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Poem for Libby 9.20.01

This poem is for Libby
who thinks my poems are all sad
So for her I'll use words like fibby
a word I made up, meaning glad.

The point of this poem is to be silly
to prove to her my life doesn't suck.
And that i can write about happy things, really
and sometimes that happy things revolve around luck.

Although others percieve life a different way,
and think things all based on fate.
They think the events of their day,
were meant to happen on that date.

But either way you choose to see it
life is filled of things to make you smile
so whichever side you choose to sit,
you can hope to be there a while.

Because you don't want to miss anything great.
Like sunshine, rainbows and birdies
or the sunset as the day grows late.
and you can make the best of life's dull turdies.

And love wonderful people you call your friends
who you know will love you no matter what you be,
and you know will see you through the end
and make you laugh by dressing as Pal T.

See Libby, not all my poems make you frown,
some can even make you chuckle a little.
Maybe you'll read this when you're down,
and you'll be happy and play the fiddle.

(me and Libby)

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