Everybody -[Backstreet's Back]

Andrea lynnyn@hotmail.com says: It's far from my best, but it's still fun in it's perverse little way. :) (Better than the Backstreet Boys, but I'll admit, they've got the moves:) )

(Everybody -[Backstreet's Back])
Everybody . . .

Everybody - - - Probes your body
Everybody, probes your ass tonight
Probes your ass, that's right!

Oh my God not this again
Sister was kid-napped again
Gonna show my badge, now tell me how
Got a virus I will give ya now

Am I so virginal? (N-aaaaah)
Am I your one bot-tom? (Yeaaaaah)
Am I bisexual? (N-aaah)
Tell me who are these lil' green things who're gonna probe my body now


Now throw your legs up in the air
Scream like a girl and please don't stare
If you're gettin' sore, lemme hear ya yell (Aiiiieeeeeee!)
Cos I'm not ready for this again

Thinkin' at the urinal (Yeaaaaah)
Could I be Morley Man's son? (Yeaaaaaah)
But ain't he Asexual? (N-ahhhhh)
I have so many questions someone answer them right now


Hey, ow, ow, ow.....

So little martians everywhere
Gettin' used to it, I have no fear
Sam(antha) is gone, but now I understand
As long as I am Mulder you will probe my ass again.
