OMG one more day and I'm in fucking England. Shit, I'm so not ready for this!

In the meantime, Seth McFarlane said some stupid stuff and some funny stuff on the Oscars, and I got put in my place--I ranted to Jason about the evils of Twitter and how that site is full of haters, and stupid sheep, and how they can't take a joke. They were all woe is me over Seth's jokes, like they're some sort of combo Rosa Parks, Schindler, fat girl that can't get a prom date and it's all his fault. Thank God I'm a Tumblr girl, I told him. Tumblr is not stupid, it's full of rainbows and gay porn and smart people....
And then someone got on their high feminist horse about Seth McFarlane. On Tumblr.
So, just a heads up--no matter what social media you go on, assume you're the smartest guy in the room and that every potential post is going to be from a complete idiot. That way you are never ever disappointed. And very often happily surprised.

And remember... the end of the day, Ben Cumberbatch is out there somewhere making the world a more beautiful place to be.....