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My So Called Paint Brush

"This poem is dedicated to my new beginning in life."

I keep a paint brush with me wherever I go,
In case I need to cover up so the real me doesn't show.
I'm afraid to show the real me,
Afraid of what people will do.
They might laugh or say mean things about me to you.
I want to remove my paint coats and show me,
But I want people to try to understand,
I need them to accept the real me.
So if they are patient and close their eyes,
I'll remove my paint coats real slow.
Please understand it hurts to show the real me.
My coats are all off now, I feel bare and cold,
If people still love all they see of me,
They are my friends, pure as gold.
I need to save my paint brush though,
Just in case somebody doesn't understand.
Please protect me my dear friends.
Thanks for loving me so true,
Just please let me keep my paintbrush,
Until... I can love me too.

Katie Ellen Collins Jones
Copyright ©2003 Katie Ellen Jones

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