the rants that fit. Every time I think of
something I'd like to say in a public forum, it will wind up here. I
may have to go back to blanking out names like I used to *L*
Not if it's about celebrities, though. First up, Elementary, the show
that breaks my heart. The plots are not wholly unimaginitive, and
really, REALLY, Jonny Lee Miller knocks it outta the park every damned
week. I love him, and wish nothing but the best for him. But this never
should have tried to be Sherlock Holmes. It's as Sherlock as I
am--seriously. If they called him Bob the Junkie, this would be one of
the better shows on network TV. It could never be truly great, though,
no matter what they called him, or how great Jonny's doing, or even for
how dashing Aidan Quinn still is. Why? cos Lucy Liu is a stunned c**t.
God, if that Laurie chick that got fired from H50 wasn't still on TV
somewhere, LL would be the worst actress on TV. I'm being kind in
saying I assume it's her bad acting that makes her as expressionless as
a mannequin and not her race, so there's that. But she's lame. She
brings nothing to the story (now granted, they've written a shitty
character for her, so that doesn't help, but you'd have to be BC to
bring life to the crap that is Joan Watson, and she is definitely
nowhere near that talented!), and mostly stands around looking like a
bored Oriental lamp. Also, they dress her like a homeless person.
There's nothing redeeming about her at all. Sadly, "Joan" is integral
to the show so we'll never be rid of her, but hopefully they can do a
Sherlock alone one-off, so Jonny can really shine.
And also, the whiny bitches who bemoaned the Men's Night? Yeah, suck
it, all of you--just cos you can't make it in today's society and
somehow come out second best more often than not, well, that's not cos
men are making the world a hard place for women--it's cos you're a
bitch and you reap what you sow.
But at the end of the day, Ben Cumberbatch is out there somewhere
making the world a more beautiful place to be.....