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Destruction 1.29.01

A thousand "I love you"s
and "it will all be okay"s

Not to mention the
"I'll be here for you"s
and the "always"s

We used words to express our emotions
Now neither are there
All gone.

Prisoned by my silence
I finally broke free
only to be prisoned by hatred.

Thank you, my "friend",
for the laughter and the tears
for the your love and hate
for helping me to see clearly
and then clouding everything up again
into one ball of mass confusion.

Warn me next time

Before I fall for everything
Before I believe you
Before I believe in you

Before I break down my walls
and make myself completly vulnerable
resting in your arms

Before I start to love you
Before I let you love me

Warn me next time before you shut me out -
so that I can start to rebuild my walls
before you destroy me.

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