(poking gentle fun at the world I live in, after having read twelve non-con stories in a row. Thanks and apologies to the Barenaked Ladies--when I get up the nerve, I'm gonna try One Week, guys! This one goes out to Shane, who I will not grow a moustache for, despite the great help he's been with keeping me on the reality-o-meter...)

Fox met Walt after the fall of Tooms
And I say Walt did him in the copy room
Walt was strong, Fox was tight
Now did I get the ending right?

(ooh ooh ooh) It's all wrote down
(ooh ooh ooh) It's all wrote down
(ooh ooh ooh) It's all wrote down on line

Walt helped Fox when Scully nearly died
We all wrote hurt/comfort just cuz Mulder cried
Fox as bottom, Walter top
The slash just never stops

(ooh ooh ooh) It's all PG
(ooh ooh ooh) It's all PG
(ooh ooh ooh) It's all PG-13

And as Fox puts his fingers there, and Walter plays with 'silky' hair
And all the bad guys sit and wait
We just groan, "Another rape?"

(ooh ooh ooh) It's all the same
(ooh ooh ooh) It's all the same
(ooh ooh ooh) It's all the same ol' angst

Alone and bored on a lonely Sunday night
I came across my first fanfic site
Did I cry? Did I rage?
Nope, just made my own page!

(ooh ooh ooh) It's all gay sex
(ooh ooh ooh) It's big gay sex
(ooh ooh ooh) It's hot gay sex on line

(ooh ooh ooh) It's internet
(ooh ooh ooh) It's internet
(ooh ooh ooh) It's internet


 It's X-files slash
(ooh ooh ooh) It's X-Files slash
(ooh ooh ooh) It's X-Files slash on line