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If you've managed to achieve a goal
without a struggle,
it's time to set your sights higher

Changing your mind,
changing your goals, or
changing direction is not a sign
of indecision---
it's a sign of growth


Share love with out restraint,
the way the honeycomb offers
its sweetness and the breeze
its fragrance.


Encouragement from a friend
after trouble is as welcome as
sunshine after a storm.


Flowers, emerging from their
dusty winter sleep,
translate nature's love notes
as they speak of promise to
our doubts and hope to our worry.


Constant self-reproach is like watching
a sapling every hour to measure
its growth. With both,
time is better spent
feeding, watering, and admiring.


Words of love are not like
messages made in sidewalk chalk
to be wahed away by. More indelible,
they are written by kindness
on the chambers of the heart.


Laughter around a family dinnig table
is like sunshine in a home.


Joy, like the dandelion,
crops up when least expected and
often where not sought.


Find contentment by enjoying the
present season rather than
frolicking in dreams of the next.


Life, like a river on its way
to the sea,
is fed and joined bye small streams
of love and kindness so that it grows
fuller and stronger on the way.


Steadfast friendship gently embraces
like forever-green ivy climbing a porch.


Investing in the family's future
is deciding to chase kites on spring days,
to chase balls on playgrounds,
and to chase laughter rising
from a baby's lips like
bubbles on the wind
rather than to chase dust bunnies
beneath beds.


Laughter, like a gentle spring shower,
replenishes the dusty earth.


To venture beyond routine,
invites the possibility
of joy that is found best
in daring to change.


Until you take a closer look,
all daffodils look the same.


The difference between truth and tale
is the difference between the
photographs in the seed catalogue
and what come up in the garden.


The seasons of planting,
watering, and harvesting
begin with a foot on the shovel.


Absorb beauty into you mind
and heart as deeply as
breathing in spring breezes.
Like air, beauty is alive in you
now and will come again in memory.


Unconditional love is the most
noble gift one human can
bestow on another.


Awareness of how intricately we connected
with the changing of the seasons
and the movement of tide to tide
is a savory morsel of
springtime pleasure, like the
first scent of flowers
from the garden.


Hands wrung in regret at the sight
of a storm-wrecked tree
miss finding out what could happen
if they plant a new one.


To find joy and fulfillment,
it is only necessary to trust
your heart.


Love is an inner sense of
peacefulness and joy
that cast an outer
reflection of beauty.


To get a true sense of what
spring is all about, spend a
quiet morning watching flowers
unfold and songbirds tend
to their nestlings.


By praising children's
accomplishments, ignoring
their failures, and showing
them their own special qualites,
you will light the torch
for their journey to self-discovery.


Put your secret yearnings
to work as motivation for
successful living.


Survival in a rapidly changing
world requires adjusting to change
and embracing the new
opportunities it presents.


The power of love is transforming.
It can help others replace
their problems with possibilities,
change their tears to smiles,
and turn their despair to joy.


Greet and live each new day
as if it were your first.


Happiness and sadness
are emotions that are within
our power of choice.
The decision is made
inside the heart.


Love is a two-way mirror,
returning reflections
polished by the joy others
find in just being with us.


Seeing a flower growning
in the mist of rubble
reminds me that nature's
diligence can reap a
lovely garden.


A successful person doesn't quit
trying once a goal is reached,
but sets a new one and keeps going.


The singing of birds is no less
sweet because of the distance between
trees where they perch.
Their song creates common ground.


Step boldly into the future as you dream it,
for without great risks there
can be no great rewards.


The willow tree does't fear being
destroyed in teh sudden windstorm,
knowing its strength is
in how well it bends.


Reach for the sky.
Seeing what beautiful flowers
have emerged from their days
in the dark soil
reminds us to be hopeful
about what we can become
when stretching.


It's easy to keep trying when you're
winning, but heroes are those who
keep trying even when despair
and defeat are staring
them in the face.


