This brief history of the Fourteenth Ohio Regiment is taken from Clark Waggoner's History of the City of Toledo and Lucas County, published by Munsell & Company, New York in 1888. For those of you looking for a roster of the regiment, I currently do not have one posted. If you are interested in a roster, you can find one on the 14th Ohio Reenactment Company's web site. Use this link to go to, then click on "History." There you will find rosters for both the three months' and three years' regiments |
The official list of battles in which this Regiment bore an honorable part is not yet published in orders of the War Department, but the following has been prepared after careful research:
First in order of time, and first in proportion of Lucas County recruits, stands the Fourteenth Regiment, which was raised almost wholly in the Toledo Congressional District, and very largely in Toledo and vicinity. In less than three days from the President's call for 75,000 men, this Regiment was ready for the field, being, as believed, the first Reginient accepted by the Government. On the 25th April, 1861, and only 12 days from the attack on Fort Surnpter, this command left Toledo for Camp Taylor, near Cleveland, for completion of organization and thorough drill. Until May 18th it was a State Regiment, and on that day was transferred to the General Government. May 22d, it left Camp Taylor for Columbus, where it was provided with arms, and at once left for the field, reaching Zanesville and Marietta on the 23d. At the latter place, it went into Camp Putnam, and remained there until the 27th, when it embarked for Parkersburg, Virginia, where it first set foot on Rebel soil, and without opposition. A Company was double-quicked along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the bridges of which had been fired by retreating Rebels, upon the appearance of Union troops. On the 29th the Regiment advanced into Virginia, reaching Clarksburg on the 29th, having repaired the Railroad to that point, when trains were put in operation for bringing in supplies.
June 2d the Regiment took rail for the Town of Webster, whence it marched to Philippi, 13 miles, on a dark, dismal, I'ainy night. Arriving at 5 A. M., a force of 2,000 Rebel Cavalry in camp were surprised by the cannonading of the unexpected Union troops. Owing to a mistake which deprived the movement of a co-operating force from an opposite direction, it was not as successful as had been hoped for. But the superior Rebel force were most thoroughly frightened, and at once, in great disorder, took to the bushes and hills for escape, leaving their clothing behind. A few prisoners and several wagon loads of war material were taken by the invading force.
On the 3d of June, the Fourteenth, in connection with the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Ohio, the Sixth and Seventh Indiana, and the First Virginia Infantry, went into camp near the Town of Philippi; whence expeditions were sent in different directions against guerrilla bands. On these marches, the men suffered severely from excessive exhaustion and lack of essential supplies-made the more severe by their entire lack of preparation for such service. These expeditions seemed to amount to little, having been induced by unwarranted alarm and false reports in regard to Rebel movements.
The Rebels under General Garnett, began to show themselves at Laurel Hill, on the 7th June, when works were thrown up at Bealington to repel their attacks, which soon followed, but were promptly repulsed. On the 12th the Rebels suddenly retreated, when the Union force moved out, the Fourteenth Ohio in the lead, and took possession of a Rebel fort, and rap idly advanced-in pursuit. So severely were the Rebels pushed, that they left baggage and supplies of every kind on the way. At Carrick's Ford they were overtaken, and compelled to make a stand. The advance guard of the Fourteenth first reached them, when a shower of balls from the bluff above and opposite the stream, met the advance. The Fourteenth promptly responded in an effective volley, and in 20 minutes, and just as the first Regiment of the main column of the Union force came up for action, the enemy gave way in confusion, throwing away whatever could impede their retreat. Among the fruits of this occasion, were 30 baggage wagons, well-laden, three stands of colors and 250 prisoners taken from the Rebels. The next day the Regiment started for Philippi, where it arrived on the 15th July, on the way fording six streams, swollen by heavy rains.
