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Eagle and ShieldTitle: Letter by Neubert

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JONESBORO. Ga., Sept 3, 1864.

On the night of the 26th day of August, part of the army in front of Atlanta broke camp. This pleased all very much, for we were too close to the enemy to remain inactive, as we did for a few days. The hostile armies were so close, indeed, that neither dare show their heads above the works, for they were invariable fired at when the other was so disposed. It was in this way that the 14th Ohio lost several killed and wounded, among whom was Peter W. Disbrow, Co. "C", from Toledo, who leaves a large family which was dependent on him for support. He was shot through the head and expired immediately; when struck he was behind the main works and in the act of drinking his coffee. David B. Sulier, of the same company, was instantly killed while sitting in his tent.

We moved to the south-east, and the movements were probably the most skillfully planned of the war. The 3d Division of the 14th Army Corps moved cautiously, entrenching at every stopping. We struck the Atlanta and Western Railroad about five miles north of Jonesboro at noon on the 31st, holding it during the night and capturing 200 prisoners. Each Corps seemed to be operating in different directions. but in conjunction with each other.

Heavy firing was heard in the direction of Jonesboro on the evening of the 31st, supposed to be an attack on the 15th Corps by the enemy, who was reported concentrated and fortified at this place by the prisoners we had captured, as they thought we would strike the Railroad at that point.

At 12 o'clock a.m., on the first day of September, the 3d Division of the 14th Army Corps left their works and moved in the direction of Jonesboro and parallel with the Railroad which we destroyed as we went along. -- At half-past four o'clock p.m., the 3d Division (General Baird's) of the 14th Army Corps was confronting the enemy in front of their works surrounding Jonesboro. The 3d (Col. Este's) Brigade of Baird's Division, was drawn up in two lines of battle, in the immediate rear of a Regular Brigade of General Carlin's Division, which had made an unsuccessful charge on the rebel works in the edge of the woods, on the opposite side of a large cornfield. Col. Este being ready for any emergency with his Brigade, composed of the 10th Kentucky, 74th Indiana, 38th Ohio, and 14th Ohio regiments, all tried veteran troops, who were the "stand-by's" of Gen. Thomas at the critical moment in the memorable battle of Chickamauga.

A charge had been decided upon for the 3d Brigade. It was just 5.25 p.m. when the men were ordered to strip themselves of knapsacks and all unnecessary encumbrances. General Baird and Col. Este could not have been otherwise than pleased with the apparent coolness of the men as they stripped for the deadly conflict. All seemed to know their danger, but no one who looked upon those brave men's faces could help but read their determination to face it. When Col. Este gave the order, "Battalions, forward, guide center!" and Gen. Baird waved his hand for the "forward," the lines moved with a steadiness that bespoke success. When they neared the edge of the woods, such a shower of death missiles as baffles description was poured into the bosom of those unfaltering lines. A battery now opened on us with grape and cannister-shot and balls went screeching, tearing through the living mass; but the lines moved steadily on, on, marking their way by many killed and wounded, but undaunted. They gained the edge of the timber, when with a yell and a charge, they gained the rebel works, about 5 rods from the edge of the open field. Now a hand-to-hand conflict ensued, for we had more than the ordinary troops of the Confederacy before us -- troops who had thought themselves invincible behind works, who had done the best fighting of the Confederacy under Pat Claiborne in Hardee's corps. But this made it a more glorious contest and victory for us. Swords and bayonets were freely used along the line. Col. Este distinguished himself and acted most gallantly in leading the charge, having his horse shot from under him, and several holes shot through his boot-leggings, but fortunately not reaching his person. If ever brave, heroic conduct in battle merited promotion, it certainly is due to Col. Este. -- Gen. Baird was also in the very front of battle, inspiring the men to many deeds of bravery. His horse was also killed from under him. So stubborn were the rebels, that not until many were killed with the cold steel, would they surrender, but finally they succumbed and filed over the works to our rear, like sheep from a pen.

This charge has never been equaled in this war, if in any other. We took nearly as many prisoners as we numbered, a battery of four guns, several stands of colors and two lines of trenches manned to the fullest extent. I know of no other instance where two lines of troops who fought as these did, were taken by two lines with our disadvantages. This fact alone shows what the fighting qualities engaged were.

But still more eloquent and glorious (yet not without deep sadness,) does the number of our casualties speak the praise of the immortal dead, and the brave and victorious living. Col. Este's staff suffered equally with the rest. W. F. Stopford, Capt. 14th Ohio, and Acting Assistant Adjutant General, was killed where the fight raged the hottest, and in the farthest front of battle, and in him the country has lost a brave and efficient officer, who died as the truly brave choose to die, with his sword in hand and face to the foe. He will ever be remembered by those who knew him as truly a brave man. Benj. R. Smith, Lieut. of the 10th Ky. and Aid de Camp, was twice wounded and had his horse shot under him; also Sergeant Alonzo Wood of the 14th and of the escort was wounded. The loss of the Brigade is 33 per cent.

