NAME: Himself

              Hi, I'm a fish (in case you didn't realise).

        About me: I was born on February 3rd 1998 and live in
        a bowl. My bowl sits on a set of pine drawers
        overlooking someone's garden. I've lived here all my
        life although I do remember being in a pet shop for a
        while and having a long journey on the back seat of a

        Likes: Other male fish especially goldfish (of course)
        and salmon (they're sooo cute), sorry girls but I'm gay.
        That's just the way I am. You're gonna have to deal
        with it. Not to say that I don't like girls, one of my best
        friends is a girl, but it's the way I am. And I'm very
        happy being me. My favorite band have to be
        Aerosmith, they rock! My favorite colors are blue
        (deep ocean blue) and orange, sort of describes me in
        my bowl *smile* My favorite food is cookies, just
        crunched up and sprinkled on the water, yum! My
        favorite film has to be The Blue Lagoon, although Free
        Willy was Ok.

        Dislikes: Hooks. Worms are ok but hooks and worms
        don't mix. I'm not too keen on backwards facing
        baseball-caps either. I'm a vegetarian too, it's more of a
        taste-thing than anything else meat tastes weird. Least
        favorite film is Jaws, like that would happen!?

        3 wishes: I wish I had a castle in my bowl, I wish I
        could remember jokes and I wish I could remember
        people's birthdays.


           "There are plenty more humans on the planet."