As a sample of the experience to which the Fourteenth was then subjected, it may be stated, that on Friday noon, June 14th, the Regiment was ordered from Philippi to Buckhannon, 20 miles distant, over one of the worst roads in the State. At Buckhannon they cooked breakfast, and rested for two hours only, when they were ordered back to Philippi, and left at 11 A. H. Saturday, getting into camp at that place at 2 A. M. Sunday. Saturday was an intensely hot day, and so prostrated were the men, that the moment they were within camp they dropped on the ground and were soon all asleep. During their return trip they had no food, save a single cracker apiece. And all this, because a fleeing young Rebel had written from Beverly to his girl in Grafton, that Gen Wise was in Beverly at the head of 9,000 Virginia troops. The girl showed the letter to Col. Dermont, of an Indiana Regiment, who thereupon gave the order for the march referred to.
At Laurel Hill the Fourteenth remained in camp until July 22d, when its term of enlistment having expired, it returned to Ohio. On the way, it was the object of much attention, including many expressions of kindness. At Toledo, where the Regiment arrived on the 25th, a meeting of citizens had made arrangements for a fitting reception; but such was the throng in attendance and the excitement of the occasion, that the programme provided could be but partially carried out. The Regiment was received with every manifestation of pride and joy. Not the people of Toledo only, but many persons from other localities represented in that command were present.
The loss of the Regiment in service consisted of the following: In battle, two-Frank Gero and Samuel Mills. Accidentally killed, two-Captain Andrew Crawford and Lieutenant J. ID. Belknap. The circumstances of Captain Crawford's death were very painful. While as officer of the day, making the guard rounds one dark night, passing through a dense thicket he came suddenly upon a soldier on duty as picket guard, who, greatly frightened by such sudden appearance, at once fired at time Captain, killing him instantly. The deceased was from Napoleon, Henry County, where he practiced law, and was much esteemed.
Immediately upon the return of the Regiment, measures were taken for the enlistment for three years of such of its members as saw fit to "veteranize," and on the 25th September it again left for the field, via Cincinnati. The day before its departure, a picnic was held at Camp Oliver, out Cherry Street, when 5,000 to 6,000 people were on the ground, the Soldiers' tables being abundantly supplied by the ladies of Toledo. Crossing the Ohio to Covington, Ky., it took cars for Lexington and Frankfort. On the way the train was assaulted with stones, which broke windows and injured a few of the men. Two of the offenders were arrested, one of which in passing along the streets of Frankfort as prisoner, drew a large knife across his throat, which did not prove fatal. The incident shows something of the spirit of disloyalty then in the South. From Frankfort the Regiment moved by ears to Nicholasville, where three weeks were spent in drill. The next stopping place was Camp Dick Robinson, which was reached October 2d. At this point, it is said a Regiment of loyal East Tennesseeans arrived, but to do so, the men were compelled to crawl on all-fours through the Rebel lines. With these were Andrew Johnson, United States Senator, and Horace Maynard, Congressman, from Tennessee, on their way to Washington. The former of these spent some time as a guest of the Fourteenth.
While the Regiment was at Camp Dick Robinson, word came that a Union force at or near Wild Cat, a desolate locality some 60 miles to the Southward, were surrounded by Rebels. With Barnet's First Ohio Artillery, the Fourteenth started for that point, on forced march, through mud and rain, arriving at 9 A. H. October 21st. Approaching they heard the sound of artillery and musketry, when amid great excitement they rushed to the point of attack. It was found that five Companies of the Thirty-Third Indiana, on a wild knoll, were almost surrounded by Rebels. Under cover of a brisk fire by Barnet's Battery two Companies of the Fourteenth, with shovels and picks, crawled through the bushes over a ravine, to the knob which they soon fortified so effectually, that the enemy abandoned the siege, and retreated toward London, Ky., leaving about 30 of killed and wounded. The Union forces pursued the Rebels, who were commanded by General Zollicoffer, a prominent politician of Kentucky, to a point near London, where the Union troops went into (.amp for two weeks, when they proceeded to Lebanon, via Crab Orchard and Lebanon, and there went into winter quarters.
