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Born: not known

Died: 1841

Spouse: Margaretha ?

Married: n/a

Children: two


Family History

Johann Frederick Druckemiller II
son of Frederick & Christina Druckemiller

Frederick was born to Frederick and Christina Druckemiller. His birthdate is not known, but he was baptized on April 14,1784 in Penn Twp., Northumberland Co., Pa.

Later in life, Frederick married Margaretha. Margaretha's maiden name is not known. Frederick lived in Jefferson Co., Ohio, where he was taxed in 1810. The 1820 Ohio census shows only Margaret living with her two children in Harrison Co., Germano Twp.,Ohio.

The 1830 Ohio Census shows neither Fred nor Margaret. In 1840 both were back living in Harrison Co. and son Jacob lived next door. In 1850, both sons were living in Carroll Co. and Margaret was living with son John.

Fred served in the War of 1812-a private in the Ohio Militia under Capt. Thomas Latta for $6.66 a month.

Frederick had two son's: Jacob born 1805; John born 1808 in Pa. Their son John lived in Carroll Co., Lec. Twp. in 1840 and Washington Twp. in 1850. His Children: Frederick, Sarah, Daniel, MaryJ., Martha, Cafsa, Minerva, Harry, and Clark.

Frederick died in 1841 and buried in Emmanuel Lutheran Cemetery No.1 at Kilgore in Carroll Co., Ohio. The 1860 Indiana Census shows that his wife Margaret living with their son Jacob in Grant Co., Franklin Twp., Indiana. She died sometime after 1860.

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