose by any other name
is still a rose
But no words could describe
the way I feel for you

~ Tracy LeBlanc ~


Yellow roses from me to you....
a symbol of love, of friendship....
to let you know you are cherished,
and loved so deeply....

twelve of them, surrounded by glass....named truth...
each one of them, important to me...
to us as a couple....

as we go through life, whether together or apart,
these things will be a guide for living...and loving...
for building a relationship....a life....
when you think of these roses, this day
in the future, and you will I know....
remember it with a the one
which crossed your face when you saw them....
for I smile at giving to you...
at the joy a simple gesture of love brings you...
remember me always kindly....
for I will never forget you
and the joy you give me....

~ By GTP © 1998 GTP ~

My Wish For You

Quiet strolls on moonlit night,
a playground's endless laughter,
Blooming roses in the spring,
the glow the morning after.

Wallking barefoot in the grass,
a poem that makes you cry,
The feel of silk upon your skin,
an eagle when it flies.

Love songs on the radio,
old couples holding hands,
Newborn kittens nursing,
enthusiatic fans.

sitting on a porch swing,
sipping lemonade,
Admiring the beauty
in all the God has made.

Watching for a shooting star,
a breeze that cools things down,
The first snow of the winter,
a night out on the town.

Little acts of kindness,
a loving word or two,
Simple things to treasure,
these things I wish for you!

...Author Unknown

To Touch

To touch the heart of someone dear,
though it might sometimes cause a tear
to fall or rest upon the cheek,
should be something all should seek.

For often hearts not touched at all
start hardening and shrinking small.
And then the time it takes to grow
a loving heart is just too slow.

For hearts expand as those who care
extend their love and let us share
a moment, space or special phrase
that eases pain on dreary days.

Or simply starts our lips to smile
and brightens time for just a while.
The ways, kinds and means of sharing,
it seems to me are based on caring.

And though we're often worlds apart,
you still can touch my very heart.
You make me smile or shed a tear,
and I'll remember year to year--

Just how your touching helped me grow
and I just thought I'd tell you so.

Author Unknown

"Love is, above all, The girft of oneself."

The Rose Will Grow
~ Don Eagle ~

How can we trust love, and be sure it will last?
We gave our hearts to others, many times in the past.
We shed many tears, and built many fears.
And now we're afraid to let our hearts go.
Because of the pain we've come to know.

But if we are to love again, we have to take the chance.
And trust our hearts, our only guide, to find that true Romance.
So if we hide the Rose from the light, we'll never see it grow.
But if we plant it in the sun, we know the Rose will glow.

So tear down the Iron Gate you built so high and open up the door.
The love you find may be the kind, that you've been searching for.
We know that deep within there is a special part.
And we know for love to live, there has to be a spark.
And when that spark, grows to a flame.
The heart we gave is never the same.

The days begin and end with songs.
And to that newfound love your heart belongs.
You walk on clouds of fluffy white.
Knowing and trusting that your heart is right.

The Rose will glow and love will grow.
And make a spectacular sight.
For all that see the Rose, will see the petals bright.

© Lovingyou.comSM 97-99

Thinking of You
Daniel Gaddy

When the nights are long and cold,
And the days are lonesome and blue,
And the tears begin to get old,
My thoughts always drift to you.

When my heart is quickly breaking,
And I'm forced to search my mind
For something to stop the aching,
You are the one I find.

When I'm feeling helpless and weak,
You give me the strength to move on.
When I'm broken and cannot speak,
You give me the words through song.

The happiness I know with you
Is like nothing I've felt before.
When once all was closed from view,
Now you have opened the door

And released my hidden emotions,
Released my heart and soul,
My deepest love and devotion,
Finally making me whole.

If we are forced to be apart,
Throughout everything you do,
Please know that you are in my heart,
And that I'm always thinking of you.


You are more than whatever is troubling you.
A very real part of you exists beyond your worries,
beyond the anxieties,
independent from the problems and
frustrations of the day.
Step back and observe yourself
as you experience each moment.
Step back and watch yourself as you think,
as you take action, as you experience emotions.
Your body may experience pain,
and yet that pain is not you.
Your mind may encouter problems and frustrations,
and yet you are not those problems or frustrations.

Realize that the circumstances and situations
of your life are nothing more
than things you are experiencing.
Watch yourself as you experience them,
and know that they cannot limit who you really are.
Step back and understand that you can move postively forward
no matter what may be happening in the world around you.
You are not your job, or your bank account balance,
or your neighbourhood.
You are not your problems or anxieties or
frustrations or past mistakes.
You are much, much more.
Step back, and find the positive energy
that is yours when you learn to live
beyond your everyday concerns.

Given to me by whaaboo

~~Author Unknown ~~

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"Mend My Broken Heart"
is used with permission and is copyright
© 2001 Bruce DeBoer