December 31st the Camp at Lebanon was broken up and the march resumed, taking the route toward Somerset or Mill Springs. Zollicoffer's force was met at Logan's Cross-Roads and defeated, in which action but one Company (C, Captain J. W. Brown of Toledo) participated. The Union troops pursued the Rebels, and drove them into their fortifications at Mill Springs. The night of January 19th was spent in cannonading the enemy's works, preparatory to the assault which followed early the next morning, whereby the Rebels were overwhelmed, with the loss of one Regiment captured, 20 pieces of Artillery, and their entire camp equipage. The main body of the enemy escaped across the Cumberland River, burning their Steamer as they left. The Fourteenth led the assault on the Rebel works, and was the first to enter; as it also led in the pursuit of the flying enemy. This movement was among the most important, as it was among the most brilliant of the War to that period; and as such it did much toward bringing the Fourteenth Ohio into honorable recognition.
The Union forces remained at Mill Springs till February 11th; when, with five days' rations, the line of march was resumed for Louisville, where they arrived on the 26th. Thence, with 20,000 other troops, it left by steamer for Nashville, which was reached March 4th. Here they remained until the 20th, the meantime being employed in building fortifications, and perfecting the drill of the men. At the date named, with General Buell as Commander, they left for the relief of Grant at Pittsburg Landing, where they arrived April 7th. A portion of the command participated in the desperate fight which turned the tide against the enemy; but the Fourteenth was not there in time to take part in the battle, much to the disappointment of officers and men.
The Regiment started on the night of the 12th April on an expedition to Chickasaw Landing, near which five bridges were destroyed, amid severe skirmishes, whereby the enemy failed of expected re-enforcements. Thence the Regiment returned by steamer to Pittsburg Landing. On board was General W. T. Sherman, who publicly thanked the men for the service they had rendered. Rejoining its Brigade, the Fourteenth constituted a portion of the large command under General Buell, on its march to Corinth. The only death in the Regiment during the siege, was that of Frank Callern, Fifer, of heart disease.
June 23, 1862, the Fourteenth, with other troops, was sent to Iuka, Mississippi, whence it marched to Tuscumbia, Alabama. After the performance of different kinds of service in that vicinity, it took the line of march toward Nashville, Tennessee. On the way, and near Waynesburg, Tennessee, General Robert L. McCook was murdered by guerrillas. September 7th Nashville was readied. On the 14th marching orders for Bowling Green, Kentucky, were received, the object being the pursuit of Bragg's Rebel command, then moving on Louisville, which point was reached on the 26th. On this march the Fourteenth was under command of Major Paul Edwards, Colonel Steedman having been assigned to General R. L. McCook's late command, and Lieutenant Colonel Este being absent on furlough. This march, owing to extreme heat and dry and dusty roads, was very severe on the men.
October 1, 1862, General Buell's Army left Louisville, in pursuit of Bragg, the Fourteenth being in the advance. Bardstown was reached on the 3d. On the 9th the Brigade was detailed as headquarters and ammunition train-guard, and they were permitted to take part in the battle of Perryville on that day. Continuing the pursuit of Bragg, Buell marched through Danville and Crab Orchard, where the movement was abandoned, and the forces turned their faces toward Nashville. At Gallatin the Brigade, embracing the Fourteenth, went into winter quarters November 15th. While there the Regiment was repeatedly detailed for scouting duty against guerrilla (John Morgan's) Cavalry, with which several skirmishes were had, involving the loss of some men. Morgan was badly whipped at Rolling Fork, whereby a raid on Louisville was believed to have been prevented. January 13, 1863, the Regiment left Gallatin and arrived at Louisville the 15th. On the 17th the Regiment marched for Murfreesboro, as guard to an ammunition train, and returned to Lavergne, where the Brigade was engaged in fortifying against the enemy.