Inclosed you will find a correct list of casualties in the 14th Ohio; this regiment had about one hundred men to whom great credit is due. Their term of service having virtually expired, they went into the charge with their comrades without a murmur -- many gave gallantly fallen, perhaps in the very hour when their mothers, sisters, and loved ones were preparing to welcome them home.

We have had two heavy rains since the battle which are favorable to the wounded, who are doing well and are in encouraging spirits.

Respectfully Yours,


Casualties of the Fourteenth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, September 1st, 1864, near Jonesboro, Ga.


Capt. Wilbur F. Stopford, Co. H.
2d Lieut Walter B. Kirk, H.
Sergt Arthur D Tarbox, A.
1st Sergt Henry T. Morgan, C.
Henry C Clark, D.
David March, D.
Corp Joseph E Brendle, E.
Corp Weedon H Harris, E.
Charles Lembach, E.
William H Cone, F.
Perry Bennett, F.
James Barington, F.
1st Sergt James F Pray, I.
Levi Reeder, I.
Corp. Henry M Osborn, K.
Isaac Davidson, K.


Major John W Wilson, right leg, severe.
Capt John J Clark, Co C, left side, severe.
Capt David A Gleason, E, left leg, severe.
Capt Noah W Ogan, K, left arm, severe.
2d Lieut Charles B Mitchell, E, right leg and left ankle, severe, dangerous.
2d Lieut Nathaniel O Cobb, 1, right leg, severe.
Sergeant Major Jesse Trapp, arm, severe.
Sergt James M Perrin, A, abdomen, mortal.
Sergt Alonzo H Wood, A, leg, severe.
Corp Thomas Scott, A, back, slight.
Musician Geo W Brown, A, shoulder, severe.
Wm Coalwell, A, both legs, mortal.
Uriah Gilbert, A, head, mortal.
John Gates, A, side, severe.
Patrick Moran, A, arm, slight.
Wm T Seagar, A, breast, mortal.
Joseph E Warner, A, groin, severe.
Alfred N Warren, A, abdomen, slight.
Samuel T Wood, A, both hips, severe.
Edwin R Wilkinson, A, leg, slight.
Corp John Kline, B, leg, severe.
Corp Christopher Jacobs, B, hip, severe.
Corp Francis M Perry, B, abdomen, mortal.
Corp Michael Gates, B, side, severe.
John W Moon, B, side, slight.
Corp Williamson Lanning, C, arm, slight.
Corp William Krall, C, arm, slight.
Emanuel Summerlott, Co. C, neck, slight.
Serg't William Nanna, D, thigh, severe.
Serg't James Wilder, D, hand, slight.
Corp'l Harry Bortell, D, breast and foot, severe.
Corp'l John Hecklar, D, arm, severe.
Philomen Hendricks, D, shoulder, severe.
Jacob Lehr, D, shoulder, severe.
William Weaner, D, shoulder, slight.
John Kebber, D, wrist, slight.
1st Serg't William W Moats, E, face, severe.
Serg't Reason C Livingston, E, thigh, severe.
William Heartly, E, thigh, mortal.
Ega Oush, E, arm, severe.
Abraham Giltz, E, ankle, severe.
Iliur T. Kraft, E, foot, severe.
Richard H Thrallkill, E, thigh, severe.
William Luce, E, cheek and arm, severe.
Davidson Millhouse, E, ankle, severe.
Corp'l Augustus L Smith, F, breast, severe.
Charles Dennis, F, leg, severe.
John Drake, G, shoulder, severe.
Harrison Wheeler, G, face, severe.
John F. Hazelet, G, abdomen, mortal.
Francis M. Snook, G, arm, severe.
Enoch A Perron, G, foot, severe.
1st Serg't Henry A Valentine, H, leg, severe.
Serg't Harrison Hathaway, H, shoulder, severe.
Serg't George Rice, H, breast, slight.
Corp'l John Beeley, H, shoulder, severe.
Corp'l William Miller, H, side, severe.
George Metcalf, H, shoulder, slightly.
Remmick Jemison, H, shoulder, slight.
John Meyer, H, leg, severe.
Joshua Lathrop, H, shoulder and mouth, severe.
Michael Bassett, H, neck, severe.
Leroy Clark, I, arm, severe.
Jonathan Miller, I, head, severe.
James Rogan, I, thigh and side, slight.
Edwin T Reid, I head, severe.
Julius Richter, I, side, slight.
William Sterrig, I, ankle, severe.
George Cable, I, abdomen, slight.
William Batt, I, leg, slight.
Serg't Isaac Bogart, K, leg, severe.
Serg't Oscar Smith, K, head, slight.
Corp'l Jacob Koli, K, face, severe.
John Y. Vanmeter, K, side, severe.

Eagle and Shield

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