Watch the daisy and see how,
even in the strongest wind
and harshed downpour, it bends, being both flexible and strong
enough to dance in the winds of change.


All possible objections need not be
overcome before launching a dream.


Flowers springing from the buld
gently urge us to appreciate
life's mysteries while
enjoying its beauty.


You'll know your life is good
when the worst problem you have
is that the birds outseid your
window are singing too loudly.


Success comes to those who have
proceeded to do what the rest of
us have always intended to do.


Of all the loving gifts parents can
bestow on their children,
the one that will make them grow
strongest is respect.


The only path that is right for you
is the one your heart tells
you to follow.


Each new stage of life draws me
like a bee to a flower.
There, hope prompts me to unfold
the petals and dine on the
nectar of my future.


Courage plants a garden from a pinch
of seeds impossible to tell apart.
It may be a future forest,
a salad, or a blaze of flowers
held in its hand.


To those who believe we live in a
world of sorrow, we should offer the
gifts of laughter and joy.


When we're young we all dream of changing
the world, but it resists, so we move
on to other things. It takes many
years of living to discover
that if we first change ourselves
the world will follow.


If you find stumbling blocks
in your path, use them as
stepping stones to move
closer to the good life.


Children wish to be adults,
and adults long to be children.
It's a question of being carefree
but dependent, or careworn
and independent.
Satisfaction lies in settling on
the spot where the two paths cross.


Celebrate the resilient beauty
of the dandelion blooming
in a sidewalk crack.


We're always moving toward the future.
Whether you set your own course
or drift into it is up to you.


A garden is the perfect place to learn about
patience, hope, and responsibility.


Seen through the eyes of
imagination, lines adn dots
on a page become songs and sonnets.


The only dreams that come true
aer the ones you set your heart
on and relentlessly pursue.


Fretting over dandelions
sown from an unkempt yard
prevents enjoyment of the
greeting of spring's
first herald.


A good leader is one who not only
inspires others to struggle toward
the summit, but instills in them
the desire to reach out and
touch perfection.


There is pleasure in new
friendships, comfort in old ones,
and sweet memories in those
we've lost.


Gardening is an ancient and
universal passion that enables you
to remain rooted in the present but
provides glimpses of the future
as wisdom grows, wit blossoms,
and idea bear fruit.


A love shared becomes
both flower and fruit


Kindness, tossed like a stone
into a pond, makes ripples that
touch even those on the shore.


Long-time friendship is the
rarest of all treasures,
spilling over like foam on the sand
to flow across all who are in its path.


Intuition is a gift that is as free
as the breeze.
Its compelling clarity spawns
inventions and bridges uncertainties.


To share a moment, to share a smile,
to share a bouquet from the garden
is the way to build a lasting friendship.


Joy takes what life brings,
sunrise to sunset,
sun to shower,
and weaves each colorful
moment into a swatch of plaid.


Just as the first bee to find
a rich source of nectar tells
the others in the hive so they
can also dine, so, too, can sharing
discoveries nourish the whole family.


The only reason there is sadness
and strife in the world is so
we can recongnize peace and
happiness when it comes our way.


True courage is keep in traveling
when you can't see the map.


When feeling inadequate and
overwhelmed, consider that the
forest would be silent if the
birds sang only the songs
they had perfected.


In each bulb there is the promise
of a flower, in each seed
an apple tree,
in each sunset rests the promise
of sunrise, and in each
plodding step the promise
of arriving.


Happiness dwells in simple things
that's why a grassy meadow
dancing freely in the summer
breeze can fill your heart with joy.


Good friends never lose sight
of each other's interests
and always give each other
room to grow.


Warriors and statesmen try to improve
the world by striving for noble
causes; but we can make our own
corner of it a better place
simply by being kind to each other.


A summer garden waits for no applause
and seeks no audience before bursting
forth in dance and song just for the
sheer joy of being.


Celebrate your spontaneity.