June 3, 1863, the Fourteenth and Brigade left Lavergne for Triune, Tennessee, as a portion of General Rosecrans advance on Tullahoma and Chattanooga. Twenty days were consumed at Triune in rigid drill, while awaiting the arrival of necessary supplies. Hoover's Gap was reached on the night of June 26th, where the Brigade participated in a brisk engagement, losing 30 men in killed and wounded. On the 28th the vicinity of Tullahoma was reached. That night Captain Neubert's picket detail of the Fourteenth drove in the enemy's line of pickets, whereby he was enabled to get so near the Town as to discover that the enemy were evacuating the place, which information led to the advance of the Union force early the next morning. Elk River was crossed with great difficulty, that stream being quite deep, with a swift current, causing the drowning of several men. The command reached Sequatchie Valley, near Sweden Cove, August 18th. On the 31st the Army crossed the Tennessee River by means of rafts, pontoons not being at hand. On the 19th the enemy were discovered in force on Chickamauga Creek, when the Fourteenth, under Lieutenant Colonel Kingsbury, was immediately deployed in line of battle, and were in hot and close contest with the enemy from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M., when, being relieved it replenished its ammunition and again entered the fight, which was continued until sundown. All this with the men badly exhausted by the arduous march they had just made, but they were ready and cheerful in duty, despite such untoward condition. The following morning at 9 o'clock, the Regiment had a desperate encounter with a portion of Longstreet's Rebel Division. In consequence of a gap in General Thomas's line, the whole Union force was compelled to fall back to avoid severe defeat. It stopped at Rossville.
September 21, 1863, the Fourteenth with its Brigade and Division, was all day in line of battle, but were again forced to fall back near to Chattanooga, the enemy closely following. The Regiment went into battle with 499 men, of which it lost 233 killed, wounded and missing-14 enlisted men being captured by the enemy. Of 14 officers in the engagement eight were severely wounded, including Captains Albert Moore, Company A; H. W. Bigelow, Company I; Dan Pomeroy, Company D~ W. B. Pugh, Company H; J. J. Clarke, Company C; and Lieutenant James E. McBride, Company F. Colonel Croxton, of Tenth Kentucky, commanding the Brigade, was severely wounded.
During the ensuing beleaguerment at Chattanooga, a detail of 100 men of the Fourteenth, under Captain Neubert, was sent to Stevenson, Alabama, to procure rations, crossing the rugged mountains for such purpose. The force set out on a march of 11 days with but one day's rations. The service was very severe, and after subsisting on parched corn, leaving more than half their wagons and 20 dead mules on the road, the detail reached Stevenson. Ten of the 60 wagons with which they started out, were loaded with "hardtack," and the return journey commenced. November 9th, and at the end of 25 days' absence, the detail reached Chattanooga, where its precious supplies were gladly welcomed by their famished comrades.
The Fourteenth bore a gallant part in the memorable assault on Mission Ridge, charging a Rebel Battery of three guns, under personal direction of General Hardee, losing 16 killed, 91 wounded, and three missing.
The Union forces started November 26, 1863, in pursuit of the Rebel Army toward Ringgold, where the enemy made a stand. General Hooker's forces, being in advance, made a charge on the Rebels, but were repulsed. The Fourteenth Corps then came up and forming in line of battle, charged the Rebel position; but the enemy had fled toward Buzzard's Roost. The Fourteenth Ohio on the 29th November, returned to Chattanooga, where it was reviewed by General Grant December 1, 1863.
The Three-Years' enlistment of the Fourteenth having expired, all but 30 eligible men of the Regiment re-enlisted for a second like term on the 17th December, 1863. Christmas-day was spent most actively in mustering in the men, and by hard work the rolls were completed that night. The Regiment left for Bridgeport on the 31st December, where it took cars for Nashville, arriving there January 2, 1864. This trip was made during the extraordinarily sudden and extreme change in the temperature on the night of the 31st December, which, though most severe at the North, was not there near as distressing as at the South, and especially with the soldiers unprovided with requisite clothing. On the trip to Nashville the feet of several colored servants belonging to the Regiment were so badly frozen as to require amputation.
