oops, I'm a week late. Oh well, quality is worth waiting for, right? ha ha  The show at the Owl was good. Lots of blood and songs I didn't know but that's okay. Avaughna did "In My Dreams", a song I've always loved. Trixie was brilliant and is going to be Entertainer of the Year, which is fantastic. Anne probably got the best crowd response with a Lady Ga Ga song, which was surprising. I'm glad I didn't perform as the crowd was lame for the most part. But we got a few butts in the seats which is good for the bursary. Dunno why Iguana was all over Andy, as I thought he was doing just fine, but I guess she's only happy when she's bitching someone out. Whatever. Also, Jenny's zombie makeup was awesome! Nice gash, Mitchell *LOL

I have a couple of articles for the paper to finish today as well as Mitchell's bio for Andrea's book. The bios turned out awesome if I do say so myself :) Also, got a John/Sherlock thing stuck in my head on Friday and it's still there so even though Steve and Danny are begging for attention, I think I have to direct myself to John's restless leg syndrome for a bit.

OMFG--Whitney's knocked up!!!! God I hope it goes well!!!! I suspect the cats may have had something to do with it as they don't want to share their space with any more moggies!! Whatever. I want to buy all the awful onesies I keep seeing online for Walter already!! (Worst aunt ever *L*)

I need to catch up on my online friends in a big way so if I go now to say I'm going to do that, well, I'm probably lying, but really, not much else to say this week. Still no new Sherlock :(  But H50 is back in business and in just four more episodes, SLEEPOVER!!!!!!! And is it wrong that I'm more excited about that than I am about Whitney's bump? *L*

Okay, outta here, see you at brunch!!