How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two--one to do it and one to suck my dick! Now hear this ladies--you are not misrepresented in media because you're women. You are not paid less for that job cos you have boobs. You are not being treated badly because some dude thought you were hot and whistled at you. Being a broad doesn't automatically make you less obnoxious--hell in my experience it makes you worse! And if your writing sucks, then you don't get to write for an awesome show like Doctor Who. You get to write Fifty shades of "I didn't get laid in high school, clearly". If the best you can offer is dented magicians and sparkly gay vampires, then don't act all "ooh, you're picking on me cos I'm a woman" when someone calls you on your crap! Don't like dudes? don't hang out with 'em. Don't like what's on TV? don't watch it. Better yet, create your own show. Hell, Oprah created a whole network--but how could that be? What with your insistence that the man won't let women get on with their lives and all. Oh wait, that's right, you're just a stupid douche canoe who is looking for some way to justify how badly you suck.

Get over it & C U Next Tuesday!

But of course... the end of the day, Ben Cumberbatch is out there somewhere making the world a more beautiful place to be.....