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Don't Be Fooled By Me

Don't be fooled by the faces I wear.
For I wear a mask, a thousand masks,
I'm afaid to let them go.
None of them show me,
I'm afraid you won't like the real me.
Pretending is an art,
It comes second nature to me.
So Don't be fooled by me.

I give you the impression of security,
That confidence is my name and coolness is my game.
The waters calm and I'm in command
I need no one....
But Please don't be fooled by me.

My surface may seem smooth,
But thats my mask.
Beneath lies no self satisfaction,
Lies confusion, fear and a sence of aloneness
So don't be fooled by me.

I hide all this.
I don't want anyone to know.
I panic at the thought of being exposed.
That's why I have my mask,
My blessed mask.
It's a wall to help me hide,
To shield me from my fears.
Please don't be fooled by me.

I know my only hope is to uncover the real me,
Followed by acceptance, then by love.
This is the only thing that can liberate me from myself,
From my self built prison walls of sadness.
It's the only thing that will assure me
of what I can't assure myself.
So Please don't be fooled by me.

I'm really worth something,
I don't like to hide.
I don't like these superficial mind games.
I want them to stop.
I want to be free.
I want to be somebody.

You've got to help me,
You've got to hold out your hand
even when it's the last thing I seem to want.
Only you can break me out of my own prison.
Only you can give me the since of aliveness.
So don't be fooled by me.

Each time you're kind, gentle and encouraging,
Each time you prove you really care.
My heart begins to grow frail wings,
I get one step closer to freedom.
You have the power to touch me into feeling life.
You can breath life into me.
I scream the harshest cry for help.
So don't be fooled by me.

Who am I, you might ask.
So do I,
With your help together we can uncover me.
Together we can break down my walls.
I want so much to be free,
So don't be fooled by me.

I need your help so I can live
and feel like I belong.
PLEASE Don't be fooled by me.

©Katie E. Jones



Life isn't about keeping score,
Nor about how many people call you.
It's not about who you have dated, are dating,
or haven't dated at all.
It's not about who you have kissed,
or what sport you play.
Or which guy or girl likes you.
Life's not about where you live or go.
In fact it's not about cars, money, jobs, or clothes.
Life isn't about having lots of friends,
Not even about being alone.
Life's not about how accepted or unaccepted you are.
Nope, life's noat about any of that!
Life is about who you love and who you hurt.
It's about trust, happiness, and compassion.
Life is about sticking up for your feelings and friends.
Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance,
and building confidence.
Life is about seeing people for who they are
and not what they have.
Life is about living with God on hand.

Most of all....

Life is about choosing to use your life
to touch someone else'sin a way that
could never have been achieved otherwise.

These are the choices life is about.

©Katie E. Jones


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