Visitor Rants and Raves
Is there something political that has been bothering you lately? Are you fed up with the liberal media? Are you sick and tired of trying to be so P.C. around everyone? Did some whiny liberal try to get into a political debate with you at work and you wished that you could throw him through a wall? Well here is your chance to rant about it! Your name will be next to whatever you submit, but if you would prefer to remain anonymous please make note of that in your submission. Sorry, but I will only post Conservative/Republican rants on this page. I don't mean to be unfair, but this site is for people to read more about conservative views, whether you are a die-hard Republican or a curious Democrat. Please don't even waste your time submitting something liberal because all liberal submissions will be deleted. With that said, go ahead and get everything off of your chest! (All I ask is that you don't swear and don't personally attack anyone or any group of people. Try to keep it clean and fair!)