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Alone Again

I wish someone would tell me
What it is that I did wrong
Why I have to stay chained up
And left alone so long.
They seemed so glad to have me
When I came here as a pup,
There were so many things we'd do
While I was growing up.
They couldn't wait to train me
As companion and as friend,
They told me they would never fear
Being left alone again.
The children said they'd feed me
Said they'd brush me everyday,
They'd play with me and walk me
If I could only stay.
But now the family hasn't time
They often say I shed,
They won't allow me in the house,
Not even to be fed.
The children never walk me,
They always say, "Not now".
I wish that I could please them
Won't someone tell me how?
All I have is love, you see,
I wish they would explain,
Why they said they wanted me
Then left me on a chain...

~~Author Unknown~~

My Little Orphans

These cats were dropped off at my house a few summers ago.
BC was half starved, Muff was lucky,
Her mother was dropped off before she was born,
so I kept Muff from the litter.
I will get a picture of Miss Kitty, when I can get her to stop long enough.
What I would like people to do is think twice before dropping off animals.
These three were lucky, I love animals and take in what I can.
You name it I have had it. lol.
Animals give you love no matter what you do to them.
So give it back to them. All they ever ask of you is kindness
and they will reward you more than you will ever imagine.
I am going to put up pictures of the animals that
I have had through the years..They all have been my joy and I miss them all..

~ China ~


This is Brandy and WT
Brandy, I found in a junk yard
WT, the duck, was taken by teenagers from it's mother
Half starve he was given to me
For some reason Brandy adopted the duck.
They did everything together..Even slept.
The duck grew up to fly with his buddies,
Brandy lived to be 12 years old before I had to put him down.


This is rocky, he sure don't look like a bird to me. lol
I had to get up at 3: A.M. to get this picture.
There are two that comes to the feeder everynight, but his friend is to shy
and wouldn't stay around for the picture.
I just make sure they have plenty
of sunflower seeds


This is Frankie, She was in a buggy at a ball park
I named her Ball Park
Frankie for short.


This is Toker,
I found him tied up in a barn
He was 11 years old
when he died.


This is DeeDee and Duzzy..Yes they are
Dee is one of Frankie pups that I kept from her litter
Duz, the little one here, I adpoted from a breeder farm.
They were going to put her to sleep because she was to old to have pups.
When I heard about it. I couldn't let them do that..So I took her.
Even though she was so worn out and old,
I got kept her for two years before her little body gave out
The Vet said she was breed to death and that she was around 18 years old.


Ok here is my His name was Dixie
until I woke up to some little noises, 16 of them I might add
So Dixie become Pixie
as he became a This one I taught tricks too. She was a


This is my Genny my Guinea Pig.
This one loved hats, he was always up to something.


This is BC again. To the people who drop him off
Your loss, my gain.


This is Miss Kitty waking up from her nap
She moved in with me 10 years ago
Not sure where she came from, but I don't question good things
that happen to


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"Dances With Wolves"