My world, welcome to it!

From the main page: I'd like to say that old age and treachery will outweigh youth and beauty every time, but it just ain't true. Don't believe me, then check out the fabulousness of Gen-Q! Regina's GLBT youth group is one of the most fantastic and dedicated organizations I've seen in a long time, and I just adore their enthusiasm! Tonight celebrates their first year of "title holding" with the stepdown of Miss Gen Q I, Morticia Scarlet. I'm horrible with names, so will update this more after the show, when I've had a chance to take some notes *LOL In the meantime, a quick shout out to a few folks, with more to come, and congrats to the next generation!!!

If you are going to or were at the Mr and Miss Gen Q pageant and found my site because of the program ad, then you must be psychic as there was a miscommunication there somewhere. Suffice to say, word will get out and if you're here, then there may be a message here for you.Or if you just hang out at the home of the goddess and stumbled across this page by accident, that's cool too!

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or was it don't put it in your mouth if you don't know where it's been? Whatever....But relax--if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does.(I kid. I kid because I kid...)

GEN-Q: You guys and girls are amazing!  Stay happy and believe in yourselves, and you're going to keep the gay community in Regina going forever!
Morticia Scarlett, aka Korinne, our first Miss Gen Q: your shows were amazing, and so are you! Always be proud of your accomplishments, but don't ever be afraid to ask for help! And I cannot wait til you're 19 and kicking big girl ass! The dress and crown are fantastic and I know you are going to do amazing things throughout your life!
Leeland, Jeremy, Monique/Tripp: the responsible ones?! Monique/Tripp: Believe in yourself; the rest comes naturally. You're so beautiful, boy or girl, and work so hard, I just know amazing things are in store for you! Jeremy, we miss you so much, you big retarded puppy--come back and play again soon! Leeland, despite the wardrobe and occasional lapses into anime, I still love you, almost as much as cheese and monkeys. Keep your ebola to yourself, and welcome to the family. Thank you for all the amazing help--you're right, we do look out for one another.
Cheyenne: Miss Anne Thropy--great name. Holy crap, how do you fit all that talent into such a pretty little package--thank you for all your help and enthusiasm--you should consider a big crown someday!
Heather (Yuvi Rain): Congratulations! Just getting to know you now, and sure glad to! You give lesbians a good name *L* Seriously, welcome to title holding 101, and if there's anything I can do for you, just let me know.
Justine: Congratulations! Boy or girl, you are totally cool, and I'm looking forward to working with you! ps I love your big guitar!
Jeff, aka Kraven Yurluv:  Child, you make me think things...You were our first phone line boy and wow! Thank you for your dedication, to GenQ, PtCS and anything you put your mind to. You amaze me, and make me feel dirty at the same time. 'nuff said!
Dakota: welcome to the phone lines!
Elypsis: In the words of Bill Murray, you nimble little minx! Keep dancing!
Alura Mann: Bring it on, we need more queens who know how to work a theme and know all their words!
Derek aka Jenny Talia: So much talent! You need to make me an outfit! Please know you can ask me anything, and I'm so looking forward to your continued involvement--you bring so much to the table, it's hard to know where to start! Thank you.

Kricket/Thane, you are kind and beautiful and you balance that crown like nobody's business. Remember, we'll all help! And if you want your Emperor to do anything, I'll make him! *L*You are amazingly talented, creative and strong, and you don't need to be anyone but yourself, for anyone but yourself, to show it. I love you, your crackers, your cheap shots at Storm, your waistline (eat something, bitch! *L*), your enthusiasm, your generosity and everything else.
Mitchell,  you work as hard for Gen Q as you do the Court and every other task you put your mind to. Thank you so much for reminding me of all the good things this community can be. God bless. ps click click click clarky click click chicken!
Brian M: my outdoor grillsman and favorite lighter thief! We'll be bad guys together, and they'll never know what hit them. You are a classy performer all round, and I hope you know you can ask me for anything--oh, except dates and money, since I don't seem to have either of those *L*
Roxy, you are always flawless.
Princess, I get it. I don't agree with it, I'm upset about it, I might even be a bit befuddled by it all, but in the end, you are my friend and I have to support your decision. If it works, great, if it doesn't I'll be here to help pick up the pieces. Thank you for being a part of Cascade with me for a while, and know that in the upper house I wouldn't have anyone else by my side. God bless.

Jason, Whitney, it's like having kids, but with dvds and lemon squares. Thank you so much for all your hard work, and playing in the gay sandbox with me as often as you do. And also, zombies.
Thomas, the kids love you, and Morticia's hair was amazing. Can't wait for my perm! I'm so glad there's someone like you in the community to give these kids a sense of where they come from. Thank you. Now go make the bunny cry in that good way for me!

Jax, Br'er Bear, I will always love you and someday I hope I can get one of those bug higs in person!
Mick, I thank God every day for blessing me with such a friend in my life. I pray for you to always be well and happy. You are very much in my heart right now!

PTCS-the hardest working men and women in show business! Uh, gay business... Kim, Scott, Monique, Korinne, Pat and  Dorian , the work you do is outstanding, and our community is richer for it. You guys are the best, and I hope the community figures that out!
GBLUR-Hope you all get it together; as one of the first GLBT groups in Regina to get real funding, we need you all to be frontrunners in the fight for equality now!
RSAR- such a vital part of our community. I hope each and every person who has ever worked with, backed up or even just played with this group knows how important it is, and how much hard work goes into it. Believe me, every little bit helps, and is appreciated! Bruce, Daniel, Joanne, in many ways you have been the backbone of this organization, coming on board only a few years after Bernie, Sean and I started it, and I hope that you will be mentors as the new members  take their turn to shine as "lifers" too.
GLCR-This community is so rare and beautiful, no matter how we might feel after ten beers on a dead Friday night *L* You always come around to taking care of your own, and that kind of dedication is priceless. Thank you, and let's keep working together. Corey, you're something else! Let's keep those coups bloodless! *L*. Devon, welcome to the insanity! To all the volunteers, keep up the good work, the GLCR would not exist without you!

KUDOS: anyone who found their way to Sunday brunch or TV night. Thanks, you make me feel special; anyone I served at the club who didn't treat me like the help; I may not know your names, but I know what you drink. This does not include anyone who couldn't say please, or anyone who called me a name, or anyone who thought they were better than me; List sibs, LJ friends and online fans, you are my support system and I couldn't do any of it without you; any Cingular customers who actually have read their own bill, read their instruction manual, or NOT purchased a phone for their kid--you can't be for real!; all out of town guests who make Regina more beautiful by virtue of their presence and home town folks who do the same; God Bless you....

There's more and more after that, but remember, if you don't see your name here, buy me a drink and get a mention. Oh, and
Blair Sandburg tops....from the bottom!

 Copyright 2000-07 Michele. All rights reserved. I went to law school.