From Nashville the Fourteenth, by cars, went to Louisville, and thence by boat to Cincinnati, arriving there January 4th. From that city it came to Toledo, arriving there January 5th. It was met at the Railway depot by a large concourse of citizens, and welcomed home in a speech by M. R. Waite, Esq., when they marched down Summit street to Adams, whence they returned to the Island House for dinner. The field officers at that time were: George P. Este, Colonel; H. D. Kingsbury, Lieutenant-Colonel; J. W. Wilson, Major; Joseph B. Newton, Adjutant; Dr. George E. Sloat, Surgeon; Dr. Charles A. Ames, Assistant. Surgeon; John W. Beecher, Quartermaster; Quartermaster's Sergeant, A. J. Morse; Commissary Sergeant, David Bowker; Musicians, Nathaniel G. Pierce and Henry Weitzel. The Regiment left 110 wounded and 38 sick in hospital at Chattanooga, Nashville, Louisville and Cincinnati. Sixty-six members did not re-enlist; out of these 24 were rejected, largely from disabilities arising from wounds. Every wounded man having an opportunity, reenlisted.
The officers and privates of the Fourteenth Ohio in December, 1864, contributed the sum of $210 for the benefit of the family of Private Peter W. Disbrow, Co. C, of that Regiment, who was killed in the trenches near Atlanta, August 7th. Captain H. G. Neubert forwarded the amount to the widow.
At the expiration of its 30-days' furlough, the Fourteenth left Toledo (February 6, 1864) for Cleveland, and there went into camp, remaining about a week, when it started for Cincinnati and the field, reaching Nashville February 23d, and Chattanooga the 29th. March 5th the Regiment moved to Ringgold, where it had severe duty-the construction of corduroy roads, pickets, outposts, etc., between that place and Chattanooga. May 9th, with its Brigade, it moved on Dalton, driving the enemy's videttes to the vicinity of Tunnel Hill, where the enemy in force was encountered. Here began the protracted and exhausting march of the Union forces for Atlanta, in which the Fourteenth bore its full share of fatigue and privation, as well as of frequent and severe skirmishing. It lost heavily in both officers and men. At Atlanta the Regiment lost 20 men in killed and wounded.
August 26, 1864, commenced a flanking movement in the direction of Jonesboro, which reached the Atlanta and Western Railroad, five miles from that point, on the 31st, where 200 prisoners were captured. The next day the Third Division of the Fourteenth Army Corps, in which was brigaded the Fourteenth, continued the advance, destroying the railroad track as it progressed. At 4.30 P. M. the Third Division (General Baird in command) confronted the enemy's works about Jonesboro. Third Brigade, in command of Colonel Este, of the Fourteenth Ohio, was drawn up in immediate rear of a regular Brigade of General Carlin's Division, which had just made an unsuccessful charge on the Rebel works in the edge of the woods on the opposite side of a large cornfield. Colonel Este's Brigade (embracing the Fourteenth and Thirty-Eighth Ohio, Tenth Kentucky and Seventy-Fourth Indiana) was ready for action, when its commander gave the order, "Battalions forward! Guide center!" General Baird at the same time waving his hand for the "forward." Amid an intense shower of rebel balls the lines moved forward. Soon a battery of grape and cannister opened, but the Brigade did not hesitate. The edge of the timber was gained, when, amid cheers and yells, the charge was made, the enemy's works gained, and a hand-to-hand conflict ensued. The Rebel force (of General Pat Cleburne's Division) contested the ground inch by inch, and surrendered only after many had been killed in the desperate fight. The Fourteenth took as many prisoners as its own force numbered, together with a battery of four guns, several stands of colors and two lines of trenches full of men. This substantial success was not won except at heavy cost. The Third Brigade lost one-third of its number. In the ranks of the Fourteenth Ohio were 100 brave men whose term of enlistment had expired, but who willingly volunteered for the desperate struggle in which some of them gave up their lives for their country. Stronger or nobler proof of patriotism or heroism could not be furnished. The names of men capable of such patriotic devotion should not be forgotten.
