Massacre in the Dining Hall.

It all started with a shout,
Any Bread said "Don't touch that tureen!"
Amaka made off with the tureen of rice.
Any Bread and Milk Industry gave chase.
A loud roar of protest washed over the crowd.
They had been watching the drama.
Suddenly they surged forward.
To the kitchen through Old Dining.
Grabbing as many tureens as they could lay their hands on,
Students ran for dear life.
As if by magic, large bowls appeared,
And the food was quickly dished out.
Some others battled each other for tureens,
The stronger making away with the loot.
In this process, many were overturned on the floor.
I quickly started picking up pieces of meat.
I ended up with three bowls of rice.
Rushing to the dorm, I met Senior Temilade.
"Hey you" she said "come here."
Tried to duck but it was too late.
I had to surrender some of my loot.
Ended up with one plate of rice,
And a tiny piece of meat.

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