March 14, 2011

So I have written XF, Hawaii 5-0, Sherlock and White Collar this year, working on a Sentinel story as well, and I've also been reading Torchwood, Supernatural and BtVS. OI!!  Too many fandoms!!  I actually have a stupid TV schedule now, with a show almost every night, dammit!

Monday is Hawaii Five-0, which is even gayer than Sherlock, hallelujah, and is stupid in that delicious Sentinel way--hell, it's Sentinel with a budget! AOL is beautiful and tattooed and Australian in real life, takes a beating like a pro, and has made his character, Steve, absolutely breathtaking---he's a combination of super ninja robot SEAL and gooshy pile of almost crying vulnerability. And he's in love with Danny! Scott Caan plays Danny with his heart not just on his sleeve but dripping all over the pavement! And he loves Steve! The show is funny (the carguments rock!) and serious and full of all those "uh oh, the show just got too gay, quick, blow something up" moments that are my sekrit shame *L*

Tuesday is Glee day, and I still really want whassisname, the football player to come out, apologize to Kurt and for them to start dating. Blaine still screams date-rapist to me, but I think it's just cos the actor is str8 in real life and I can smell it on him. And for the record, Kurt's dad is the most awesome dad on the planet (followed by Danny, of course) And Tuesday is also White Collar (although we don't get it here so I have to download it Wed mornings). Neal and Peter, Peter and Neal. Took two seasons for them to hug, and then the finale blew it all to hell. I just have to say, though, kudos to Neal, so very desperately in love with Peter, for cowboying up finally and calling Peter on his trust issues. Yeah, I get it, Neal's a conman, but really, Peter, after two years, Neal deserves at least a conversation. So I was very proud of Neal, with heart breaking, when he says "Prove it" Just growls it. mmmm. And really, have you seen Matt Bomer without a shirt?

Wednesday is Supernatural, now in season six and struggling a bit, although the meta episode was full of win!! J2 are delicious still, although I am all about Castiel. As a friend said, he's a kitten in a trenchcoat and I love that he loves Dean and was willing to throw over heaven for the guy! Kripke, Like Eastin, knows what side his bread is slashed on, and he plays to the fans all the time. There are no women in that world, or if there are, they are always dead or evil by the end of the episode *L*  Also, Mitch Pileggi in a recurring role. Hooray!

Thursday is Big Bang Theory. We loves us some Sheldon Cooper and apparently Jim Parsons proposed to his husband the night he got nominated for an emmy! He's got a bit of OCD and I'm a little hot for his overwashed hands. Also, he's sweet and tall and one of three apologies we've gotten from Texas so far, with the other two being Mitch Pileggi and Matt Bomer. Doesn't nearly make up for Bush and all the rest of it, but it's a start. Also, BBT has so many delicious big words it almost hurts my box! And the best theme song on television!! This is the last year of  Ace of Cakes which breaks my heart (also on Thursdays) and Geoff Manthorn still needs to marry me! He's the coolest dude I have ever seen! I'd love to see him coming all unglued under someone!

Not much on the weekends, although Doctor Who (Saturdays) is coming back in April and Top Gear (Sundays) is coming back in June. I miss Matt Smith something fierce and cannot wait to see where the Doctor takes us this year. We know bowties and fezzes are cool, and apparently stetsons are going to be cool as well. Also, unusually, I adore Amy and Rory and hope they get to leave the Doctor happily in the end. Matt Smith is doing a Chris Isherwood tv movie on the 19th that I'll have to download. mmmmm, Isherwood.....mmmm, Matt Smith in the clutches of many other pasty English and German lads--I'm in!!  And the Top Gear boys are as brilliant as ever, possibly more so lately--less scripted with lots of natural laughter and silliness. Richard took one on the chin for his comments about Mexicans, but seriously, we all were thinking it, and I thought it was great that he gave that to Jezza. James and Richard both got haircuts, and I love James' but I loved the long hair on Richard. I still want a Veyron, and adore all Astin Martins, but, blasphemy that it is, although Richard might agree, I really really love Danny's Camaro on H5-0.

Torchwood is coming back in June or July and I can't really find it in me to care. The plot sounds stupid and it seems like it's just Gwenwood now and I never much liked her anyway. I miss the heck outta Barrowman--for a while he was on everything and now I never get to see him :(  But unless they give him some strong angst about Ianto at the start, it will be hard for me to watch. If RTD makes it like Ianto, Tosh and Owen never existed, I won't watch. I can't. Ianto's shrine is still up in Cardiff, two years later!!! Take that, RTD!!

Finally, there's Sherlock. And since that will take up another two hours and ten pages, I think I'll save it for it's own entry. Just know I am completely Cumberbatched in every way it's possible to be, and I am seeing NT's Frankenstein next Thursday. My ovaries will probably explode.

And what are YOU watching?