The Third Brigade did not join in the pursuit of the enemy from Jonesboro. The Fourteenth Ohio followed in pursuit of Hood's troops, on their advance into Tennessee, as far as Rome, Ga., when, the chase being abandoned, the Brigade returned to Kingston, Ga., on the 6th November. Joining Gen. Sherman s forces at Atlanta, the Regiment partici. pated in the "March to the Sea," and through the Carolinas to Goldsboro and Raleigh.
At Raleigh was promulgated to the Union forces the glorious news of the surrender of Lee and the Rebel Army near Richmond, assuring the collapse of the Rebellion. Soon came like tidings of General Johnston. Nothing more being left of field service, the Fourteenth and its heroic associates started for Washington, where it joined the Grand Armies of the Union in the review before the President and his Cabinet.
At Raleigh was promulgated to the Union forces the glorious news of the surrender of Lee and the Rebel Army near Richmond, assuring the collapse of the Rebellion. Soon came like tidings of General Johnston. Nothing more being left of field service, the Fourteenth and its heroic associates started for Washington, where it joined the Grand Armies of the Union in the review before the President and his Cabinet.
June 15, 1865, the Fourteenth Ohio left Washington by rail for Parkersburg, Va., arriving there the 18th. Thence by boats it proceeded to Louisville, Ky., where it was in camp until July 11th, when, having been mustered out, it left for home, reaching Cleveland, Ohio, July 14, 1865.
At Cleveland the Regiment was received with special manifestations of enthusiasm. Arriving at the Park, a welcoming address was delivered in behalf of the citizens by Rev. Dr. Goodrich, of the First Presbyterian Church, in the course of which the eloquent speaker said,
We bless the day which has brought you home. The country now needs just such citizens as you have been soldiers. We know your services, how in the very dawn of the conflict you won an honorable name, and in the first campaign in West Virginia struck blows which forever after kept back from our own borders the invading hosts.
We remember Carrick's Ford, where the day was won by a single charge of the Fourteenth Ohio, and we know the long course of toil and conflict and victory in which you have borne your part with the bravest, and whose record is on your banners. Amid we remember that it was because you thus stood in the brunt of battle that we have dwelt in undisturbed security, and possess all these liberties untouched. We have lain down in peace and slept because you were resting only on your arms, or pacing the weary round of the sentinel. We have gathered in these sanctuaries on the Sabbath and enjoyed the consolations of a Christian worship, because you, knowing no day of rest, have marched or fought or waited time assault, as the God of Hosts appointed to you. All these peaceful industries have been ours; these schools, these courts of law, unbroken in their course of usefulness, because you stood a serried rampart between us and anarchy.
This has been your glorious work, and for it all we give you this day our public tribute of gratitude. In old Rome, when peril came to the Commonwealth, the resort was always to a Dictator. One man, the strongest and ablest, was found, and to him it was given solemnly in charge that the Republic should receive no detriment. But we are not saved by one man. Our hope in the great emergency did not, would not, turn to any single soul, however great. It was to you we looked to save the Nation. To you, time volunteers of our Army, who stood forth, the land over, to defend the country, to all of you we gave the Republic in keeping. And your work is done- a greater work than you or we yet know. Generations must pass before the true history of this war can be written, or the worth of your labor reckoned up.
In the name of your fellow-citizens, I thank you and bid you welcome. As a Minister of Religion, I thank you for your defense of Christian justice, and your maintenance of Christian institutions. God be with you evermore. God bless you all.
The Regiment was paid off at Cleveland and disbanded, a large portion of its members reaching Toledo July 21st. Although no formal demonstration was made on the occasion, the veterans were received amid warm expressions of admiration and thanksgiving by their families and citizens generally.
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