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Ode to Meegs 09.29.01

Oh meegs without you,
I wouldn't have names like 'cou'
I know that you say
you don't remember that day
but alas, I sure do
who could forget 'cou'

Remember when in french we'd sign
words across the room, one letter at a time
or how we would say "the cheese is rotten?"
When it was something we'd forgotten?
oh we were such dorks back then
oh yes... way back when...

Oh how each day we'd laugh
at my made up words like yaf
And it was in McCue's class
we never thought we'd pass
So I just became a sprinkler
and made often trips to the tinkler

The day Mrs. Crook let us use
her office for the tears you lose
that one didn't make much sense
but you get the picture, yes?
Sense and yes really rhyme not
how many words ryhme with sense, not alot!

Oh meegs, you're always there to talk
and in the halls we used to talk and walk
now it's over the computer we do so
when we feel happy and when we feel low
I am so lucky to have you as a friend
cause I know you'll be there til the end!

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