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Just For You, Mick!!
Title:  Just For You, Mick!!
Author: Amazon X
Fandom: X-Files
Date August 20, 2005
Pairing: M/Sk
Spoilers: none
Rating: for grownups
Beta: none
Disclaimer: XF characters owned by CC, Mick and Jax owned by themselves
Feedback: yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com
Archive:  Please ask first, thanks
Summary:  Happy Birthday, Mick, and may the gods bless every step you take and every word your write.


Walter slipped out of the bed and slapped Mulder on the ass.  "Get out of bed, lazy.  You've wiled me enough with your charms.  We're going and that's that."

"Walter, honestly, do we have to go?"  Mulder's perfected whine and pout were in full gear.

"Mulder, Mick is one of my best friends.  I love that man like a
brother.  You know how long he's been ill.  How many trips have I made out to visit?  Alone, I might add.  I never asked you come when he was hospitalized, since I know how you feel about them. But this is his party, celebrating surviving.  I can't miss it.  I won't.  And he wants to meet you."

"I know, and it's not him or that he was ill.  I just...there'll be
so many people there wanting to meet 'the man who saved the world' and I'm just over it.  Why can't everyone else get over it?"

"Well, that's the price you gotta pay for greatness isn't it?" 
Walter's warm smile shown down on Mulder like the morning sunshine. "Now, get that fine, tight ass out of my bed, shower it and dress it.  The plane leaves in three hours.  Your bags are packed.  Let's move!"

"What's he like?" Mulder asked, watching Walter walk into the

"He's amazing."

"And how do you know?"

"Mulder!  Get your ass in here and move!  You'll find out about Mick and Jaxon on your own, damnit!"

"Jaxon?" Mulder asked, sitting up.

"His partner.  I told you...oh, Mulder, you asshole!  You thought Mick and I...all those visits?  That the illness was a cover-up for an affair and I was introducing you to my new lover, right?"

"Well...I...but...fuck it, yes.  That's exactly what I thought."

Walter took Mulder into his arms and kissed him gently.  "I could never love anyone the way I love you, Mulder.  I want you to be part of my life, the way no one ever could.  I want you to meet my friends and my family, go see the farm where I grew up, all of it. I know so much about you and you know nothing about me.  OK?"

"Yeah, I'd like that.  Let's go!"


Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2005 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.