Epic description of the awesome UK 2013 visit....next week *L*. Sorry, but I want to get this posted today and it's not done yet. Suffice to say, the only 2 failings were it was too short and I didn't get to do Benedict Cumberbatch. Also, need to mention that the four feet of snow and minus a million temperatures here have convinced me I never should have left Cardiff. WTF, elements, WT ever-luvin' F? If I was in Cardiff, this would be a manageable rain--hell, I managed with a light rain jacket and not even an umbrella. And I could walk everywhere without having to blaze a trail like some damned Everest expedition every time I want a goddamned cigarette. No, seriously, what am I doing here?


...at the end of the day, Ben Cumberbatch is out there somewhere (in fucking Cardiff as a matter of fact!) making the world a more beautiful place to be.....