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Simple Wisdom

Caring thoughts To Make
The Most Of Each Day


Enbracing the treasures
from our past,
the beauty of today's moments,
and the hope of tomorrow's promise,
is as perpetual as time itself

Winter beauty belongs to those who make
new paths beyond the blizzard.


Loving wisely comes from making up both
my heart and mind.


One candle, like a single word of
praise, may not light a dark room,
but it can kindle the candle next to it,
and the next and the next until the room,
like the heart, is bright.


Write laughter between the lines of family tales
before handing them down to new generations,
who, like relay runners, eagerly wait to add to the plot.


Wisdom puts off today's tasks and thinks
instead of tomorrow's memories.


Through diligent and creative love,
a family can fit like a hand in a glove;
each finger in its own space,
together creating a warm handclasp.


There's a place of renewal and
happiness within you. All you need to do
to reach it is withdraw your attention from
the outside world and focus on the strength
and the energy inside yourself.


Love looks for ways to be constructive
when its patience dwindles.
It must be nurtured and cultivated,
for it is not possessive and is not
anxious to impress.


Link your roots deeply into whatever
task you are doing at the moment,
for commitment and enthusiam
transform monotony into freshness
and rountine into joy and discovery.


A small thing, as simple as a
breath fresh air, supports the
the change that we make.
The present is the breathing in
and the past is exhalation.


Minds were designed to implement
the heart's desire.


The fruit of recollection grows for
more than one season.
It invites us back year after year,
promising to give the same pleasure now
as when we took the first bite.


Pleasing ourselves with honesty makes
pleasing others that much more fulfilling.


Only wood from a tree that is the
same throughout its grain can become
a cupboard or a table.
A saw quickly finds the inconsistent,
hollow place.


Approach dreams as if it were impossible to fail,
and discover that the journey to reality
is only the beginning.


Equal parts of imagination
and determination free me from the
hand-me-down moods and
leftover doubts.


A positive attitude helps bridge
the gap between ability
and expectations.


To set a goal, even a small one,
and complete it, reaps a double bonus:
dreaming and doing something
not thought possible.


If you've forgotten what joy looks like,
watch a child chasing soap bubbles,
for the first time.


Don't seek peace and tranquility
from outside sources;
they are hidden inside your own heart.


Making a difference is as close as the
hand. Just as each of us has a unique
fingerprint, we also have unique talents
that can leave a mark where it is needed.


If you want a brighter view of life,
help someone else find the
solution to their problem.


Maturity is the willingness to take on
an unpleasant task and have the
determination to stick with it until
It's done.


Flower gardens are the fulfilled dream
of quiet bulbs dreaming all winter long
in the sleeping earth.


Think of each day as a
special gift and unwrap it


Anticipate life as a laybrinth,
circling in and out of the seasons
like the spiral of a seahell.


Achieviing a short-term goal
is like winning a game,
but achieving a long-term goal
is like winning the tournament.


Look through eyes of hope and see
a butterfly inside the caterpillar;
hope knows that beauty is waiting
to be born in the unlikeliest places.


A sense of humor bridges the distance
between sadness and joy.


It doesn't matter what your intentions are
or how high you set your goals;
what you'll be remembered
for is what you accomplish.


Love has good manners and does not take
selfish advantage.
It is not arrogant but rather
breaks down barriers.
It is not touchy and does not gloat
over the downfall of others.
Composed and gentle, love possesses
an inner strength and warmth.


Duty pours a glass of milk,
but love stirs in a little
chocolate syrup.


A child's sweet dreams are spun from family
bedtime routines, creating memories
that will comfort and surround
long after childhood is past.


Memories connect me to my past,
like mile markers on a map,
and guide me to the furture.


A kind and compassionate act
is often its own reward.


favor the figerprints on windows and walls
of the home, for they are love notes
scribbled around the margins of the
family's heart.


A mere rearranging of letters
is all that separates the "Ha ha"
of laughter and the "Aha!"
of invention.


Hope places a garden of stars like
daffodils on the cold winter sky.


Be spendthrift of joy, for hoarded objects
and moments collect only cobwebs and dust,
not the fine sheen of a happy memory.


You may discover after reaching
for something you think is beyond
your gasp, that it really was
within a hand's reach after all.


When crossroads loom, it is merely a
next step, not a wrong turn.


Relax in winter, knowing that in
order for trees to blossom and bear fruit,
the resting stillness of dormancy
is a necessary part of growth.


Living in harmony with nature's
seasons awakens us to spring's renewal,
fall's cozy slowness, winter's savory rest,
and summer's exuberance.
Honor each season's energies
for the wisdom they hold.


Love is not just for the time
when it's expected, but every day.


Now is all life can hold at any moment,
for time can't be banked,
invested, or saved~~
only spent.


