An Ode To _____ _______!
 As I lay my head to sleep last night
 I thought of my "Child of Moon"
 And how, though, she lives so  far away
 We will be together soon!
 My body burns with Passion
 My heart full of Desire
 My soul is set to take her in
 And soothe this burning fire!
 The Magic she possesses
 The wand that she doth wield
 A blanket of Sparks & Feathers
 That shall melt away my shield!
 Defenseless as I may be
 My soul bared to the core,
 The thought of her Sweet kisses
 Makes me only yearn once more!
 I woke with thoughts of Cosmos
 And how funny this life seems
 After all the hurt & heartache
 To be filled with loving Dreams!
 So, my fairest Maiden
 As you can plainly see,
 I'm a little fucking Mooshy
 Come haste! And be with me!