Brian Facts
These are facts about the boy with the best voice, (and the best looks, lol), Brian Littrell.
- Name: Brian Thomas Littrell
- Birthday: Feb. 20, 1975
- Birthplace: Lexington, Kentucky
- Nicknames: Frick, B-rock
- Weight: 135
- Height: 5'8''
- Hair Color: dirty blonde
- Status: Married. Let's all be happy for the new couple!!!
- Fear: heights
- Bad habits: biting his nails
- Hobbies: basketball, nintendo
- Favorite color: blue
- Favorite food: macaroni and cheese
- Favorite junk food: Gum
- Favorite actor: Jim Carey, Tom Hanks
- Favorite Icecream: vanilla w/ chocolate chips
- Drink: coke, ice tea
- Now lives in: Georgia
- Parents: Jackie and Harold
- Siblings: older brother, Harold Jr
- His cousin is Kevin, who is also in the band
- His best friend is Nick (frack)
- Has two chihuahua's, Tyke and Litty Leigh
- Very religious
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