Honesty is a fundamental
requirement for positive change.
If all the world were truthful,
we'd need no laws.


Being a good listener requires humility;
but it's foten the source of a fresh thought
that can help you slove a problem of your own.


Children can't follow the
path of truth and integrity
unless your example
lights the way.


If you've just discovered life isn't
a bed of roses, rejoice.
Between the thorns and the bees,
a rosebed is not a very
comfortable place to dwell.


If you are setting new goals for
yourself, be sure to put enjoyment
of life at the top of the list.


Our journey through life is like
a walk through a wild meadow.
Brambles are everywhere but if you
focus on the flowers instead
of the thorns, you'll gather
only the joy and beauty of the world
and leave fear and pain behind.


Friendship lifts the heart
just as sunshine turns
the flowers skyward.


Becareful when you put off the
enjoyment of life until
the time is right.
Before you know it, the right
time can change into a lost


Peacefulness cannot be achieved by simly
relaxing the body. You must relax your
mind before you can take refuge
in the stillness.


A flower garden is good medicine
for a troubled mind.
It provides the valuable gift
of solitude and helps you focus
on the present moment


To gain more energy,
make more plans that
begin in imagination
and flourish in dreams.
They will be fueled by
enthusiasm blowing like
wind in sails


Individuality is a wonderful asset,
reminds the rainbow.
It is made of many colors,
drawn as it is from love's palette.


The smell of fresh-cut grass,
the sight of a brilliant,
sun-drenched sky,
the sound of birds and katydids,
the taste fo cold lemonade,
and the feel of warm sand
under your feet--
a summer day calls your
senses to attention.


Inventing isn't difficult--
it's what we do a dozen times a day
when we think up a new use
for an old idea.


Signposts for destinations
can be missed while looking over
the shoulder at landmarks
where we've been.


Possibilities for the future
guide me like fireflies
of promise on a summer night.


Canoeists paddling the wild river
fear not the swift current
but rather the rocks that bring
the journey to a standstill.


Love is a presence that,
like a fish on a line,
cannot be seen or heard,
just felt tugging on the heart.


A cactus on the windowsill
reminds us that some things
bloom even in arid and
seemingly barren spots.


All successful relationships
are built on a foundation
of love, harmony, and wisdom.


The sunflower wastes no time in
speculation or worry,
instead it grows with wild abandon
as high as it can reach.


The hummingbird is seen
by those who watch without
looking away for a second.
Take the time to gaze
at the wonders of life.


Kindness, like a boomerang,
comes back tgo us sooner or later.


Each dawn comes but one:
It announces another
opportunity to right
the wrong and build
on the successes of yesterday.


You have the power to make
happiness a way of life instead
of an occasional experience.


Cultivate curiosity, for it
is the seedbed of discovery
and the author of invention.


When you put off doing what
you really want to do until
the time is right, you're
allowing today's possibilities
to join the list of
yesterday's regrets.


Hope is to each of us
what sunshine is to a garden.


List of mistakes are helpful
only if they're looked at
and kept around just long enough
to benefit from them.


Friendship speaks the language
of the heart and reaches out
in love to touch the
lonely spirit.


Leisure time is more pleasurable
than idle time.
Leisure time is won through earnest effort.
Idle time is the residue of
lethargy and boredom.


Trust you own strength to get you
through teh difficult times.
The only ones who can surmount
difficulties are those with faith
in themselves.


True self-knowledge comes from knowing
how much there is to learn.


Even a person who never leaves home
can influence others a thousand miles
away. Kind words and deeds directed
to those nearby have a way
of spreading outward like
pollen in the wind.


Kindness is uneventiful and quiet,
meandering through the lives
of those it touches like a
steady-flowing stream.


Love is a verb.
A doing, sharing, acting, and
living part of more than speech.


Take out a loan against tomorrow's
predicted sunshine and laugh
during today's shower on credit


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"Dawn's First Light"
is used with permission
and is copyright
© 2001 Bruce DeBoer

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