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This writing are from my friend Katie.
If you want to contact her, you can reach
her at the E-mail below.
She would love to hear from you.


I never knew how one mistake could hurt so many.
How one lie could blossom into a huge disaster.
I*m here to tell you don*t EVER lie.
If you*ve led a dull life then so be it! Be proud of it.
Live positive.
Don*t make up things to make you feel like your something you aren*t.
I made a lie in High School about a boyfriend
and it just kept growing and growing.
First if was just a boyfriend. Then he was abusive.
Then he was harrassing me. I didn*t stop.
I began to think that the lies where true.
I didn*t stop until I had hurt
ever person that ever came in contact with me.

Now several years down the road those lies still haunt me.
I was happily married to an amazing man.
I became ill with my nerves
and began to bring back my lies from the past
and I have no excuse for why I did it.
It got so bad that I couldn*t get out of it.
I lost the love of my life after three years
because of this stupid set of lies......
Because I wanted people to think I was someone interesting.

I got sick from depression
and told the man of my life that I didn*t love him any more.
He begged me to come home to him, and I turn away.
I told him to move on.
Then I had a nervous breakdown because I knew that
I had made a huge mistake and didn*t know how to get out.
I tried to kill myself.
My Husband came back and begged me to let him help me through this.
It worked for awhile...
Then one night my nerves hit rock bottom and I told him to leave again.

Today, I am still alive. For what I*m not sure yet.
The man I love with all my heart and don*t want to live with out
doesn*t want to come back and its all my fault.
I pray that someday he will take all of my apologies
and eventually give me one last chance to treat him like a king
as I promised in our wedding vows.
God I love him so.........
I need him so...........
If only I could take back the past and bring him home.
I just know I could do better........
I just know I could make him understand
how much I love him. Only God could love him more......

Today and every day for the rest of my life
I will pray that he*ll someday come home to me.
Oh what I would do to take back that past and erase the lies
but that isn*t possible.
All I want is my wonderful... loving... caring...
handsome husband to come home.............

I ask you after you*ve read this to pray for me.
Pray that my life will straighten up.
That God will give me strength to LIVE and move on.
I would also like you to pray that if its Gods will
the LOVE OF MY LIFE will come home to me.
So I can make it all up to him.
Which I*m dying to do!
God please give me one last opportunity to love him like he loved me.

Thank you for reading my story.
I hope that it will teach someone never to lie.
Never tell anything your not 110% sure is true to life.
Because lying gets you no where.
Lying Only leaves you all alone wishing and wanting
what you should have, could have, and would have.............

God Bless Everyone!!

Thank you so much,
Katie E. Jones

I married three years ago,
Found the happiness I never thought I*d find.
It*s his love,
It does something to me.
Makes me tremble.
Makes me smile.

I made a huge mistake.
I ran him away.
I told him I didn*t love him.
I didn*t know what I was saying.
I was being crazy.

Now I sit wishing I could have his love once again.
I ask God every day to please bring him home to stay.
I can*t erase the past but I would love the chance
to improve the future.

It*s his love.
It does something to me.
Makes me tremble.
Makes me smile.
I*d do anything........
Just to hold him in my arms again....

Katie E. Jones

Just To See You Smile Once Again

Oh what I would do just to see you smile once more.
I messed up,
I ran you away.
I beg you today to come back and stay.
Oh what I would give just to see you smile.

Just to see you smile once again.
I*d do anything.
That you wanted me to do........
When all is said and done,
I*d never count the cost.
Its worth it all,
Just to see you smile.

Oh I would do anything just to see you smile at me once again.

Katie E. Jones


Here I sit all alone,
I made so many mistakes,
I ask everyone to forgive me.
But it was to little to late.

I*ve lost the one I cared about.
Now here I sit all alone.
I ask God to bring him back.
But it was to little to late.

I need him so much.
My life is such a waste.
Oh what I would give to turn back time,
To have a chance to erase my mistakes.
But it*s to little to late.

I lost my love,
I disappointed him.
I ran him away.
I can*t take it back.
I wish I could.
Oh God bring him back.
Oh God I wish you would.
Please don*t let it be To little to late......
Katie E. Jones

If you think you*re beaten you are.
If you think you dare not, you don*t.
If you want to win but you think you can*t,
It*s almost a cinch you won*t.
If you thing you*ll loose, then you*ve lost
For out in the world we find...
Success begins with a fellow*s will:
It*s all in the state of mind.
Life*s battles don*t always go to the stronger and faster man.
Sooner or later the man who wins...
Is the one who thinks, "I CAN!!"
Unknown Author

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!!"
Philippians 4:13

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Only God Could Love You More

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