August 6, 2011

I am sad that new Sherlock won't be out until 2012. I need it like breathing!! (Breathing? Breathing's boring.) Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy looks to be terrific though, and I also need Ben to win an Oscar, please. Also, when is he going to show up for that ice cream/blanket/couch thing, huh?

I am giving myself 3.5 weeks to get this Hoarders nightmare of a house fixed up. Between fiction, LP writing and the bar, though, it's slow going. Also, napping a lot. Must be depressed cos I'm not really doing all that much to wear myself out, or at least it doesn't feel like it. Having said that, no more four shifts in one week at the bar. Two is plenty for me for now. I wonder how long I have to keep getting EI. I will eventually run out of money and that's a bit worrisome. Oh well, fiddle dee dee as Scarlett would say. Not much help for it. I will get a job when it's time to get a job and that's what to concentrate on. Also, keeping up my excellent work for the paper in the hopes that they keep the work coming :)

Brunch at the casino tomorrow. Hope the service is less shitty. But what the fuck--we've got coupons so it's only ten bucks, which is awesome. And the food was really excellent last time, IMO. So that's the plan. Then I need to see if Thane will take me to Walmart as I need--NEED--to get flashdrives and maybe an external hard drive and a new cd case--too many dvds w/out cases.  Then I need to get all that stuff out to Joelle, hopefully on Monday. She's been such a great friend as of late, I want to do something really nice for her!

Torchwood continues to disappoint and I really wish Russell Davies would just give it all up as a bad job and go back to writing little queer shows for BBC and get over himself. I don't know if even John Barrowman and John Shiban can save this trainwreck. Also, Jane--fuck you, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Have you ever even watched Torchwood before this? Oh, Ianto, we need you now, more than ever. Also, America is mostly stupid. Seriously seriously stupid. I despair for the friends I have there somedays, I really do.