Hugging keeps you healthy.
It evaporates stress,
depression, and anger.
It strengthens the immune system,
leads to a better night's sleep,
and rejuvenates and invigorates
the spirit. It is one hundred
percent organic.
It's free, it's nonpolluting,
and it can returned
without a receipt.


Collect memories and tie them up in ribbons
to be taken out and read like love letters
containing the story of your life.


Widom is acquired when I learn one
new thing each day.
Anticipation of tomorrow's discovery
is a compelling wake-up call.


Hope brings springtime to the weary heart,
drawing the eye beyond the frosted window of
doubt to see promises of new opportunities
unfurling like a bud in the snow.


Courtesy and a tolerant, uncritical
awareness of others will immediately
reward you with a warm response from
friends, from family, and even from strangers.


The essential elements of good character
can be summed up in ten words:
compassion, courage, faith, friendship,
honesty, loyalty, responsibility, humor,
perseverance, and dedication.


Many a new thought, called forth when we're grown,
turns out to have sprung from a dream of our youth.


You can enhance your own spiritual growth
by contributing to the growth of others.


Playing is essential to a full life.
Each day should contain some time to
participate in a carefree activity
for no reason at all except that it's fun.


A vocabulary that eliminates
"don't" and "can't",
will be free to see sruprising
number of "do" and "can".


If you keep your attention focused
on your goal, you'll never notice
the obstacles and pitfalls along the way


Never hesitate to let the people around
you know you have reasons to be happy.
It will lift their spirits and strengthen
their resolve, because happiness is contagious.


Searching for embers with the
ashes reveals a deep and wise quest
for perseverance.


Wherever you are in life, a turning point
is just ahead. Whether you approach it
it on impulse or with wisdom
is up to you.


Nurturing the roots, whether of an
apple tree or a family, offers the
greatest possibility for
blooms and fruit.


Daydreaming shapes the future
to your own design, the way an
architect plans the building
of a skyscraper.


The gifts of steadfastness
and tenacity enable me to dig
out from under reaons why my
dreams might not work.


Hope has the quality of a spiderweb,
incredible strength rising
out of tiny strands.


Trust the call of the future
with the same spirit as the bird
who sings to greet the dawn
while it is still dark.


Take a moment when it's offered,
whjile caught in traffic
or waiting for a plane.
These light-filled breathing spots
are spaces where inventions
are devised, sonnets composed.


Every night before you go to sleep,
look at the good you've accomplished
during the day, measure your progress,
and make plans for taking advantage of
whatever opportunity the morning brings
your way.


All it takes to triumph over adversity
is the conviction that you can.


You'll remain youthful as long as you
continue to learn and absorb new ideas.
As children we grow physically,
as adults we grow intellectually,
but we always continue to grow.


How you feel is determined
by how you think you feel.
If you think you're happy
then you will be, if you
expect good things to happen
they will.


In order to foresee the future
you must understand the past from
the perspective of the present.


You can always look back on your day
with quiet joy when you've filled
every minute of it with something
good you've seen, or heard,
or accomplished.


It takes courage and honesty
to see ourselves as we really are,
but it's only way to become the
kind of people we want to be.


Today belongs to you.
It's a clean page you can
cover with wonderful,
creative things that will
fill every moment with


Hope, confidence, and the
joy of living
come from believing there's
something good waiting
for you around the corner.


If you expect more from yourself
than from others,
not only will others
not disappoint you,
their actions will often
be a pleasant surprise.


There's no such thing as an
average day. Each one is unique,
unlike any other;
and will happen only once
in the entire history
of the universe


Worrying keeps you trapped.
Thinking sets you free.


In life you can select whatever
it is you want to focus on,
whether it be life's beauty
or its harshness.
The way you view it is your
truth and your reality.


Cultivate enthusiasm,
for it brings new life
into old tasks and humor
and joy into dull situations.


When broken dreams cross
my path, it helps me to
know that it takes
broken soil to grow a flower,
broken clouds to bring rain,
and broken grain to make bread.


An easy way to make a bad day better
is to smile at everyone you meet.


Knowledge is like a drop of water
released into the ocean
of the generations,
a vast sea of discovery
where no one struggles
to reach the shore.


Life, like roses,
is a package deal,
thorns and blooms.
Hope, added to petals,
transforms them from
a seasonal leftovers into
lasting keepsakes, and blends
our day into a potpourri
of enduring possibilities.


Emotions are what being
human is all about


Everyone deserves to experience
some unconditional love.


Knowledge is what separates
being prepared and being lucky.


Don't despair
when the going gets rough,
for that's when you discover
how strong you really are.


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"Papillon (the butterfly)"
is used with permission
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© 2001 Bruce DeBoer
