Tumblr is full of kids and idiots. If you really don't like Steven Moffat, don't watch his fucking shows. If you have that big an issue with Martin Freeman's wife, what the fuck are you doing following her on Twitter? I'l let you in on a little secret--Martin Freeman could give a shit if you are a fan. In fact, he's never even fucking heard of you. And if he ever did stumble over your insignificant ass, he'd probably punch you in the box for disrespecting his wife. (waves insignificantly "I love you, Amanda!") Also, just cos you don't understand all the big words doesn't make it wrong or stupid. It makes you wrong and stupid. 

Here's a story--I was super pissed at Steven Thompson for writing The Blind Banker so badly. Did I whine cos he's not a woman? No. Did I threaten him on his twitter account? Are you kidding me? Did I tell everyone on Tumblr that Sherlock sux now? Fuck no! I told friends OFF THE INTERNET how I felt and we discussed the things that we did ike about the episode. And then he redeemed himself with Reichenbach. So clearly my way is the right way and you haters and whiners are just stupid.

Oh, and while we're on the subject of stupid, check your fucking work! You reblog stuff like a bunch of fucking sheep, without a clue that the shit is made up (Twitter posts much?), someone else's stuff that's been stolen, or outright lies, and then you drool over how many notes your shit gets, when it's just more sheep. Get the facts str8 before you comment! And hey, tag your spoilers--you fuck it up for the folks who don't like that shit, y'know?

Got nothing nice to say? Go whine about your parents and homework some more, and get the hell off line. That goes for you too, Twitter and Facebook. OMG shut up with your bullshit. If it's important, spell it out clearly--nono of this mysterious post crap... cos know what? Nobody gives a shit for that. Hate your life? Fix it or ask for help or tell us why. Don't post 1/2 formed sentences and even if you have to because you have nothing better to do, for God's sake, spell check the fuckin' thing!

The internet is a tool, don't be one, too.

But of course...

...at the end of the day, Ben Cumberbatch is out there somewhere making the world a more beautiful place to be.....