Inspired by Suck
When John awoke (stunned at his luck)
To see Sherlock give him a sleep-suck
John got in the groove
He chose not to move
And then came with a reverent "Fuck!"

Inspired by the Feeding Sherlock series, and drunk lisping:
John feeds his love mouth-to-mouth
And nourishes him north and south
From his head to his heart
(and a once-ignored part)
(and when drunk, they like to play 'houthe').

There once was a writer named Wendy
Who wrote about high heels and mehndi
Her Sherlock and John
Fall in love, get it on
And then prove impressively bendy.

And haikus for her lovely little tush:

Sun-gold, moonlight
Colours of 221b -
John and his Sherlock

"For a case!" he says;
Sets fire to his genitals.
Idiot genius.