This is the bit of FK writing that I think I'm proudest of.
I got a wild hair one day and decided to try my hand
at a sonnet, never having written one before.  Armed
with my Riverside Complete Works to make sure I
got the sonnet form right, I started typing, and this just
came out.  It scans and everything. LOL

Sonnet for Nicholas
By Laurie of the Isles
November 16, 1998

I conquered legions made of such as you,
The savage hosts of Gaul that fed my lust,
Their armies fierce with bodies painted blue.
You were not born when they had turned to dust.
A thousand years, nay more, had set my heart,
Inured me to the shafts of Cupid's bow.
I thought myself content with Raven's art,
Too cruel that one night should change me so.
I watched her lure you, shaken by your light,
My body sang with hers to know your flesh.
I whispered to you, made you of the night,
My heart with yours did darkness' bond enmesh.
 Perverse the hand of fate that with a wave,
 Subdued my stony pride.  "I am your slave."