(by Electra Storm)

My name is Electra and I am a drag queen.
That doesn't mean I want "the operation".
I don't want to seduce or trick straight men.
I like BIG shoes and BIGGER hair.
I enjoy putting on a show-not making a mockery of anyone.
Just because I wear a dress, doesn't mean I'm a bottom.
I am not afraid of my masculine side, and I celebrate my feminine side.
I like being a man, and usually I am.
Drag kings are womyn who dress up as men.
Our drag children are our apprentices.
In drag, refer to me as "she"
Out of drag, refer to me as "he"
It's Electra with a "c" not a "k"!
It's Ms, not Miss!
And remember: a Storm is something to be reckoned with!

My name is Electra, and I am a DRAG QUEEN!