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Untitled (I Woke Up) 4.18.98

I woke up one day and you were there
You came here,
Into my life and brought order into this chaotic mess.
You danced your way into my life and into my heart
You made me truly happy.
That night I fell asleep
Feeling wanted and loved
A feeling that had been missing up till now.
I couldn't wait for morning
I awoke with the rays of the sun
I waited for you to come back and make me happy again
I waited
And waited
I watched the minutes turn to hours
And hours turn to days
I watched the sun fall and rise many times
Too many times to count
Still waiting for your face
You must have danced your way into my heart
And my mind in an unforgettable way
For here I still sit, waiting for you
My smile has faded with tears to replace it
My eyes still searching down my street
My heart beats faster every time I hear footsteps.
My mind is still wondering if you will ever come back to me.

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