by Wulfster, who says, "Hey...
felt like writing today. it probably sucks like all hell but oh well.

Empty room
inside my heart
a room with a door
and a lock minus a key

The room is neat
I've been cleaning it
it's taken months to erase
evidence of the previous tenant.

a short lease
he made his mark
he moved in quickly
and left with the same speed

scuffed floor
broken windows
dirt in every corner
boxes and baggage abound.

I despaired
for the room was new
the lock never opened
everything, fresh and clean

he claimed
he wanted the room
he signed a long term lease
and waited for me to accept it

I did
he moved in
thowing in everything
with reckless abandon

I grew
used to him
the new tenant
the room key was his

he kept
his own rules
once happy there
he searched anew

one day
I returned
to find a closed door
and a key dangling by the knob

Good Bye
the note said
I find the lease too much
keep the deposit, no forwarding address

I despaired
for the room was new
and now it was no longer
trust in the tenant was shattered

I sat
alone in the room
crying, hurt and aching
months before I could repair

damaged window
I eventually replaced
the floor I began to refinish
and the walls scrubbed and painted

I stopped
I couldn't do anymore
the boxes were still there
the baggage was now mine

Long hours
were spent searching
looking through the baggage
trying to make sense of the wreckage

Finding courage,
I started to throw it away
box after box, bag after bag
until very little was left inside the room.

Smelling taint
cleaning must get finished
the room cannot stay locked
the remnants must be disposed

Moving on
finding myself
searching for answers
I am better than I once was

Moved on
better than that
the woes of a broken heart
faintly echo in the room still

Missing you
just ever so slightly
almost gone as time goes on
the room is almost ready again

Taken boarders
no long term lease
trust is an unusual thing
and hard to recover easily

I hope
I wish for it again
I hope for a new tenant
I wish for the room to be filled

With joy
With hope
With commitment
and always with trust

It is
so wonderful
to fill the room
with total abandon.